What signal does Macron’s visit to Germany send? Second glance | “The first time for a French president in nearly a quarter of a century”

Release time:May 28, 2024 09:20 AM

"The French president paid a state visit to Germany for the first time in nearly a quarter of a century." Macron's belated trip to Germany attracted media attention. As close neighbors, Germany and France actually have frequent visible interactions between their leaders, but the fact that this state visit was separated by 24 years is a bit surprising at first glance. According to German media reports, the last French president to pay a state visit to Germany was Chirac in 2000.

Although the German media also emphasized that "there are no political reasons behind this visit," the long interval between state visits makes people wonder what has happened to the relationship between the two countries in recent years. Peng Xiao, an assistant researcher at the Institute of International Studies of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, said that German-French relations were not always smooth sailing during the Merkel period, and there were conflicts in various aspects such as fiscal policy, immigration issues, and new crown relief funds. However, in the end, a solution recognized by both parties can often be found. The historical experience of the so-called "German-French axis" is based on compromise and understanding. During Merkel's last term, Germany-France relations laid a good foundation. After Germany's "traffic light government" came to power, two important issues restricted Germany-France relations. First, there are differences in strategic thinking between the two countries. France has always taken a long-term view, and in Germany, even the Merkel government pays more attention to current practical issues. Multiple crises have broken out in Europe, making it more difficult for Germany to establish a long-term vision, and the intersection of common interests is getting smaller and smaller. Second, there is a clear lack of pro-French cabinet members like Schaeuble or Altmaier within the "traffic light government". In his speech after Schaeuble's death at the beginning of the year, Macron expressed his ideals of rebuilding a future with Germany very movingly. At the same time, Scholz and Macron lacked very personal communication.

According to reports, Macron’s visit to Germany has been brewing for a long time. Although it finally took place with a high profile, the differences between the two countries in various aspects will not be wiped away. From economic policies to European prospects, from EU armaments to the Ukraine crisis, the numerous conflicts between these two European powers have long been on the table. Peng Xiao said that in October 2022, the German-French ministerial meeting originally scheduled to be held by the two countries was postponed due to irreconcilable conflicts. The summit between the two countries in January 2023 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty did not reach the expected new consensus. Macron's state visit originally scheduled for July 2023 has been postponed until now. Macron’s state visit has been full of twists and turns, reflecting the deepening conflicts between Germany and France after the “traffic light government” came to power. On the surface, the conflicts between Germany and France are about specific issues such as national electricity price subsidies, energy, arms procurement, and Ukraine. In fact, they are still conflicts about the EU's positioning and route. Whether it is the fundamental reform of the EU promoted by Macron or Scholz's speech at Charles University, the two men handle European affairs alone, especially in the context of Sino-US competition. Government consultations between Germany and France are an important tool for political understanding between the two countries.

According to reports, the most important part of Macron’s visit to Germany is the Franco-German bilateral cabinet meeting on the 28th, and one of the important topics is the specific plan to strengthen European air defense. This is in line with Macron’s push for greater European autonomy and non-dependence. The United States maintains a common defense policy.

Even though the two countries have many differences of opinion and often do not agree with each other, Macron's trip to Germany has continued to send out signals of unity, trying to ease conflicts and work together to deal with the so-called "European existential crisis." From him to the "base camp of the German right wing" ” This can be seen in Dresden’s message to young people. Peng Xiao said that there are actually many occasions for leaders of Germany and France to meet. This time it was upgraded to a state visit to Germany, which is obviously more symbolic. From an internal perspective, Macron's government currently does not hold a majority in the French parliament, while Germany has an unprecedented three-party coalition government. The two countries are constantly troubled by domestic problems, and it is very difficult to introduce relevant policies. From the outside, the United States is about to hold an election, and the uncertainty in transatlantic relations is increasing day by day. The European Parliament elections are approaching, and ultra-nationalist forces are on the rise. Eastern Europe is leaning towards the United States. France's strategic autonomy cannot be responded to by new EU member states, and both countries are afraid of losing influence. The possibility of this state visit shows that Germany is willing to work with Macron on the prospects of Europe to a certain extent. The French president's state visit to Germany 24 years ago was during the time when Chirac and Schröder were in power. This visit can be said to be a reenactment of the mainstream European political tradition. Whether it can achieve results still needs time to test.

What signal does Macron’s visit to Germany send? Second glance | “The first time for a French president in nearly a quarter of a century”
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