There are positive changes in many fields. China's economy is making steady progress and has strong vitality.

Release time:May 29, 2024 05:07 AM

News: Recently, a number of economic data have been released. The data shows that: the transportation economy maintains a good momentum, the intellectual property protection system is increasingly improved, a large area of ​​​​the country's summer grain wheat is harvested, and the rural road mileage has increased by 18.5% in ten years... There are positive changes in many fields. , China's economy is making steady progress and has strong vitality.

my country's transportation economy maintained a good momentum from January to April

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport that in the first four months of 2024, the transportation economy was operating well, with freight volume, port cargo throughput, and personnel movement maintaining steady growth.

There are positive changes in many fields. China's economy is making steady progress and has strong vitality.

The latest data shows that from January to April, my country's operational freight volume reached 17.27 billion tons, a year-on-year increase of 4.5%. The national ports completed cargo throughput of 5.55 billion tons, a year-on-year increase of 5.2%, of which domestic and foreign trade throughput increased by 3.5% and 9.1% respectively. Container throughput reached 104.03 million TEUs, a year-on-year increase of 9%.

In terms of cross-regional personnel movements, in the first four months, there were 21.90 billion cross-regional personnel movements across the country, a year-on-year increase of 8.5%.

From January to April, national transportation fixed asset investment reached 1,001.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 3.3%. Among them, water transportation investment was 61.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.6%.

There are positive changes in many fields. China's economy is making steady progress and has strong vitality.

"Construction drawings" for the construction of intellectual property protection system released

The State Intellectual Property Office held a press conference on May 28, focusing on the implementation plan of the Intellectual Property Protection System Construction Project. The "Plan" clarifies that by 2035, the modernization of the intellectual property protection system and protection capabilities will be basically realized, and the government will perform its duties, strict supervision by law enforcement agencies, impartial administration of justice by judicial organs, standardized management of business entities, self-discipline and autonomy of industry organizations, and the public's integrity and law-abiding A modern intellectual property protection and governance system.

Recently, the State Intellectual Property Office, together with eight departments including the Central Propaganda Department, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the State Administration for Market Regulation, jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of an Intellectual Property Protection System" to jointly strengthen the construction of the intellectual property protection system.

There are positive changes in many fields. China's economy is making steady progress and has strong vitality.

Guo Wen, spokesperson of the State Intellectual Property Office, introduced that the "Plan" is a "construction drawing" to promote the construction of the intellectual property protection system in the new era. It mainly starts from the entire chain, entire process, and all elements of intellectual property protection to systematically solve the intellectual property protection system. The question of “who will build it” and “how to build it”.

According to the State Intellectual Property Office, the "Plan" clarifies "seven aspects of construction tasks", mainly including intellectual property protection policies and standards, law enforcement and judicial aspects, authorization and confirmation of rights, protection management, social co-governance, and intellectual property fields. In terms of national security governance system construction and intellectual property protection capability support.

The "Plan" also clarifies "two phased goals." First, by 2027, solid steps will be taken in modernizing the intellectual property protection system and protection capabilities. The intellectual property protection network covering the national, provincial, municipal and county levels has become more complete, the foundation of intellectual property protection has been further consolidated, and a "big protection" work pattern has been fully formed.

There are positive changes in many fields. China's economy is making steady progress and has strong vitality.

Guo Wen introduced that the second one refers to the basic realization of the modernization of the intellectual property protection system and protection capabilities by 2035. The first phased goal is mainly to determine the main direction of attack in the near future based on the current key and difficult issues in intellectual property protection. The second phased goal is mainly to set out the long-term work outlook based on the specific tasks of building an intellectual property power in 2035.

Data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs show that the current national wheat harvest progress has reached nearly 20%, and the daily harvest area has exceeded 4 million acres for four consecutive days, marking the large-scale harvesting of summer grain wheat in my country.

During this year's "Three Summers", the country is expected to invest more than 16.5 million units of various agricultural machinery. At present, the wheat harvest in southwest China and Hubei is coming to an end, and the harvest hotspots are gradually turning to Anhui, Henan, and Jiangsu located in the Huanghuaihai wheat region.

There are positive changes in many fields. China's economy is making steady progress and has strong vitality.

The mileage of rural roads in my country increased by 18.5% in ten years

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport on May 28 that my country’s rural roads have made historic achievements in the past ten years. A total of 4.2 trillion yuan has been invested in construction, and approximately 2.5 million kilometers of rural roads have been newly rebuilt across the country. As of the end of 2023, the total mileage of rural roads has increased from 3.8816 million kilometers at the end of 2014 to 4.6 million kilometers, an increase of 18.5%.

Since 2019, my country’s 50 million agricultural migrant population has settled in cities

There are positive changes in many fields. China's economy is making steady progress and has strong vitality.

The Ministry of Public Security released data on the 27th. Since 2019, 50 million agricultural migrants have settled in cities in my country. By the end of 2023, the urbanization rate of the national registered population will reach 48.3%. At present, except for a few very large cities in the eastern region and a few provincial capital cities in the central and western regions, restrictions on settlement have been fully relaxed.

The world's leading 175,000 cubic meter LNG carrier has been launched

On May 27, the LNG liquefied natural gas carrier developed and built by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation Dalian Shipbuilding was launched. The carrier has a total length of 295 meters and a total cargo hold capacity of 175,000 cubic meters. It can dock at most large LNG shore stations around the world. Next, the transport ship will gradually complete the underwater mooring debugging and cargo hold containment system construction, and is expected to be delivered in mid-August 2025.

There are positive changes in many fields. China's economy is making steady progress and has strong vitality.

The sixth C919 aircraft was officially delivered to China Eastern Airlines

COMAC’s sixth C919 aircraft was officially delivered to China Eastern Airlines yesterday. This is also the first aircraft of the 100 additional C919 aircraft ordered by China Eastern Airlines. The passenger aircraft has been optimized and upgraded in terms of cockpit system display and cabin entertainment system. It is expected that by the end of this year, China Eastern Airlines’ C919 fleet will reach 10, flying more new routes.

The 90,000th China-Europe train X8157 leaves the country

There are positive changes in many fields. China's economy is making steady progress and has strong vitality.

On the morning of May 28, the 90,000th China-Europe train X8157 left the Xinjiang Horgos Railway Port Station and is expected to arrive at the terminal in Malaszewicz, Poland, 12 days later.

On May 25, X8157 departed from Xi'an International Port Station, passed through Lanzhou, Gansu, and Urumqi, Xinjiang, and arrived at Horgos Station. After replacing the diesel locomotive at Horgos Station, it will go to Kazakhstan's Atenkoli Station for replacement.

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