[CCTV Quick Review] Promote high-quality and full employment

Release time:May 29, 2024 05:23 AM

"Promoting high-quality and full employment is the new positioning and new mission of employment work in the new era and new journey." The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held the 14th collective study on the afternoon of May 27 on promoting high-quality and full employment. General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the study and delivered an important speech. In his speech, the General Secretary profoundly summarized the valuable experience gained in employment work in the new era, made scientific judgments on the current employment situation, and clearly proposed the strategic direction, main principles and focus for further improving employment work in the new era and new journey, providing a basis for all parties It provides fundamental guidance to further jointly focus on employment, the largest people's livelihood project, people's support project, and basic project.

Employment is the most basic livelihood, related to the vital interests of the people, the healthy development of the economy and society, and the long-term stability of the country. Analyzing the current situation, on the one hand, my country's total employment pressure and structural contradictions coexist; on the other hand, the in-depth development of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation has also brought new opportunities to the job market. All parties must assess the situation, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, continuously deepen their understanding of the laws of employment in the new era, summarize, enrich and develop valuable experience in the past, strengthen employment priority policies, improve employment promotion mechanisms, and promote the continuous improvement of the employment situation.

[CCTV Quick Review] Promote high-quality and full employment

Development is the fundamental measure to deal with the employment problem. At present and in the future, we must improve the employment driving force of development by improving quality, developing new productive forces in accordance with local conditions, transforming and upgrading traditional industries, cultivating and strengthening emerging industries, laying out and building future industries, improving the modern industrial system, and striving to create more high-quality jobs. jobs; and expansion, which includes supporting the development of industries and enterprises with strong employability, vigorously developing new business formats and new models, actively exploring and cultivating new occupational sequences, and strengthening the impact of major policies, major projects, and major productivity layout on employment. Assessment, etc., to continue to promote the effective improvement of employment quality and reasonable growth of quantity.

To promote high-quality and full employment, we must start from the demand side as well as the supply side, and open up a new world of employment with new concepts of career selection. At present, technological progress has already triggered profound changes in labor market demand and reshaped the new pattern of employment demand. In particular, the replacement of labor by rapidly developing artificial intelligence technology has shown a trend of extending from low-end labor to mid-to-high-end labor. We must be aware of the subtleties, conduct relevant research and judgment in a timely manner, dynamically adjust the structure and layout of higher education majors and resources, accelerate the creation of modern human resources with excellent quality, sufficient total, optimized structure and reasonable distribution, and solve the structural mismatch between supply and demand of human resources. The employment conflict should be solved by solving the problem of "some people have no work to do" by solving the problem of "some people have no work to do".

[CCTV Quick Review] Promote high-quality and full employment

Promoting high-quality and full employment is a systematic project that requires the whole society to work together, make coordinated efforts, and make breakthroughs in key areas. From a macro perspective, we must deepen the reform of the employment system and mechanism, improve the employment public service system, improve the employment public service system, and strive to create a fair employment environment; in specific practice, we must improve the employment support policy for key groups and insist on treating the employment of young groups such as college graduates as a The top priority is to do everything possible to expand employment channels for the majority of young people. In recent years, China Central Radio and Television, in conjunction with relevant departments, has launched five consecutive seasons of "National Recruitment Action" to resonate with job seekers and accurately solve employment problems, becoming an important channel for college graduates to apply for jobs. In the five seasons of the “National Recruitment Operation”, nearly 50,000 companies have been recruited, more than 40 million resumes have been received, and more than 5 million positions have been provided.

Employment is connected to market entities and the overall economic situation, and to households and people's livelihood. All regions and departments must deeply understand the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, adhere to the people-centered development idea, always regard employment as the top priority of people’s livelihood, and work with all sectors of society to go all out and work hard for a long time to continuously promote high quality Full employment can effectively enhance the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the majority of workers, and provide strong support for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation through Chinese-style modernization.

[CCTV Quick Review] Promote high-quality and full employment
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