In 2024, Shanghai launched a series of activities with the theme of national defense education to jointly build the Great Wall of China

Release time:May 27, 2024 15:28 PM

On May 27, 75 years ago, Shanghai was liberated. In order to continue to inherit the red blood, enhance the national defense awareness of the people, and strengthen the ambition to serve the motherland, this afternoon, the "Building the Great Wall of the Country" 2024 Shanghai National Defense Education themed series of activities was launched at Shanghai Normal University to promote the "Glorious City" 2024 Shanghai The red culture season is carried out in depth across the city.

At the launching ceremony, the "Shanghai University Student National Defense Education and Research Center" cooperation alliance awarded licenses to four new members including Shanghai Normal University, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology, and Shanghai Sanda College. In the future, the alliance will continue to uphold the purpose of "cooperation, win-win, innovation, and development" and provide think tank support for college students' national defense education research. Six schools, including Jinshan District No. 2 Experimental Primary School, Jiading District Zijing Primary School, private Xinhua Junior High School, Yuannan Middle School, Jinyuan Senior High School, and Materials Engineering School, represented 51 primary and secondary schools in the city to receive the "2023 National Defense Education Demonstration School" award. Card. So far, the total number of national defense education demonstration schools in our city has reached 100.

The 2024 series of activities with the theme of "Supporting the Army, Preferring Belongers and Strengthening the Great Wall" were released on site. From May to October this year, the Shanghai Supporting the Army and Preferential Treatment Program will organize the “Serving the National Defense, Strengthening and Prospering the Army” Supporting the Army, “Respecting and Caring for, Helping and Resolving Difficulties” categories of special care and preferential treatment, and “Patriotic Supporting the Army, Gathering Strength” There are more than 100 practical projects in five major categories including social mobilization.

The event focused on the fruitful results of Shanghai’s navy and military base’s joint efforts to carry out national defense education in recent years. For example, Zhu Jiayi, a key militiaman in Songjiang District, described Songjiang District’s experience and practices in carrying out national defense education based on his own experience. In the form of situational interviews, two teachers at Yuannan Middle School introduced the school’s practice of leveraging the advantages of retired military teachers to carry out national defense education for students. The keynote speech by Lu Honglin of the Eighth Design Department of the Shanghai Space Administration demonstrated the perseverance and determination of Shanghai astronauts to overcome all difficulties in the process of national defense science and technology construction.

A civil defense science popularization booth was also set up at the entrance of the event site. The Municipal National Mobilization Office exhibited various national defense mobilization equipment such as anti-drone devices, life detectors, demolition tools, and nuclide detectors, attracting college students to stop and watch and experience it.

It is reported that the "Together Build the Great Wall of China" 2024 Shanghai National Defense Education themed series of activities will include a National Defense Education Knowledge Competition, a "Love Our National Defense" theme essay competition, a red short drama script writing contest, a "Love our National Defense" photography competition, and a large-scale national defense education competition. Eight key municipal activities, including the "Love Our National Defense" speech contest for primary and secondary school teachers and students, and "Approaching the Border Defense Line" for teenagers, continue to set off a craze for red culture and national defense education in the city, especially in September, National Defense Education Month.

In 2024, Shanghai launched a series of activities with the theme of national defense education to jointly build the Great Wall of China
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