These ten “pitfalls” should be avoided! ,Graduate applicants

Release time:May 27, 2024 17:59 PM

It’s graduation season again. Based on the common tricks and routines of criminals in recent years, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued a message on May 27, reminding job seekers to beware of the top ten scams and protect their own safety.

Many scammers package illegal and criminal activities into high-paying overseas jobs. After luring job seekers, they may abduct them overseas to engage in illegal and criminal activities such as telecommunications fraud and online gambling. Those who refuse to work or whose "performance" does not meet the standards are even illegally detained. , abuse, etc.

Precautionary tip: When you see the temptation of high overseas salaries, be sure to check whether the operating company is qualified for foreign labor cooperation and the average salary level in the industry. If it is much higher, consider whether there is a trap.

MLM refers to the behavior in which organizers or operators make profits by developing people and requiring them to pay fees or purchase goods to obtain the qualifications to join or develop others. MLM is generally spread through recommendations from relatives and friends. Basically, the gimmick is to make a lot of money easily and get a job directly without an interview. The interview or work locations are relatively remote and change frequently, and the company's business cannot be clearly explained.

Precautionary tips: Be sure to understand that pyramid schemes are illegal and keep a clear head when promoting downline development. If you accidentally enter a pyramid scheme, get away and call the police as soon as possible while ensuring your personal safety.

In the name of recruitment, some illegal employment agencies charge college graduates registration fees, clothing fees, physical examination fees, deposits, job stability funds and other fees. Some intermediaries cooperate with illegal employers and first collect fees in the name of recommending jobs. When graduates are hired, they are either given positions that do not match the graduates' needs or are even false, or the illegal employers fabricate various reasons to reject them or refuse them mid-job. dismiss.

Precautionary Tip: Remember that there is no cost to apply for the job itself. Priority should be given to public employment talent service agencies and formal market intermediaries with a "Human Resources Service License". Recruitment interviews and internships that require payment of fees in advance must be treated with caution.

Some fraudsters carry out fraud under the guise of high-paying part-time jobs, making money with the click of a mouse, cashback for swiping orders, and likers on Douyin Kuaishou. They are characterized by low thresholds and claim to be easy part-time jobs and generous salaries.

Precautionary tips: Don’t believe in easy and profitable jobs. Pies will not fall from the sky, but traps will often fall. At the same time, pay attention to the security of personal information, do not easily leak bank card, online banking, Alipay and other password information, and do not open unfamiliar website links at will.

Some intermediaries or individuals charge high fees in the name of "helping" job seekers enter well-known companies, state-owned enterprises and central enterprises through so-called internal recommendations, or give priority to employment. If the job seeker is hired, the organization will take credit for it; if the job seeker is not hired, it will give various reasons and refuse to refund the relevant fees.

Prevention tips: Most of the paid referrals, guaranteed admissions, etc. are false propaganda. Job seekers must not believe in the words of scammers with the mentality of "taking shortcuts" or "relying on connections".

Some intermediary agencies or employers use high-paying employment as bait, promising college graduates employment after training, but they must borrow money from designated lending institutions to pay for the training fees. After training, training institutions often find it difficult to fulfill their promises, or the jobs they recommend are far from the original promises. Graduates may face the disadvantage of being burdened with high debts but not finding employment.

Precautionary tips: It depends on whether the business scope of the institution or enterprise includes training content, whether the promised salary is generally consistent with equivalent positions in society, and carefully signs a loan agreement or a training agreement that contains loan content.

Some units only sign an "Employment Agreement", or agree on relevant matters verbally through conversations, phone calls, etc., without signing a written labor contract; some contracts are simple and lack job positions, work locations, wages, labor conditions, contract duration, etc. Specific content; some use the excuse of underpaying taxes to prepare two "yin and yang contracts" with different salaries; others include "overlord clauses" that require not to get married within a few years, to work overtime, and to not settle wages after leaving during the probationary period, etc.

Precautionary tips: Before signing a labor contract, you should carefully negotiate with the employer and treat it with caution, and do not sign it hastily. In particular, we must be highly vigilant about clauses in labor contracts that have no basis in law and are obviously unreasonable to prevent us from falling into traps.

Some units agree on a probation period that exceeds the legal limit, or repeatedly agree on probation periods; some use the probation period as an excuse to pay wages lower than the minimum wage stipulated by the local government, or do not pay social security; others recruit a large number of fresh graduates , the probation period agrees on a lower salary, and after the probation period is over, the employee will be terminated for various reasons.

Precautionary reminder: Any probation period agreement that violates legal provisions is invalid. The maximum probation period shall not exceed 6 months, and the same employer and the same employee can only agree on one probation period. During the probation period, social security should be paid normally, and the salary should not be lower than the lowest salary for the same position in the unit or 80% of the salary agreed in the labor contract.

Some employers or intermediaries detain original personal documents of job seekers such as ID cards, graduation certificates, and degree certificates in the name of keeping or handling social security, applying for salary cards, etc. This situation is very dangerous, as job seekers' information may be stolen to engage in illegal activities such as opening bank cards.

Precautionary tips: Do not give the original document to others, just show it if necessary. If a copy of the certificate is required, the specific purpose must be indicated in the appropriate location.

In order to increase their attractiveness to graduates, some units deliberately exaggerate the unit size, performance, development prospects, wages and benefits; some play word games, blur the recruitment positions, and beautify positions such as salespersons and salesmen into "Marketing Department Manager", "Business Department Director", etc.

Precautionary tips: When applying for a job, you should learn about the company's background through multiple channels, and ask for detailed information about the position and work content to avoid discrepancies with expectations after joining the job. Be wary of large-scale recruitment for a long period of time.

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