Why is online literature with realistic themes so popular? , nearly 50,000 people participated in this event

Release time:May 27, 2024 13:50 PM

"Literature is my hobby, but engaging in the creation of online literature is very accidental." Standing on the stage, the author of the realistic online novel "All the Way North" sighed, "The world needs emotional stability." He started writing online articles in 2021, and it has been 3 years. The time was neither long nor short, but it was enough to strengthen her determination to keep writing.

On the morning of May 27, the 8th Realistic Theme Online Literature Essay Contest, supported by the Shanghai Municipal Press and Publication Bureau and hosted by China Literature Group, held an award ceremony in Shanghai. "Running North", based on the Shanghai Microsatellite Engineering Center and showcasing Shanghai's scientific and technological achievements, won the special prize. "During the collection, I found opportunities to communicate with scientific researchers. I was deeply moved by their scientific research spirit. I also tried my best to make the protagonist's words and deeds match them to the greatest extent." She said, "I hope to make people More people feel the great momentum of the scientific research industry.”

"The world requires emotional stability" graduated from Xiamen University, and his current job is to engage in market development overseas. "I have traveled to Europe, Southeast Asia, India and other countries and regions; more than 10 years later, I have witnessed with my own eyes the process of Chinese products, especially high-tech products, from being unknown to being famous." She said with a smile, This impact was so great that "I feel really uncomfortable if I don't resort to words." Coupled with the fact that a person's life abroad is very lonely, writing becomes an emotional outlet to relieve homesickness. Thus, her first realistic online novel "The Era of Breaking Waves" was created. This work tells the entrepreneurial story of the protagonist who manufactures domestic communication equipment and creates an ecological chain. It won the special prize in the 6th competition.

"Running North" is the second time she has won the special prize in a realistic online literature essay competition. The novel takes the research and development of domestic satellite navigation systems as the main line, creates the image of a group of young and lively scientific researchers, and shows the elegance of Shanghai's scientific research and technological achievements. "The story happened very close to the venue where today's award is being awarded. The prototype is from young scientific researchers at the Shanghai Microsatellite Engineering Center. The average age of the team is about 30 years old, but through disruptive innovation, the Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system has become world-class. "The world needs emotional stability," he said. Compared with the older generation of scientific researchers, the Beidou-3 R&D team is younger and more diverse, with both academic masters trained in domestic aerospace majors and returnees from non-aerospace majors. Overseas students; both management talents who are proficient in project operation, and technical experts who strive for excellence.

From the perspective of "emotional stability is needed in the world", young scientific researchers have great ambitions and strive for the country's aerospace industry, but they are also ordinary young people who will fight with their friends and get bored with their lovers, happy and angry. , sadness, and joy all at once. Therefore, when creating "All the Way North", she did not overemphasize sacrifice and dedication, nor did she place aerospace practitioners in an unattainable position. She hopes that when young readers are planning for the future, if they yearn for scientific research and aerospace, they should not be deterred by its high threshold, nor feel stressed by its significance. "Dedicate yourself to the aerospace industry, and even if you are not tall in stature, your image is very tall; you don't have to be handsome in face, your life is already handsome."

Among the entries in this competition, there are many works with "Shanghai themes". The winning novel "My Game Does Not Have AFK" is based on the game industry in Shanghai, from Caohejing to Zhangjiang, and from Sanlin to Yangpu. Through the different projects and specific situations the protagonist has experienced in the workplace and life, it has shaped the story of Rich and three-dimensional group portraits of game industry practitioners.

"The competition is not only a driving force for the prosperity of realistic-themed online literature creation, but also an important window for us to observe the development of online literature today." Huang Ping, a judge of the competition and a professor of the Chinese Department of East China Normal University, said that the winning works of the competition have rich themes, and some They write about aerospace and high technology, and some write about the Chinese people in this era. "Those works that focus on the development of major industries describe the rise of great powers, and those that focus on personal struggle describe the life resilience of small people and the future." Can be expected.”

As one of the theme activities of the "City of Glory" 2024 Shanghai Red Culture Season, this competition invites publishing organizations such as Shanghai Century Publishing Group, Anhui Literature and Art Publishing House, CITIC Publishing Group, Guomai Culture, as well as Huace Group, Ningmeng Film and Television, Shanghai Film and television, Xingge Media and other film and television organizations participated in the award ceremony.

In recent years, online literature with realistic themes has maintained rapid growth, and excellent works have continued to emerge. According to statistics, this competition attracted a total of 47,254 entries, a year-on-year increase of 28.7%; 49,102 entries, a year-on-year increase of 28.9%; in the end, 14 outstanding works stood out. In addition to "Running North", "Cut the Sky" written by the new writer "Devonian Fish" won the first prize; "The Disappearance of a Seventeen-Year-Old Girl" and "Stars with a Few Clouds" won the second prize in the competition.

As the eight competitions continue to be held, realistic themes have become the second fastest growing category in reading. More than 300,000 readers have participated in the creation of realistic themes. The themes and narrative techniques of their works have been continuously enriched, and subdivided tracks such as "realistic suspense" and "realistic science fiction" have been developed, attracting more and more people with more diverse creative visions and mature literary creation values. The more young readers. In 2023, the number of readers of Yuewen's realistic-themed works will increase by 21% year-on-year, with readers born after 1995 and after 00 accounting for more than 80%.

At the same time, realistic-themed works are also experiencing an upsurge in diversified copyright development. Data shows that more than 70% of the award-winning works in previous competitions have been developed with authorized IP, covering different types such as physical publishing, audio, comics, animation, film and television, and derivatives. Among them, more than 40 audio works have been produced online, 38 works have been published by contracted entities, and 22 have been authorized film and television adaptations. Taking this competition as an example, a large number of entries received the attention of publishing and film and television organizations during the serialization period. Many works such as "The Disappearance of a Seventeen-Year-Old Girl", "Light of the Fox" and "Hand of Thorns" have all completed three The copyright will be sold within the month. Currently, 10 award-winning works in this competition have entered the IP development stage.

The 9th Realistic Theme Internet Literature Essay Competition Officially Launched

It is reported that the first-prize work "Cut the Sky" has been authorized to be adapted into a film. This is the first time that China Literature has granted film copyright for a realistic-themed work. Shen Lifeng, the producer of Weifeng Xiaohua, said, "I chose "Cut to the Sky" because it uses a commercial shell of fantasy and suspense to package a family story with a warm realism foundation." "Life is Sweet", which won the special award in the fourth competition, focuses on the workplace and family life of the "post-80s generation". It has completed the filming and production of the TV series in February this year. Jiang Yun, general manager of Laoyou Film and Television, said that the charm of reality-themed TV series lies in the fact that they are derived from real life and can refine life with standards higher than life. "We look forward to launching more outstanding works that boldly try new things and lead market demand and audience aesthetics." , continue to connect good stories with users, platforms, and film and television companies to form a virtuous cycle and keep good stories alive.”

By continuing to hold realistic-themed online literature essay contests and Qidian Reality Channel spring and autumn essay contests, China Literature has formed a realistic-themed essay contest covering the whole year. On the same day, the 9th Realistic Internet Literature Essay Contest was officially launched. "Readers love to read, the market recognizes them, and there is a steady stream of outstanding writers and works. The road to online literature with realistic themes is getting wider and wider, forming a very benign content ecology." Hou Xiaonan, CEO and President of China Literature Group, said, "We hope to work with Writers and industry partners work together to cultivate more masterpieces and create truly influential IP of the times and China."

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