Li Zeju responded, Li Ka-shing discounted

Release time:May 27, 2024 17:37 PM

After the 14-year-old property market "dirty tricks" were completely withdrawn, Hong Kong's property market has turned prosperous. Cheung Kong Group, owned by Li Ka-shing, frequently sells properties at discounts during this important window period, which has attracted market attention.

Industry insiders said that Cheung Kong Group is seizing the opportunity of the market rebound to clear inventory. With Hong Kong's overall "removal of hotness", the Hong Kong real estate market has experienced a boom since March. However, starting from late May, the popularity of the Hong Kong market has declined slightly.

Starting from May 19 this year, the residential project "#LYOS" in Hung Shui Kiu in the northwest New Territories of Hong Kong, owned by Cheung Kong Group, has been publicly sold, including 14 units in stratified buildings and 14 units in garden duplexes. In terms of price, units in strata buildings are priced at a maximum discount of approximately 25% compared to the initial public offering price, and garden duplex units are priced at a maximum discount of approximately 32%.

Information shows that the 14 units of the "#LYOS" stratified building launched by Cheung Kong Group this time include open-plan, 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom units. The cheapest unit has a usable area of ​​202 square feet. After deducting the maximum applicable discount, the contract price is approximately HK$2.999 million.

Cheung Kong Group senior sales manager Leung Cheuk-hang said that with the market adjustment in the past two years, the selling price launched this time has been discounted, which is expected to attract people who are interested in buying properties in the northwest New Territories of Hong Kong to enter the market.

Since the Hong Kong real estate market "reduced its popularity" this year, the Hong Kong real estate market has rebounded sharply, and the properties under the Cheung Kong Group have been "sold out."

In April, Cheung Kong's "BlueCoast" real estate project on the south coast of Hong Kong Island at Wong Chuk Hang Station went on sale for the first time at a "low-end price", with 422 units for sale at an average price of HK$21,900 per square foot. The cost of the project About 28,000 Hong Kong dollars per square foot; the average project price is actually lower than other real estate prices in the same area, and compared with surrounding second-hand housing prices, it is equivalent to a 30% discount.

On the opening day, 406 of the 422 residential units launched in the first round of "BlueCoast" were sold on the same day. The actual selling price of a single suite after discount ranged from HK$8.78 million to HK$26.494 million.

Asked about the sales plan of "BlueCoast", Zhao Guoxiong, executive director of Cheung Kong Group, said that the property market has just begun to recover and the selling price should follow the market price. He mentioned that the current property prices should have reached the "bottom", which is a good time for Hong Kong residents to enter the market. However, as the economy improves, prices will slowly adjust upward.

In addition, the pricing of the nine-unit units in another project of Cheung Kong Group, "Mingri Jiudu Mountain", has also been significantly reduced by 23% to 32%.

Why does Cheung Kong Group frequently sell properties at discounts? Yan Yuejin, research director of E-House Research Institute, believes that it is mainly related to factors such as location. "Often when the location is a little off, or there are other plans nearby, you will encounter some new problems and pressures. At this time, as a company, you need to speed up the development of a destocking strategy. The essence of Cheung Kong Group's discounted sales of properties is The reason is still because we hope to use recent policies to speed up the disbursement and withdrawal of funds,” he said.

Regarding the frequent sale of properties at discounts, at the annual general meeting of shareholders on May 23, Li Zeju, chairman and managing director of Cheung Kong Group, responded, "The pricing of properties cannot be generalized. It is based on the different conditions of each property, including location, Determined based on traffic, surrounding environment, and market environment at that time."

Li Zeju, Chairman and Managing Director of Cheung Kong Group, at the 2023 Annual Results Report Meeting

Li Zeju said that he is as optimistic about Hong Kong's economy as ever. When asked about his future investment direction, he replied that as long as there are high-quality assets with ideal returns, whether in Hong Kong, the Mainland or elsewhere, he will consider them; at the same time, more and more international companies and international family offices have settled in Hong Kong. As its market position as an international financial center becomes increasingly consolidated, Hong Kong's economic confidence will also be better, which is conducive to long-term development.

In fact, Cheung Kong Group does face inventory pressure. Cheung Kong Group’s latest financial report for 2023 shows that the company currently has a developable land bank of approximately 74 million square feet, of which 7 million square feet are located in Hong Kong. In addition, for the whole year of 2023, real estate sales revenue decreased by 29% year-on-year to HK$13.153 billion, of which sales revenue in Hong Kong was HK$5.84 billion, a 60% decrease from the previous year.

Will the transaction volume continue to rise after the Hong Kong property market is completely "removed"?

Since the Hong Kong property market was completely "removed" on February 28, the property market has heated up rapidly.

According to data released by the Rating and Valuation Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government, Hong Kong's private residential price index was 305.7 in March, ending a 10-month decline trend and rising by approximately 1.06% month-on-month.

Experts in the real estate industry believe that the performance of the property market is better than expected, which is believed to be due to the surge in purchasing power after the SAR government adopted a comprehensive "elimination" of the property market. The effect of "removing spicy food" is better than expected. After structural changes, the foundation of the entire market will improve.

Data show that although the Hong Kong property price index rebounded month-on-month in March, it still recorded a year-on-year decrease of approximately 13.23%. Based on data from the first quarter of this year, the property price index fell by 3.5% month-on-month, but the decline has narrowed significantly compared with the previous two quarters.

Chen Haichao, director of the research department of Lijia Ge Real Estate, analyzed that the performance of the Hong Kong property market in March this year was better than expected. It is believed that the purchasing power surged after the comprehensive "removal of spicy food", which stimulated the overall property price to rebound at a low level and drove the property price index to rebound sharply. Looking forward to the future, the overall property market ecology has changed after the comprehensive "removal of spicy goods", and various buyers and investors are actively entering the market. It is expected that the overall market atmosphere will be stable and good in the next few months, which can drive the property price index to continue to rise steadily.

However, the popularity of Hong Kong's property market dropped slightly in late May. On May 23, data released by Centaline Real Estate showed that the number of viewings for the top ten housing estates during the weekend recorded 439 reservations, a week-on-week decrease of 11.8%, setting a new low in the past 12 weeks. Some Hong Kong real estate analysts said that since the end of February, the number of first-hand transactions in Hong Kong has recorded nearly 7,000, accounting for about 67% of last year. The property market now needs to breathe and recover.

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