When will "we are all Chinese" still need to be "understood"? CCTV: Taiwanese artists’ brave speech is a sign of their adherence to national justice

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:May 27, 2024 18:08 PM

Who would have thought that Ashin, the lead singer of the Taiwanese band Mayday, happily chatted with fans at a concert in Beijing, "We Chinese, we must eat roast duck when we come to Beijing", and many recent Taiwanese artists such as Patty Hou, Ouyang Nana, Su Youpeng, etc. The CCTV News "Reunification" posters were forwarded one after another, but when it came to Taiwan leader Lai Qingde, they all became "forced" and needed to be "understood". What a weird "divine logic"! As Xiao Xucen, CEO of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation, said: According to history and culture, both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to the same Chinese nation and are Chinese. What is wrong with artists saying this? When does calling "we Chinese" something that needs to be forgiven?

Perhaps Lai Qingde still wants to continue the DPP’s tried and tested tricks in the past to sow cross-strait civil conflict? It is not difficult to imagine that when he called on the Taiwanese people to "understand the forced political statements of cultural workers in mainland China," his words must have been "sincere" and his mood must have been "hating that iron cannot be made into steel", but these "sincere feelings" Behind the "cut" performance is completely unreasonable logic and absurd and untrue arguments.

Taiwanese artist Jam Hsiao’s recent post just slapped “forced talk” in the face. He said, "My mother is from Fengbin, Hualien, and my father is from Quanzhou, Fujian. This is a fact in the blood, and it is definitely not a choice." He also said, "I am very proud to be a member of the Chinese nation. I will Keep working hard, be a good man, and be an upright Chinese."

The phrase "a fact in the blood" is the reason why more and more Taiwanese artists have recently come forward to clearly express that "Taiwan will definitely return to the embrace of the motherland." This is something that comes naturally and out of emotion. It is based on blood and family ties, historical facts, and legal conclusions. It is human nature, and it is natural and what the people want. How can it be said that it is "forced"?

When will "we are all Chinese" still need to be "understood"? CCTV: Taiwanese artists’ brave speech is a sign of their adherence to national justice

Could it be that in the eyes of DPP officials, as long as they identify themselves as Chinese and oppose "Taiwan independence", they are "forced"? This logic is really outrageous and unreasonable! Lai Ching-te now leads a "double minority" ruling team, but he fantasizes about relying on the fig leaf of "forced" to cover up the unpopularity of the DPP in the past eight years and the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan that rejects "Taiwan independence" and rejects war. ? This is really a cover-up.

Lai Qingde also said that "Taiwan's cultural workers feel very reluctant to give up every time they are under pressure under the roof of others." This is even more incomprehensible and inexplicable. The mainland has always respected, cared for, and benefited the Taiwan compatriots. The two sides of the Taiwan Strait are one family. They are not only connected by blood, but also in the mainland's policies and measures to implement equal treatment and share development opportunities for Taiwan compatriots. Where does the term "others" come from? The so-called "reluctance" should probably mean "uneasiness". It is just that Lai Qingde and others want to cover up the inner panic caused by dozens of Taiwanese artists' expressions of "support for the reunification of the motherland" that have caused "Taiwan independence" elements.

Fortunately, the deception of "Taiwan independence" can still frighten fewer and fewer Taiwanese people. This can be seen from the fact that people on the island have asked Lai Qingde "why he calls 'we Chinese' need to be forgiven." The expressions of Taiwanese artists are particularly valuable. What they express is not only their recognition of personal identity, but also their adherence to national justice. At a time when cross-Strait relations are complex and severe, they bravely convey the voice of Taiwan's mainstream public opinion, triggering people to have in-depth thinking and discussions on cross-Strait relations, and fulfill their due responsibilities as public figures.

Taiwanese artists who bravely speak out are by no means alone. They use their influence to guide the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, especially Taiwan, to objectively view their own identities, correctly understand cross-Strait relations, and think rationally about the future of the two sides. These days, they have been receiving a large number of likes from netizens on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. and support. When more and more individual, weak voices gather into the ocean, they become an indispensable and important force in promoting the reunification of the motherland.

When will "we are all Chinese" still need to be "understood"? CCTV: Taiwanese artists’ brave speech is a sign of their adherence to national justice

The general trend is irreversible and public opinion cannot be violated! Lai Ching-te's "Taiwan Independence Confession" on the day he came to power was denounced by all walks of life on the island for "pushing Taiwan into a dangerous situation." Now he is still telling lies in an attempt to cover up the overwhelming public opinion. If he is convinced that "Taiwan independence" can bring the good life that the Taiwanese people want, why should he rack his brains and talk nonsense like this? "Taiwan independence" harms the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation and the common interests of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. It is the biggest source of chaos for peace across the Taiwan Strait and will never end well. Taiwan's future lies in national reunification, and the well-being of Taiwan compatriots depends on national reunification. I believe that more and more Taiwan compatriots will stand on the right side of history.

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