New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

Release time:May 27, 2024 06:47 AM

News: On May 26, "Xinwen Lianbo" reported a series of exciting news such as the latest developments of the Shenzhou 18 crew, the completion of operation of four intercity railways in the Greater Bay Area, and the launch of enterprise integration and docking activities. It ran out in many fields. High-quality development "accelerates", and China's high-quality development is gathering momentum.

The Shenzhou 18 astronaut crew has made steady progress in various space science experiments for one month in orbit

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

Since entering the China Space Station on April 26, Shenzhou 18 astronauts Ye Guangfu, Li Cong and Li Guangsu have been stationed in orbit for a month. Currently, the three astronauts are in good physical and mental condition, and various space science experiments and tests are progressing steadily.

In the Wentian experimental cabin, four zebrafish and hornworts are in good condition in the small controlled life ecology experimental module. So far, astronauts have successfully carried out two water sample collections and one fish food box replacement operation. Through the downloaded videos, the researchers found that zebrafish showed abnormal directional behaviors such as inverted swimming, rotational movements, and circles in microgravity. In the future, scientists will use the returned recycled water samples, fish eggs and other samples, combined with zebrafish spatial movement behavior videos, to conduct research on the impact of space environment on the growth, development and behavior of vertebrates.

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

The combustion science experiment cabinet is one of the eight experimental cabinets carried by the Mengtian experimental cabin. While in orbit, the astronaut crew completed the installation of the combustion solenoid valve adapter cable. By installing the adapter cable, the solenoid valve can be remotely controlled to accurately control the fuel flow during the experiment. In addition, the three astronauts also performed operations such as burner replacement, vacuuming and exhaust gas removal of the combustion science experiment cabinet, and completed sample replacement and axis mechanism maintenance of the experimental chamber of the container-free material experiment cabinet.

Since the Shenzhou 18 crew stationed at the space station, a number of aerospace medical experiments have continued. The astronauts used an ultrasonic diagnostic instrument to complete carotid artery ultrasound images and spectrum tests; they also used the instrument to detect the bone density of the right heel bone to study the impact of weightlessness on human bone density. By regularly and scientifically carrying out a series of weightless protection exercise measures such as space treadmill training and resistance training, we can maintain good physical condition and provide support for long-term mission execution.

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

The new real estate policy activates the market "a pool of spring water"

Since the relevant departments announced a number of policies on May 17, many cities have actively responded and followed up and announced the implementation details, which has increased the activity of the property market to varying degrees.

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

In a new real estate project in Longhua District, Shenzhen, when lunch time is approaching, the real estate sales office is still very busy, both the sand table area and the negotiation area are busy.

In the first weekend after the new policy was released, monitoring data released by many intermediaries in Shenzhen showed that the number of second-hand house inspections and inquiries increased significantly. At the same time, the number of viewings of new housing projects has increased significantly, and some new housing projects have even been sold out on the same day.

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

Chongqing has also recently issued six new policies for housing purchases to support residents’ rigid and improved housing needs. After the policy was released, the reporter came to a property in Nan'an District and found that there were obviously many more people coming to view the property.

The reporter noticed that the six measures launched by Chongqing this time are more targeted. For example, we have implemented housing purchase subsidies for families with many children and implemented housing purchase subsidies for talents.

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

In Hangzhou, a series of policies came into effect on May 17 just a few days after the local government announced the complete cancellation of purchase restrictions, and the market was significantly activated. In this real estate located in Xihu District, the reporter learned that since the relaxation of purchase restrictions, the number of house viewing inquiries has increased significantly.

Statistics from the Shell Research Institute show that compared with the daily average in April, the number of second-hand house inquiries in Hangzhou increased by 29% in the past 10 days, and the number of second-hand house sales increased by 5%. However, although the new home market in core urban areas has heated up, the reporter found through visits that the new home market in some non-main urban areas such as Xiaoshan District and Qiantang District has changed relatively little.

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

Experts say that the introduction of various real estate optimization policies is currently effective in boosting market confidence, but it will take time for the policy effects to be fully unleashed. In the future, each locality needs to follow the spirit of the central government's policy, with the focus being on further refining the policy based on its own actual situation.

Four intercity railways in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are now in operation

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

The four intercity railways in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area were put into operation on May 26, and the formation of the "one-hour living circle" in the Greater Bay Area has been accelerated.

On May 26, the Guangfo Southern Ring and Foshan-Dongguan intercity railways were officially put into operation. These two newly opened intercity railways are connected to the already opened Foshan-Zhaozhou intercity and Dongguan-Huizhou intercity railways, forming an east-west traffic "artery" with a total length of 258 kilometers in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. This "artery" is the longest intercity railway in the Greater Bay Area, connecting Huizhou, Dongguan, Guangzhou, Foshan, and Zhaoqing. It is of great significance in accelerating the formation of a "one-hour living circle" in the Greater Bay Area.

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

This transportation "artery" has 39 stations along the entire line. The trains have a maximum operating speed of 200 kilometers per hour. It adopts a public transportation operation mode of "stop at each station and express trains at large stations", with an average driving interval of 26 minutes. Passengers can either purchase tickets through 12306 and swipe their ID cards to enter the station, or use the National Transportation Card, Guangzhou Metro App intercity bus code and other methods to enter the station and take the train, and go wherever they want.

The expressway from Xianning, Hubei to Jiujiang, Jiangxi is fully connected

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

The expressway from Xianning in Hubei to Jiujiang in Jiangxi was completed today, laying a solid foundation for the entire line to be completed and open to traffic by the end of the year. As the connection line between two national expressways, Beijing, Hong Kong, Macao and Daguang, the Xianjiu Expressway will connect the Wuhan urban circle and the Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone. It will be important for improving the expressway network of Hubei and Jiangxi provinces and improving transportation in the old revolutionary areas of Hubei and Jiangxi. conditions are of great significance.

The country’s first International Road Transport Alliance certified TIR assembly center settles in Xinjiang

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

The reporter learned from Kashgar Customs that on May 26, the country’s first TIR assembly center certified by the International Road Transport Alliance was awarded and established in Kashgar, Xinjiang. TIR is the Convention on International Transport by Road. Using TIR carnets for customs clearance can save more than 30% of customs clearance time from Kashgar to Central Asia, Europe and other countries, reducing 0.5-6 days, and at the same time reducing transportation costs by 15%.

In 2024, the "Hundred Enterprises and Ten Thousand Enterprises" integration and docking activities for large, small and medium-sized enterprises will be launched.

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

The 2024 "Hundreds of Ten Thousand Enterprises" integration and docking activities for large and medium-sized enterprises have been launched recently. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments will hold a series of docking activities between central enterprises, large private enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises to promote the opening up of innovation resources and innovation resources by central enterprises and large private enterprises. The supply chain system will also organize patent conversion and docking activities to accelerate the industrialization of a number of existing patents. The event will last until the end of the year.

Moving "green" step by step, my country's clean energy investment exceeded 100 billion in the first quarter

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

The reporter learned from the China Electricity Council that since the beginning of this year, green investment and construction by my country's power companies has accelerated. In the first quarter, my country's clean energy investment exceeded 100 billion yuan.

Not long ago, State Power Investment Corporation simultaneously launched the construction of more than 200 energy projects, with an installed capacity of more than 80 million kilowatts, of which clean energy projects accounted for more than 90%. China Coal Group's new energy planning scale is 20 million kilowatts, and it is fully promoting the green transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

Data show that in the first quarter of this year, my country's clean energy capacity under construction was 512.05 million kilowatts, a year-on-year increase of 30.97%; the clean energy investment completed was 117.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.64%.

The "Research Report on ESG Systems in the Electric Power Industry" recently released by the China Electricity Council shows that while my country's power companies are increasing green investment, their ESG governance levels are also constantly improving.

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

ESG is the acronym for environment, society and governance. It mainly advocates paying attention to environmental, social and governance issues in investment. ESG can provide systematic and effective guidance for enterprises in carbon reduction and green investment.

Hao Yingjie, secretary-general of the China Electricity Council, said that about 90% of listed power companies have released ESG-related reports, and the quantity and quality of information disclosure are growing rapidly. Improving the level of service innovation, promoting ecological environment protection, assisting rural revitalization, and participating in the “Belt and Road” construction have become the social responsibilities of power companies.

New policies for the real estate market, integration and joint construction of the Greater Bay Area...China's high-quality development is gathering momentum

Full strength! Take multiple measures to promote the continued prosperity of inbound tourism

Since the beginning of this year, the development of inbound tourism in Beijing has continued to accelerate. As of April, Beijing had received 790,000 inbound tourists, an increase of nearly three times year-on-year. Recently, Beijing held an inbound tourism development conference to promote the accelerated development of inbound tourism in Beijing through activities such as negotiation with Chinese and foreign travel agents, signing of strategic cooperation, and promotion of cultural and tourism resources.

On May 24, the opening ceremony of the Beijing Inbound Tourism Development Conference was held in Shougang Park. Hundreds of travel business representatives from all over the world came to participate in the exhibition, and Chinese and foreign tourism companies conducted point-to-point negotiations. An intangible cultural heritage exhibition area was set up on site, and special intangible cultural heritage projects such as the traditional production techniques of Beijing-style cheongsam attracted foreign traveling salesmen to interact and experience. Many people also purchased silk, tea and other products on site.

Currently, 79 5A and 4A scenic spots and 149 five-star and four-star hotels in normal operation in Beijing have all been equipped with foreign currency POS machines. In addition to payment facilitation measures, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism also introduced policies such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei 144-hour transit visa exemption, cruise entry visa exemption, and departure tax rebates to global travel agents and inbound tourism-related companies, providing services to travelers from the United States, Canada, Ten travel agents from major tourist source markets such as the United Kingdom issued Beijing Tourism Global Strategic Partner Certificates to promote in-depth cooperation between partners and high-quality tourism companies in China and Beijing.

Go to campus and grab talents. Recruit from campus to see new quality productivity and release new momentum for employment.

This year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Education jointly organized for the first time a special campaign of "Excellent Enterprises Entering Schools to Recruit Talents", organizing specialized, new, small and medium-sized enterprises to enter campuses to help companies supply talent and help college graduates find employment. Recently, the first round of recruitment activities met with students in Henan and Fujian.

At Henan University, the recruitment event attracted more than 100 small and medium-sized enterprises to participate. Among them, there are more than 40 specialized and new enterprises, providing more than 4,000 jobs, covering many fields such as technology, manufacturing, medical care and education.

At Minnan Normal University in Zhangzhou, Fujian, 125 companies participated in the on-site job fair. Among them, 40 specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises have provided nearly 500 positions and recruited more than 2,000 people, involving various positions such as administrative management, reserve cadres, production management, and financial specialists. More than 2,000 fresh graduates, holding their resumes in hand, shuttled between various companies to communicate with the recruiting units on job requirements, work content, development space, salary and benefits, etc.

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She was sent to take the college entrance examination for 13 years and bid farewell for 13 years. On June 7th, Zhang Guimei, the principal of Huaping Women's Senior High School in Lijiang, Yunnan, led her children to the examination room before 5 o'clock. Zhang Guimei, who was living in the student dormitory before dawn, woke up and said, "I have been worried that the girls won't sleep well during the college entrance examination these days." After a simple cleaning, she went to the teaching building for inspection. "There have been snakes around the school recently, and I am worried about scaring the girls." For so many years, Zhang Guimei has always affectionately referred to the students as her girls. She accompanies them with her heart to study and live. Recently, Huaping has been experiencing continuous high temperatures in order to ensure that the children can sleep well at night. Zhang Guimei contacted the county's cold storage every night. Put two large pots of ice cubes in each dormitory for the exam, and Zhang Guimei has considered it. These children's homes are mostly in remote mountainous areas. If parents come

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Wuliangsuhai is located in Urad Front Banner, and is the largest functional wetland in the Yellow River Basin and a rare large-scale grassland lake in desert and semi desert regions worldwide. It undertakes important functions such as water regulation, water purification, and ice and flood prevention in the Yellow River, and is known as the "natural kidney" of ecological security in the Yellow River. The lake area is in the shape of a half moon, with a water area of 293 square kilometers, and is known as the "pearl outside the Great Wall". Since the 1990s, Wuliangsuhai has experienced phenomena such as a decrease in natural water supply, pollution of urban and industrial wastewater, and degradation of ecological functions. near

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