Ancient poems can also sing drama, the Shanghai Student Grassland Music Festival bloomed over the weekend, youth is at the right time, under the Oriental Pearl Tower

Release time:May 26, 2024 10:30 AM

From the dance parade carnival "Do You Want to Dance" to the trumpet flash mob "Steel Torrent March", as a cultural and educational brand event that students participate in and citizens watch, the "Youth Is the Time - Student Grassland Music Festival" hosted by Shanghai Educational Television It will be in full bloom again this year, with two consecutive days from May 25th to 26th at the Oriental Pearl City Plaza.

The first single-group program to take the stage on Sunday was the "Third Floor Team" of the electroacoustic band of Yangpu Modern Vocational School Affiliated to Shanghai Normal University. The team consists of 13 students, including four keyboardists, two bassists, two guitarists, two lead singers, and three drummers and percussionists. "Everyone has many departures in his life," they performed a campus ballad "Departure" sung by Shuimu Nianhua. The multi-part a cappella singing leads to the prelude, the advancement of the harmony and the advancement of the orchestration make the melody brighter and rhythmic, as if it is moving forward on the road of dreams. The chorus keeps repeating, and the level of the song keeps rising, giving people a sense of power and excitement.

This year coincides with the 30th anniversary of the launch of Shanghai Educational Television and the 30th anniversary of the opening of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. This year's "Youth is the Time - Student Grassland Music Festival" takes "Inheriting Classics and Interpreting the Future" as its theme, integrating culture and education, and sharing resources as aesthetic education It is an important way of education, playing a symphony of aesthetic education that educates people with aesthetics and beautifies people.

A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned that the 2024 "Youth Is the Time - Student Grassland Music Festival" will be held over two days on weekends. A major feature is the deep integration of traditional culture into the performance, which is in line with the ongoing "About the Comprehensive Implementation of School Aesthetic Education" in Shanghai. "Infiltration Action" and "The 8th National Primary and Secondary School Students Art Exhibition in Shanghai" to better build a platform for the integration of culture and education.

Among the songs coming from the Oriental Pearl Tower, there is not only a mixed chorus work "Spring Comes" based on Premier Zhou Enlai's poem of the same name, but also a choral version based on the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Zhihuan's ancient poem "Climbing the Stork Tower" of the same name. How to sing ancient poetry well? "The sun sets over the mountains, and the Yellow River flows into the sea. If you want to see a thousand miles away, go to a higher level." Composer Fang Yong drew inspiration from this poem and created a mixed chorus work. In terms of style, the singing shows dramatic characteristics: through the ups and downs of the notes, the excitement and softness of the melody, and the rich changes in the harmony, the whole song is full of dramatic tension, showing the poet climbing up to the stork tower and overlooking the distance. Magnificent scenery, and profound philosophy enlightened by being shocked by nature.

The performance on the first day was a drama special. Students from Xuhui District Youth Activity Center Children’s Peking Opera Troupe, Pudong New District Youth Activity Center Opera Troupe, Jinshan District Youth Activity Center Opera Troupe and Putuo District Youth Education Activity Center Opera Troupe brought performances from Beijing and Kunming respectively. , Shanghai, Yue, Xi opera and other opera genre performances; in terms of drama performances, they come from Shanghai No. 2 Middle School Film and Television Troupe, Shanghai Theater Academy Affiliated Senior High School Drama Troupe, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated High School Drama Troupe, East China Normal University Second Affiliated Middle School Students from the drama troupe, the Jiading District No. 1 Middle School drama troupe, the Hongkou District Youth Activity Center drama troupe and the China Welfare Society Children's Palace Friends Art Troupe performed the play on the stage.

The performance on the second day is a comprehensive special performance. This year, there is a traditional cultural display and interaction for young people outside the performance, and the inner stage performance area features vocal and dance performances in turn. With the launch of the 2024 Shanghai Student Chorus Festival, choir students from Shibei Middle School, the First Affiliated Middle School of Tongji University, Qibao Middle School, Yangjing Middle School and Songjiang No. 2 Middle School presented choral works; during this period, Huangpu District Youth Art Activities Students from the dance troupe of the Center, Putuo District Youth Education Activity Center, Hongkou District Youth Activity Center, Minhang District Youth Activity Center, Baoshan District Children's Palace and Pudong New District Youth Activity Center presented dance performances.

Ancient poems can also sing drama, the Shanghai Student Grassland Music Festival bloomed over the weekend, youth is at the right time, under the Oriental Pearl Tower
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