This time it's making people cry again... The story of Zhang Guimei, who has been sent to take exams for 13 consecutive years as a parent | child | Zhang Guimei

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:00 PM

She was sent for the exam in 2013

13 years of farewell

Also reminded for 13 years


June 7th

Yunnan Lijiang Huaping Women's Senior High School

Principal Zhang Guimei led her children to the examination room

It's not until five o'clock, it's not daylight yet

Zhang Guimei, who lives in the student dormitory, woke up

I have been worried about the girls' college entrance examination

I haven't been able to sleep soundly these days

This time it's making people cry again... The story of Zhang Guimei, who has been sent to take exams for 13 consecutive years as a parent | child | Zhang Guimei

After simple cleaning

She went to the teaching building for inspection

The school has been plagued by snakes recently

I'm worried about scaring the girls

Over the years

Zhang Guimei always affectionately refers to students

It's her girl

Accompany them in their studies and lives with dedication

Huaping has been experiencing sustained high temperatures recently

In order to make the children sleep more soundly at night

Zhang Guimei contacted the cold storage in the county

This time it's making people cry again... The story of Zhang Guimei, who has been sent to take exams for 13 consecutive years as a parent | child | Zhang Guimei

Put two large pots of ice cubes in each dormitory every night

Sending the exam, Zhang Guimei has considered it

These children's homes are mostly in remote mountainous areas

If parents come to accompany the exam

Not only is the journey far away

We also need to consider accommodation issues

Unified school admission

Not only can it save parents some expenses

It can also help children focus on taking exams

To avoid some accidents

After the students start morning reading

This time it's making people cry again... The story of Zhang Guimei, who has been sent to take exams for 13 consecutive years as a parent | child | Zhang Guimei

Zhang Guimei returns to the office

After a few mouthfuls of porridge

She opened a drawer

It's filled with medicine inside

With Congee, she took the medicine

Not caring about rest

Zhang Guimei went to each class to count the number of people

Remind everyone to bring their exam supplies

"How many people have arrived yet?"

After hearing the reply

Zhang Guimei quickly jotted down the numbers on the ointment on the back of her hand

This time it's making people cry again... The story of Zhang Guimei, who has been sent to take exams for 13 consecutive years as a parent | child | Zhang Guimei

Approaching 7 o'clock

Zhang Guimei informs the children

Take a bus to the exam room

"You guys slow down a bit"

This has been three years

One of the few things she said was "slow down"

Usually, Zhang Guimei always asks everyone to

Hurry up eating, sleeping, and studying

Suddenly say "slow down a bit"

The children are not getting used to it anymore

Around 7:10 pm

This time it's making people cry again... The story of Zhang Guimei, who has been sent to take exams for 13 consecutive years as a parent | child | Zhang Guimei

Zhang Guimei and the children got on the bus

Singing farewell to high school freshmen and sophomores

To alleviate the tense atmosphere

Zhang Guimei suggests that everyone sing together


One song "Wanjiang"

Fluttering on the way to the exam center

Loud, crisp, and full of power

Zhang Guimei takes her children to the exam center early every year

One is worried about the situation on the road

Furthermore, you can review your homework

This time it's making people cry again... The story of Zhang Guimei, who has been sent to take exams for 13 consecutive years as a parent | child | Zhang Guimei

Mosquitoes and insects are abundant in midsummer

Zhang Guimei took out the pre prepared spray

Bowing down, the stumbling steps slowly move forward

Spray towards the children's feet

Waiting outside the exam room

Zhang Guimei's expression is different from usual

You can tell she's a bit nervous

In order to be able to take the exam as soon as possible

Arrange children to return to school

A bowl of mixed noodles and a drink

Zhang Guimei casually took a bite of lunch

This time it's making people cry again... The story of Zhang Guimei, who has been sent to take exams for 13 consecutive years as a parent | child | Zhang Guimei

With just the drink, she took another handful of medicine

Click to watch the video

This scene is heartbreaking to watch


After the exam bell rings

The heart carried by Zhang Guimei

Finally put it down a bit

"There was nothing wrong with the morning exam"

She quickly asked her colleagues to bring the speakers

Summon the children back to school

"Why haven't my girls come out yet?"

This time it's making people cry again... The story of Zhang Guimei, who has been sent to take exams for 13 consecutive years as a parent | child | Zhang Guimei

Zhang Guimei occasionally looks towards the direction of the examination room

On the way back to school

Their songs rang out again in the car

The scenery outside the window flashed past Zhang Guimei's eyes


When asked what the value of this life is

Answer from Zhang Guimei

Their later lives were better than mine

Being happier than me is enough

This is the greatest comfort for me

For the teachers and students of this school, the college entrance examination is crucial

This time it's making people cry again... The story of Zhang Guimei, who has been sent to take exams for 13 consecutive years as a parent | child | Zhang Guimei

It's an exam

It's also a ritual

Tell them the meaning of this oath:

I was born as a mountain, not a stream

I want to overlook the mediocre valleys from the summit of the peaks

I was born a hero, not a mediocre person

I stand on the shoulders of great men and despise humble cowards! "

Intern: Liu Shuyu

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