This new "Chinese-English bilingual" book allows the world to better understand Chinese modernization, focusing on 15 Shanghai stories

Release time:Apr 25, 2024 09:57 AM

April 20, "Why Shanghai?" ——The launch ceremony of "Shanghai Story of Chinese Modernization" and the "Story of Chinese Modernization" book series were held at the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China.

The launch ceremony was presided over by Luo Feng, vice president of the Shanghai Municipal Party School, Zhang Zhanbin, director of the Chinese Modernization Research Center of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Dai Xiaoming, party secretary, chairman and editor-in-chief of the Central Party School Publishing Group, and Yu Hailin, deputy director of the International Exchange Center of the International Liaison Department of the Central Party Committee , Dai Bing, Vice President of the Party School of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, jointly unveiled the new book.

Dai Bing said in his speech that the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee has attached great importance to open education and brand building strategies for many years, forming a group of foreign-related teaching Chinese-style modern Shanghai story special courses with the characteristics of the Party School’s teaching and research consulting, forming a diversified foreign-related school class, systematic curriculum, and Characteristics such as method specialization. "Why Shanghai?" "The publication of the book is the culmination of the Party School's achievements in open education over the years. The book focuses on many aspects such as high-quality development, high-quality life, high-efficiency governance and high-level opening up in the practice of Shanghai's modernization, reproduces the glory, ups and downs, prosperity and rejuvenation of Shanghai's urban development, and provides a unique view of Shanghai in the process of Chinese-style modernization. Development sample.

As the editor-in-chief of the "Stories of Chinese Modernization" series, Zhang Zhanbin pointed out in his speech that the party school system compiled this series of books from the perspective of Chinese modernization, which reflects the height and significance of the times and reflects the historical responsibility of the party school system. Shanghai is the birthplace of the Communist Party of China, the place where its original intention was launched, and the place where the great spirit of party building was nurtured. The founding of the party marked the spiritual shift of the Chinese people from passivity to initiative. Under the leadership of the party, China has undergone historic changes and achieved historic achievements. It is hoped that party schools in all provinces and cities will work together to reach a new level in open education and organize interdisciplinary and comprehensive theoretical research with multiple parties to provide theoretical support for improving the quality of telling Chinese stories.

Dai Xiaoming said that as the first book in the "Stories of Chinese Modernization" series, "Why Shanghai?" " has three values: first, it presents the valuable Chinese experience in the development of Chinese-style modernization, highlighting the common characteristics of urban individual characteristics and the scientific connotation of Chinese-style modernization; second, it provides a story narrative template for Chinese-style modern cities; third, it contains The future picture of the new form of human civilization.

At the launch ceremony, Yu Hailin, deputy director of the International Exchange Center of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Liu Genfa, director of the International Exchange and Training Development Department of China Pudong Cadre College, Jing Ying, first-level inspector of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal Government, the Foreign Propaganda Office of the Shanghai Municipal Committee and the Municipal Government Chen Yiqun, deputy director of the Information Office, delivered keynote speeches. They said that to present a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China, we must properly handle the relationship between telling the story of the Chinese Communist Party, telling the story of China, and telling the story of Shanghai well. The standardization, systematization and professional construction of teaching materials in foreign-related training exchanges are very important. "Why Shanghai?" 》Chinese and English, the cases are rich and colorful. Each story uses small things to see the big things, and uses small points to bring out the big picture, to see people, things, and emotions. At the same time, it also has the academic thinking with the characteristics of the Party School, integrating politics, academic rationality, professionalism, and communication. Integrated, it has a very good demonstration significance for telling Chinese stories well.

The symposium was hosted by Hu Min, president of the National Academy of Administration Press. Experts and scholars attending the meeting had a heated discussion on topics such as learning, publicizing and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, strengthening international communication capacity building, and telling the story of Chinese-style modernization. Everyone agreed that telling China’s story well and presenting a colorful, vivid and comprehensive image of China to the world requires all parties to play combinations and concertos, actively integrate into the diverse and three-dimensional external publicity structure, and constantly explore ways to tell China’s story well and The mechanism and form of the spread of international discourse system.

According to reports, "Why Shanghai?" 》 is a bilingual version in Chinese and English, published by the National Academy of Administration Press. The book is divided into five chapters, focusing on 15 stories of Shanghai's high-quality development, high-quality life, high-efficiency governance and high-level opening up in the process of Chinese-style modernization. The book was unveiled at the 2023 World Congress of Chinese Studies·Shanghai Forum Achievements Book Exhibition, and won the 2023 Shanghai "Silver Dove Award" "Excellent Award" in the publishing category. It will continue to strengthen the construction of international communication capabilities under the new situation, tell the story of Shanghai well, and expand International influence and strengthening international exchanges and cooperation have contributed to the strength of the party school.

Representatives from the Central Party School, the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, some provincial party schools, and the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and "Why Shanghai?" "More than 80 people including members of the writing team of the book attended the meeting.

This new "Chinese-English bilingual" book allows the world to better understand Chinese modernization, focusing on 15 Shanghai stories
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