Highlighting the urgency of this matter, openly shifting the risk of nuclear pollution, Japan strongly promotes the issue of nuclear wastewater discharge into the sea | International | Urgency

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 12:29 PM

Previously, at the closing ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum, he reiterated the need to adhere to the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative, advocating for promoting common development and prosperity, striving to achieve universal security, and adhering to cultural exchanges and mutual learning.

Currently, global development is facing enormous challenges. The recent incidents of Japan unilaterally initiating the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear accident into the sea demonstrate that building a safe and stable international environment for common development is still a long and arduous task.

Development is the material foundation of security and civilization

Development is the material foundation of safety and civilization, as the granaries are solid and know etiquette, and the clothing and food are sufficient and know honor and disgrace. The Global Development Initiative clearly answers the question of "what kind of development the world needs and how to achieve global development". Development is the foundation of human society. Marx pointed out in "German Ideology" that "when people cannot fully guarantee their food, drink, shelter, and clothing in terms of quality and quantity, they cannot be liberated." On this basis, Marx believed that development should have its own scale, and "production will be aimed at the prosperity of all people.". Mao Zedong pointed out that "the quality and magnitude of the policies and practices of all political parties in China's performance among the Chinese people ultimately depend on whether they are helpful to the development of the productive forces of the Chinese people and the extent of their assistance. It depends on whether they constrain or release the productive forces." Deng Xiaoping emphasized on multiple occasions that "development is the hard truth.".

Looking at the world, whether in history or in the current international community, without global inclusive development and common prosperity, world security cannot be discussed, and mutual learning among civilizations is even more desirable.

Security is a prerequisite guarantee for development and civilization

Governance often leads to wealth, while chaos often leads to poverty. Security is a prerequisite, guarantee, and bottom line for development and civilization, and humanity is an inseparable community of security. The world today is not peaceful, and many countries and regions have experienced wars and turmoil. Local people are still in turmoil and suffering. The international community urgently hopes to eliminate the root causes of conflicts and wars and find the fundamental strategy for long-term world stability. The Global Security Initiative has clearly answered the security question of "what kind of security the world needs and how to achieve common security", providing a Chinese solution to address international security challenges. The Global Security Initiative advocates a new security concept of "common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable", adheres to respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, opposes unilateralism and camp confrontation, and insists on resolving differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation in a peaceful manner. China's successful mediation of Saudi Arabia and Iran in Beijing, as well as its insistence on promoting peace talks and resolving the Ukrainian crisis through political means, are classic examples of implementing global security initiatives and addressing global security challenges.

On the contrary, Western hegemonic countries and related blocs have been pouring oil on the Ukrainian crisis and benefiting from it. Recently, despite strong criticism and opposition from the international community, the Japanese government has insisted on launching the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea on August 24th, openly shifting the risk of nuclear pollution to neighboring countries, including China, and the international community, putting personal interests above the long-term well-being of people in the region and around the world. The above cases indicate that the world is not secure, and the development of the world and the exchange of civilizations urgently require a stable and peaceful security environment and a good international order.

Civilization is the value guide for development and security

Blossoming alone is not spring, and a hundred flowers blooming together is the essence of human civilization. Global civilizations learn from each other, complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, and progress together, playing an important value leading role in global development and security. The Global Civilization Initiative advocates respecting the diversity of world civilizations, promoting the common values of all mankind, valuing the inheritance and innovation of civilizations, strengthening international cultural exchanges and cooperation, and exploring the construction of a global civilization dialogue and cooperation network.

Individual powerful Western countries wear colored glasses to see the world and deliberately promote the binary opposition of "democracy and authoritarianism" and "freedom and authoritarianism", which can only lead to world fragmentation and cultural conflicts. Once upon a time, the "Western centrism" with the main argument of "Western civilization being the most superior", "Western values being the most universal", and "Western path being the most unique" was flourishing. One of the serious harms of this civilization monster was the cultural export of Western colonialism, such as the hegemonic United States exerting its "superior conditions" of "long arm jurisdiction" to provide "democratic aid" to countries such as Ukraine and Afghanistan. The essence and formula of this "cultural export" and "democratic aid" were the same, that is, democracy is illusory and aggression is real.

The Global Civilization Initiative advocates respecting the diversity of world civilizations, emphasizes adhering to the civilization concept of "equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and inclusiveness", promotes the common values of all mankind, emphasizes not engaging in ideological confrontation, does not engage in institutional output, and opposes "arbitrary withdrawal from the group". It effectively exposes the Western centric mentality of civilization superiority and the ugly face of "blindly building the path and secretly passing the time". The global discourse system dominated by the West not only loses its positive regulatory and leading functions in the face of disorder and disorder in the face of major changes, but also leads to a negative reaction of "adding fuel to the fire". The Global Civilization Initiative will play an important value leading role in promoting the development of countries around the world and reshaping the international security order, on the basis of further breaking down communication barriers and continuing the flame of human civilization.

The "Three Cornerstones" of Building a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity

Currently, changes in the world, times, and history are unfolding in unprecedented ways.The "Three Global Initiatives" are the specific action plans and "Three Cornerstones" of this overall goal.

The concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind and the "Three Major Global Initiatives" are China's global and systematic solutions proposed against the backdrop of unprecedented changes in the world and severe challenges to international order and human survival. They have a clear problem orientation. The concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind and the "Three Global Initiatives" contain a Marxist worldview and methodology, based on dialectical materialism and historical materialism as principles, deeply exploring the laws of world development and the direction of human civilization, always paying attention to the overall interests of humanity, and emphasizing the differentiated demands and desires of countries around the world, reflecting the Marxist perspective on world history. The concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind and the "Three Major Global Initiatives" clearly oppose the "New Cold War" and "New Hot War" hegemonic thinking and actions of Western hegemonic countries, firmly standing on the side of historical correctness and human civilization progress, reflecting a strong spirit of struggle and historical initiative.

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