Scientific layout of the "three major industries" is the key to accelerating the development of new productive forces

Release time:Apr 25, 2024 10:13 AM

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the 11th collective study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee: “We must promptly apply the results of scientific and technological innovation to specific industries and industrial chains, transform and upgrade traditional industries, cultivate and strengthen emerging industries, lay out and build future industries, and improve modern industries. System. "If scientific and technological innovation cannot be actually applied in industries and industrial chains, it will be impossible to talk about its role in promoting productivity. Therefore, the three major industries of traditional industries, emerging industries, and future industries are not only the key to building a modern industrial system, but also the main position for developing new productive forces. How to scientifically lay out the three major industries and achieve deep integration of technological innovation and industrial transformation is an important task for my country's economic and social development at present and in the future.

Actively introduce innovative factors and promote the scientific layout of the three major industries

Strategic emerging industries and future industries are the two main industries for developing new productive forces. With the advancement of science and technology and the in-depth development of globalization, their status and role have become more and more obvious. Emerging industries such as information technology, biotechnology, new energy, etc., through technological innovation and market demand guidance, promote the development of traditional industries in a higher value-added and more sustainable direction, becoming a new driving force for economic growth. These emerging industries are increasingly playing an increasingly important role in transforming and leading traditional industries, promoting the upgrading and optimization of the industrial structure. At the same time, future industries focus more on cutting-edge technologies and emerging trends, such as artificial intelligence, biomedicine, renewable energy, etc. They represent the direction and development trend of the future economy, not only injecting new vitality into economic development, but also It also brings more innovation opportunities and development space to the entire industry chain.

As an important pillar of economic development, traditional industries play a crucial role. When General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation during this year's Two Sessions, he emphasized: "Developing new productive forces does not mean neglecting or abandoning traditional industries. We must prevent herds and bubbles, and we must not create a model." Therefore, we cannot blindly do so. To pursue emerging industries and future industries, we must carry out scientific and reasonable planning and layout based on actual conditions to avoid bubbles and rush-to-market phenomena. At the same time, we must actively promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and improve technological levels and added value to adapt to new market demands and development trends. Only on the basis of mutual coordination and mutual promotion between traditional industries, emerging industries and future industries, can the three major industries form a continuous chain of economic development, and innovation is the key clue to realize the series connection, transformation and rotation among the three major industries.

Taking the automobile industry as an example, from the traditional automobile industry to the rise of new energy vehicles to the development of smart cars, they all reflect the future development trends of traditional industries, emerging industries and future industries. In the traditional automobile industry, fuel-powered vehicles occupy a dominant position. They bring convenient transportation methods to human society, but they also bring problems of environmental pollution and energy consumption. With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, new energy vehicles are gradually emerging. They use clean energy sources such as electricity, hybrid power or hydrogen fuel cells to effectively reduce tail gas emissions. With the advancement of science and technology, new energy vehicles are no longer satisfied with solving environmental pollution problems, they have begun to develop towards intelligence. Smart cars combine cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things to realize functions such as autonomous driving, intelligent navigation, and vehicle interconnection, greatly improving driving safety and comfort. From the changes in the automobile industry, we can see the trend of traditional industries transforming into emerging industries, and the direction in which emerging industries move towards future industries.

This means that by injecting innovative production factors, introducing innovative technologies and setting up innovative production systems, the production efficiency of traditional industries can be improved and their transformation and optimization can be promoted. It can also help to deeply develop and tap the potential and industrial scale of strategic emerging industries. To help transform and upgrade them into future industries, we can also rely on industrial clusters and industrial ecosystems to promote cross-border cooperation in future industries and build a new ecosystem for innovative industries.

Deeply implement collaborative strategies to promote a virtuous cycle in the three major industries

In order to further effectively promote industrial development, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to layout the industrial chain around the development of new-quality productive forces, improve the resilience and safety level of the industrial chain and supply chain, and ensure that the industrial system is independent, controllable, safe and reliable. On the one hand, we must scientifically lay out scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation around the strategic tasks of promoting new industrialization and accelerating the construction of a manufacturing power, a quality power, a network power, a digital China, and an agricultural power. On the other hand, we must vigorously develop the digital economy, promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, and create an internationally competitive digital industry cluster.

The core of these measures is to comprehensively focus on new productivity, new industrialization and digital economy, thereby building a collaborative strategy with the main goals of improving the level of the industrial chain, promoting the construction of a strong country, and achieving deep integration of digitalization and the real economy. Through the implementation of this collaborative strategy, the development of new productivity, new industrialization and digital economy are integrated into a coordinated whole. They form a triangular pillar structure that supports and promotes each other, providing solid support for each other's development. This integration and synergy further promotes a virtuous cycle between the three major industries and achieves a situation of resource sharing, complementary advantages and mutual benefit.

Specifically, through the introduction of advanced technology and management concepts, new productivity has been widely used in many traditional industries such as manufacturing and service industries. At the same time, the improvement of new productivity has also promoted the optimization and upgrading of the industrial chain, laying a solid foundation for the development of emerging industries and future industries. The advancement of new industrialization has accelerated the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. By introducing new industrialization models such as smart manufacturing and green manufacturing, traditional industries have achieved more environmentally friendly and efficient production methods while maintaining competitiveness. As a representative of the new economic form, the digital economy has injected strong impetus into the construction of the industrial chain innovation ecosystem. The widespread application of digital technology not only reduces the cost and risk of cooperation between upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, but also promotes the modernization process of the industrial chain and provides technical support for the cross-border integrated development of the three major industries.

However, in order to transform technological innovation into actual productivity, we must also have a deep understanding of the transformation conditions of innovation. Industrial innovation can be divided into three "internalization" processes: first, industrial innovation must be internalized into the social reproduction movement and economic development process; second, industrial innovation must be internalized into the construction of a new development pattern; third, industrial innovation must be internalized into the construction of a new development pattern; It is necessary to internalize industrial innovation into China’s actual development conditions. To this end, we should accelerate the implementation of a strategy that uses the market as the nurturing force, innovative resources as the allocation, and execution as the starting point. Its internal logic mainly focuses on the three-level industrial triangle strategy of innovation logic, industrial logic, and kinetic energy transformation logic. Another major theoretical support for the virtuous cycle development of the three major industries.

First of all, the logic of innovation requires us to always adhere to the market orientation in industrial innovation, carry out scientific and technological innovation closely around market needs, and ensure that innovation results can be truly transformed into actual productivity. Secondly, industrial logic emphasizes that industrial innovation must be combined with the construction of a new development pattern to promote industrial innovation to play a greater role in economic development by optimizing the industrial structure and improving the level of the industrial chain. Finally, the logic of kinetic energy transformation focuses on how to combine industrial innovation with China's actual development conditions and promote the effective transformation and application of industrial innovation results through policy guidance, resource allocation and other means.

In short, transforming technological innovation into actual productivity is a complex and long process, which requires not only the scientific layout of the three major industries, but also the joint efforts and continuous investment of the whole society. By deeply understanding the transformation conditions of innovation and putting them into practice, it will help accelerate the formation and development of new productive forces, thereby promoting the Chinese economy to achieve higher quality and more sustainable development.

Scientific layout of the "three major industries" is the key to accelerating the development of new productive forces
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