Why does Nantong frequently mention the Yangtze River Estuary Industrial Innovation Collaborative Zone? Wu Xinming, Secretary of the Nantong Municipal Party Committee, said this

Release time:May 14, 2024 06:53 AM

On November 30 last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the symposium on further promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta that we should further promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, further enhance innovation capabilities, industrial competitiveness, and development capabilities, and take the lead in forming a higher level of reform and opening up. The new pattern is of great significance for our country to build a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, and comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization. On April 30 this year, the Political Bureau meeting of the CPC Central Committee pointed out that it is necessary to deeply understand the strategic intentions of the Party Central Committee, promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta to achieve greater breakthroughs, and better play the role of pioneering, leading and demonstrating, and radiating and leading.

This year is the sixth year that the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta has been elevated to a national strategy. In order to implement the spirit of the General Secretary's important instructions, Liberation Daily and Shangguan News will launch a series of interviews with political figures in the Yangtze River Delta cities today, interviewing responsible comrades in key cities in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui to discuss how to further promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

When the reporter met Wu Xinming, secretary of the Nantong Municipal Party Committee, he had just returned to Nantong from Nanjing. On the morning of the same day, the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government held the sixth plenary meeting of the Leading Group for Promoting the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta, at which Wu Xinming made an exchange speech. During the interview, when talking about the joint construction of the Yangtze River Estuary Industrial Innovation Collaborative Zone, Wu Xinming immediately started chatting. He revealed that the morning meeting clearly considered studying and formulating a construction plan for the Yangtze Estuary Industrial Innovation Collaborative Zone as a way to further promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. annual tasks.

During the National Two Sessions this year, when General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in the deliberation of his Jiangsu delegation, Wu Xinming reported in his speech that Nantong is accelerating the formation of the "Eight Dragons Crossing the River" pattern, and will become increasingly "good" in the future, building "North Shanghai" and "New "Southern Jiangsu" has promising prospects.

In September 2021, Wu Xinming left Suzhou, where he had worked for nearly 30 years, to work in Nantong on the north bank of the Yangtze River. It has been two and a half years since. This kind of local work experience has given him his own understanding and thinking about the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the construction of Shanghai's "18" metropolitan area.

Wu Xinming: When participating in the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation at the National Two Sessions, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Nantong’s transportation is now very convenient and getting better and better. It can be said to be “both sides” and it is necessary to make good use of the national strategy of integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. General Secretary Xi Jinping vividly pointed out the biggest advantage of Nantong's development by "having both sides". I understand that this is Nantong's status in the integration of the Yangtze River Delta.

Nantong is close to the river, the sea and Shanghai. It is the only city north of the Yangtze River in the Shanghai "18" metropolitan area. Suzhou is the strongest prefecture-level city in China. The total economic output of the three cities in southern Jiangsu, Su, Wuxi and Changzhou, accounts for nearly 40% of Jiangsu's. Nantong is connected to Shanghai on one side and southern Jiangsu on the other. It really has the best of both worlds. At present, Nantong is keeping in mind the entrustment, forging ahead with gratitude, jointly implementing national strategies such as the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, deeply integrating with Shanghai, integrating into southern Jiangsu in a wide range of areas, and striving to promote high-quality development to achieve new "vicissitudes of change."

Leveraging on the advantages of "having both sides", Nantong will continue to improve transportation connectivity, industrial innovation collaboration and homogeneous services in the same city, and create an important pivot for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. Among them, transportation is of leading significance. Nantong both benefits from and is hindered by the Yangtze River. Because it is separated by a river, it was not able to catch the development express train of Pudong's development and opening up in time. On June 30, 2008, the Sutong Bridge, the first cross-river bridge in Nantong, was opened to traffic. In recent years, the daily traffic volume has exceeded 90,000 vehicles, and as high as 130,000 vehicles during holidays, which is nearly twice the design traffic volume. This fully reflects the Nantong Close exchanges with Shanghai and southern Jiangsu. At present, there are three river-crossing passages in Nantong, and construction of four more will start in 2022. The Su-Tong second passage is about to start construction. The "Eight Dragons Crossing the River" pattern is accelerating, and it has become increasingly "easy" from "difficult" in the past. Pass". Especially after the North Yanjiang High-speed Railway is opened to traffic, the commuting time from Nantong to Shanghai will be shortened to about 40 minutes. The continuous improvement of transportation has helped Nantong, Shanghai and Southern Jiangsu enter a new stage of collaborative collaboration in industrial innovation and homogeneous services in the same city.

Wu Xinming: I have worked in Suzhou for a long time, especially in the Fenhu High-tech Industrial Development Zone, which lasted eight and a half years. It was one of the first start-up areas of the demonstration zone. In 2020, when I was serving as Secretary of the Kunshan Municipal Party Committee, I also supported the promotion of the active integration of the three southern towns such as Jinxi, Dianshan Lake, and Zhouzhuang into the demonstration zone. In February 2023, in the overall land and space planning of the demonstration zone approved by the State Council, the three towns were included as a whole.

After working in Nantong, I have been thinking about how to make good use of the national strategy of integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. In 2022, based on Nantong's reality, we formulated and implemented Nantong's five major action plans, including the Yangtze River Delta industrial chain and supply chain supporting coordination. The focus is on the coordinated development of the industrial chain and industrial technology innovation collaboration. On this basis, we conducted in-depth research and thinking, learned from the experience of the Yangtze River Delta Ecological Green Integrated Development Demonstration Zone, actively supported the construction of Shanghai’s “18” metropolitan area, and advocated co-operation in the adjacent areas of Nantong, Suzhou and Shanghai at the Yangtze River Estuary. Build an industrial innovation collaborative zone.

From the current point of view, the collaborative zone is to serve the cross-regional collaboration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation in the Yangtze River Delta. Nantong belongs to the one-hour commuting circle of Shanghai. Its total economic volume has reached a trillion level. It has obvious comprehensive advantages such as industrial foundation, development space, and transportation location. It can become an industrial collaboration base for Shanghai and southern Jiangsu and the first choice for optimizing productivity layout in the Yangtze River Delta. Better help the Yangtze River Delta build a world-class industrial cluster. In the long run, the collaborative zone requires each region to complement its advantages and strengthen cooperation to jointly create a new productivity hub in the Yangtze River Delta, a test field for institutional innovation, and a model area for integrated development. It will fully serve Shanghai to play its leading role and promote the northern and southern wings of the Yangtze River Delta to be more complete and more comprehensive. balanced development.

wu "Constructing the Yangtze River Estuary Industrial Innovation Collaborative Zone"; this year's Jiangsu Provincial Government Work Report clearly proposed "planning and building the Yangtze Estuary Industrial Innovation Collaborative Zone"; relevant national ministries and commissions also expressed support. Under the leadership of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the collaborative zone has been solved. We are pragmatically planning, actively promoting, and coordinating the joint construction of the park and project cooperation. In the next step, we will focus on exploring breakthroughs in three aspects: First, seek breakthroughs in the cooperation model. Explore models such as “base expansion area”, “headquarters collaboration center”, “enclave incubation” and “offshore innovation”. For example, the first branch center of the Yangtze River Delta National Science and Technology Innovation Center is located in Nantong, which can integrate innovation resources in the Yangtze River Delta region, coordinate the implementation of major scientific and technological innovation projects, and promote the coordinated development of industrial innovation. The second is to seek breakthroughs in cooperation vehicles. Adhere to complementary advantages, mutual benefit and win-win results, and jointly build a number of "small but refined" cooperation parks that are deeply engaged in industrial innovation. The third is to seek breakthroughs in cooperation mechanisms. Learn from mature domestic cross-regional development practices and jointly explore benefit-sharing mechanisms to achieve mutual benefit, win-win results, and coordinated development.

Wu Xinming: I think siphon and overflow are relative and dialectical. For example, there are both "siphons" and "overflows" between Shanghai and Nantong. Taking the construction of Shanghai's "Five Centers" as an example, the siphoning of high-end factors such as finance and shipping is foreseeable, but the dispersion of some non-core functions is also in line with development trends and laws. Nantong can contribute to the construction of Shanghai's "Five Centers" Good supporting collaboration and extended services.

Nantong has in-depth cooperation and integration with Shanghai and Southern Jiangsu in terms of industry and innovation. It has become "I am among you, and you are among me." We often talk about "4567": more than 40% of Nantong's agricultural and sideline products are supplied to Shanghai and surrounding areas, more than 50% of enterprises have cooperative relationships in Shanghai, more than 60% of goods are imported and exported through Shanghai ports, and more than 70% of manufacturing enterprises listed above have cooperation with Shanghai. Shanghai universities and colleges carry out industry-university-research cooperation.

The joint construction of parks is an important carrier of cross-regional cooperation. Nantong, Shanghai and Southern Jiangsu have jointly built 19 cooperation parks, forming a number of models and accumulating some experience. For example, the Shanghai Shibei High-tech City jointly built by Jing'an District in Shanghai and Chongchuan District in Nantong is a vivid case of win-win. After more than ten years of development, it has become a modern science and technology city with innovative collaboration and industrial co-construction between Shanghai and Tong. It has won many awards. Comment on the “Yangtze River Delta Jointly Building Inter-Provincial Industrial Cooperation Demonstration Park”. Shibei High-tech City is only 5.2 square kilometers, but it has attracted nearly 300 companies, 1/4 of which are high-tech companies, and has gathered tens of thousands of talents. We are actively promoting a new round of cooperation, further expanding the results of cooperation, and forming a demonstration drive.

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