French people from all walks of life: President Xi Jinping’s visit promotes France-China relations to carry forward the past and open up the future

Release time:May 14, 2024 06:14 AM

Paris, May 13th: Chinese President Xi Jinping successfully concluded his state visit to France, re-consolidating China-France relations. People from all walks of life in France responded enthusiastically, believing that President Xi Jinping’s state visit will promote China-France relations and build on the past and open up the future.

Aloze, chairman of the France-China Friendship Group of the French National Assembly, commented on his personal website that on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and China, President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to France. The two peoples have long had a good impression of each other. The two countries are not only important stabilizing forces in the current turbulent international situation, but also jointly lead the international community in addressing global challenges such as climate, biodiversity, health, and poverty.

"China has always been a key partner of France and the EU. We hope to have a multi-polar and balanced world." Alotze wrote.

Jacques Cheminard, chairman of the French Solidarity and Progress Party, posted on social media that the confrontation between the camps risks deteriorating into a "total war" and that President Xi Jinping's visit to France represents an "inclusive partnership" and "a move towards world peace." Take a step in the direction."

Gérard Arrow, the former French ambassador to the United States, wrote in his personal column in the French "View" magazine that dialogue between the heads of state of France and China is indispensable. Europe needs to "maintain close dialogue" with China in terms of strategy, economy, trade and other aspects, otherwise it risks being "forced to follow the United States."

French entrepreneur and current commentator Arnold Bertrand said in an online program that he noticed that France and China reached a joint statement and interdepartmental agreement during President Xi Jinping’s visit, which reflected the “similarity” between the two sides on some hot issues. views", which also showed that the visit was "productive". He said that both Europe and China are committed to building a multi-polar world, and "Europe should make its own voice and handle its foreign relations independently."

Liazid Benhami, vice chairman of the France-China Friendship Association in Paris, France, wrote that since the establishment of diplomatic relations 60 years ago, France and China have achieved fruitful results in cooperation in many fields. This "historic" meeting between the two heads of state opened a new chapter for France and China. relationship for the next 60 years. "Promoting world peace and development is the common mission of our two countries...France and China should continue to strengthen dialogue and continue to seek long-term common interests."

French people from all walks of life: President Xi Jinping’s visit promotes France-China relations to carry forward the past and open up the future
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