World Weekly丨Pragmatism and Cooperation

Release time:May 13, 2024 08:42 AM

At the invitation of President Macron of the French Republic, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid an official visit to France on May 5. China and France are both permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and major economic powers. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, and against the backdrop of intensifying international geopolitical conflicts and sluggish global economic recovery, the importance of this visit is self-evident.

Over the past 60 years, China-France relations have always been at the forefront of China's relations with Western countries, bringing benefits to the people of both countries and contributing to world peace, stability and development. As the title of President Xi’s signed article published in France’s Le Figaro stated, “Inheriting the spirit of establishing diplomatic relations between China and France and jointly promoting world peace and development.”

French President Macron spoke positively of President Xi’s visit

On May 7, local time, after Chinese President Xi Jinping successfully concluded his state visit to France, French President Macron wrote this sentence in French and Chinese respectively on social media X: "Thank you for the friendly and candid exchange, This is vital to the balance of our two countries and the world."

In two days, he posted four posts in Chinese, which shows that Macron attaches great importance to Sino-French relations and the highest-level meetings between the two countries.

His statement in an interview with the French newspaper Tribune was even more direct:

"I do not suggest that we keep our distance from China. Whether it is climate issues or security issues, we need China." - French President Macron

Some analysts pointed out that when some Western countries are considering "decoupling and cutting off links" with China in response to the call of the United States, Macron still hopes that Europe will act as a "balancing force" and that China will continue to participate in global discussions. From a certain perspective, this is also an important step he has taken to achieve "European strategic independence."

Macron has always pushed for Europe to achieve true "strategic autonomy."

In 2019, he once said that "NATO is experiencing brain death" and can no longer rely on the United States to defend Europe, otherwise it will "no longer control its own destiny."

During his visit to China in April last year, Macron once again emphasized that Europe must further promote strategic independence and become the "third pole" after China and the United States.

On April 25 this year, when Macron gave a speech at the Sorbonne University in Paris, he once again warned that "Europe may die" unless Europe can achieve strategic autonomy.

French President Macron: We must clearly recognize the fact that Europe is in a fatal situation today. It may die, and whether it will die in the end will only depend on our choices.

Macron also stressed that Europe must show that it will never be a vassal of the United States and know how to talk to all other parts of the world.

The overall strategy proposed by Macron reflects Europe's tendency to be independent from the United States and manage its relationship with China independently. Amid political uncertainty in the United States, Europe is now reluctant to put Washington's interests ahead of its own. ——Spanish geopolitical analyst Sebastian Trillo-Figueroa

Some analysts pointed out that when the United States puts "America First" as its top priority, Europe is standing at a crossroads facing a choice.

For Europe, achieving strategic autonomy is not just a policy shift but a declaration of sovereignty to shape its destiny with renewed determination in a changing world.

This reminds people of the situation when China and France broke the ice and established diplomatic relations 60 years ago.

The Second World War ended in 1945, and the remaining countries in Western Europe were devastated and in ruins.

At that time, the United States launched the "Marshall Plan" to provide assistance to Europe, which could be called "helping in times of need." With the help of the United States, European countries gradually recovered, but at the same time, through the "Marshall Plan", the United States' influence and even control over Europe was further strengthened, and Europe became the frontline of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.

In 1959, de Gaulle was re-elected as President of France. He is unwilling to continue to be a pawn of the United States and is determined to pursue an independent foreign policy. He once publicly pointed out that if France wants to regain its status as a great power, it cannot ignore the existence of New China.

In 1964, de Gaulle became the first major Western country to recognize New China despite the opposition of the United States.

Then-French President Charles de Gaulle: As the weight of evidence and rationality increase day by day, the French Republic has decided to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China.

He also said confidently: "France's recognition of China is nothing more than a truthful recognition of the world."

Martin, the former French ambassador to China: It is obvious that de Gaulle's decision at the time was to cause an uproar in the diplomatic community.

On January 27, 1964, the Chinese and French governments simultaneously issued announcements on the establishment of diplomatic relations in Beijing and Paris: "The government of the People's Republic of China and the government of the French Republic unanimously decided to establish diplomatic relations. To this end, the two governments agreed to appoint ambassadors within three months. "

At that time, these two short sentences almost set off international public opinion. Some Western media even called it "a sudden diplomatic nuclear explosion." In the view of Rusk, the then US Secretary of State, this was tantamount to "opening a crack in an airtight iron plate."

Many years later, Claude Chaye, who served as the first French ambassador to China, recalled his time in Beijing this way.

Claude Chayer, the first French ambassador to China: This is undoubtedly one of the most interesting periods in my diplomatic career. Discovering Chinese civilization, Asian civilization, and a nation worthy of my admiration was a huge shock to me.

With France taking the lead, other European countries have begun to follow suit.

In 1970, Italy established diplomatic relations with New China; in 1971, Belgium established diplomatic relations with China; in 1972, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the Netherlands established diplomatic relations with New China; in 1973, Spain established diplomatic relations with New China. The rapidly changing New China has quickly opened up a new diplomatic situation.

Fabius, Chairman of the French Constitutional Committee and former Prime Minister: Sixty years ago, France became the first Western power to recognize the People's Republic of China. This was a bold step at the time. Since then, the bilateral relationship has been closely linked, allowing France and China to jointly solve major global issues.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 60 years ago, China-France relations not only have precious history, unique values ​​and important missions, but also have pragmatic cooperation with broad interests.

France is not only the first major Western country to establish ambassadorial-level diplomatic relations with New China, but has also created many "firsts" in other fields.

France is the first Western country to carry out civilian nuclear energy cooperation with China.

As early as 1982, China and France signed a protocol on cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. China's first large-scale commercial nuclear power plant, Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant, uses French nuclear power technology. EDF has been fully involved in the design, construction and operation of the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant.

Ma Shilu, former Executive Vice President of EDF Group. In the 1980s, he served as the technical manager of the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant project. Since then, he has participated in the close cooperation between China and France in the field of nuclear power for decades, and is an important witness of the friendly exchanges between China and France.

Ma Shilu, former executive vice president of EDF: When I came to China in the 1980s, I first went to Shenzhen to negotiate a contract to build a nuclear power plant in Shenzhen. This was at a time when Shenzhen was starting to establish special economic zones, so I was able to witness the development of China, first through the special economic zones, then as port cities, and finally as a whole.

At present, the world is accelerating the transition to clean energy, and nuclear power, which has the advantage of low carbon emissions, will play an important role in the future.

Ma Shilu, former executive vice president of EDF Group: Energy transition is obviously a major issue around the world, but I think France and China play a special role and bear special responsibilities.

China and France have cooperated in the field of nuclear energy for decades. In this process, technical personnel from both sides learned from each other, inspired each other, and improved together, writing a successful story of win-win cooperation between China and France.

Ma Shilu, former executive vice president of EDF Group: What I want to say is that one party will not hinder the other party. This is a common interest that transcends national boundaries and countries. Therefore, I hope that for our bilateral relationship, France and China can find a path of true cooperation.

France is also the first Western country to hold cultural years and cultural centers with China in each other's country.

In 2024, China and France will take the China-France Year of Culture and Tourism and the Paris Olympics as an opportunity to continue to jointly deepen exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in various fields such as economy and trade, aerospace, culture, education, sports, and tourism.

French AccorHotels, the world's leading hotel group, has more than 5,400 hotels around the world. In recent years, Accor has occupied a large number of Chinese markets by virtue of its cooperation with many domestic enterprises in China. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, as well as the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Sofitel hotel under the group.

Luo Kairui, CEO of Accor Group Greater China: I think we have all realized that when you put these two countries together, you will get the result of "11 equals 10".

Luo Kairui, who has been working and living in China for nearly 20 years, said that China will become the world's largest travel market by 2035 and is worthy of intensive development.

Luo Kairui, CEO of Accor Group Greater China: Especially for us, China provides many opportunities. The number of hotels is growing, and you need to learn to grow, which is very helpful in cultivating your own brand growth.

Gao Dawei, a French expert on international affairs and international relations, is also a sinologist. Since coming to China for the first time in 1996, he began to study China. In his eyes, China's development and changes over the past two decades have been "absolutely huge."

Gao Dawei, a French expert on international affairs and international relations: In my opinion, some Europeans do not know enough about China. I would tell them to come to China and talk to Chinese people. You see how open they are to collaboration and actually creating the conditions for global progress.

Indeed, over the past 60 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the economies of China and France have formed a strong symbiotic relationship in which we have each other and we have you.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Commerce of China, in the past 60 years, the bilateral trade volume between China and France has increased nearly 800 times since the establishment of diplomatic relations, reaching 78.9 billion U.S. dollars, and the cumulative two-way investment volume has exceeded 26 billion U.S. dollars. In the first two months of this year, French direct investment in China increased by 585.8% year-on-year.

From cheese, wine, and cosmetics to aircraft, satellites, and nuclear power plants, Sino-French cooperation has both "fireworks on earth" and "a sea of ​​stars." China is France's largest trading partner in Asia, and France is China's third largest trading partner and third largest source of actual investment in the EU.

On May 6, the sixth meeting of the China-France Entrepreneurs Committee was successfully held in Paris.

Barbara Fry, global executive vice president of Schneider Electric in France, said that Schneider continues to invest in China because it has "absolute confidence in the development prospects of the Chinese market." She said that today's China has become a more mature economy, and the Chinese market is full of vitality, with challenges but also opportunities.

It is worth mentioning that the significance of Sino-French relations has gone far beyond the scope of general bilateral relations. Especially in the context of the current severe challenges faced by Europe at home and abroad, Sino-French relations also lead Sino-European relations to a large extent.

In recent years, China-Europe cooperation, represented by China-France cooperation, has continued to bear fruit.

In 2023, 17,000 China-Europe freight trains will operate, connecting 219 cities in 25 European countries; China will expand its "visa-free" circle of friends and increase personnel exchanges and cooperation between China and Europe.

China and Europe are each other's second largest trading partners. In 2023, China-EU trade volume in goods will reach 783 billion U.S. dollars, and the average trade exchange per minute is close to 1.5 million U.S. dollars...

As the "Belt and Road" cooperation projects continue to advance, mutual benefit and win-win results between China and Europe are on the fast track.

On May 8, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the launch of the Yixingao China-Europe train, the Spanish capital Madrid held a departure ceremony for the 10th anniversary of the launch of the China-Europe train.

Jose Alvaro, Commercial Representative of the City of Valencia, Spain: Before the opening of the China-Europe freight train, trade between China and Europe could only rely on sea transportation, but the opening of the China-Europe freight train has provided us with significant convenience.

The China-Europe Trade and Logistics Cooperation Park located in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, was established in November 2012. It is the first trade and logistics overseas economic and trade cooperation zone built by China in Europe.

Currently, the China-Europe Business and Logistics Cooperation Park is planning to build a 20,000-square-meter smart warehouse in the Watts Cross-Border E-commerce Industrial Park, 30 kilometers north of Budapest, to provide cross-border e-commerce warehousing services. The warehouse will be equipped with intelligent robots that can handle 45,000 to 55,000 items per hour.

Gauso Balazs, President of China-Europe Trade and Logistics Cooperation Park: We have been very busy recently and have a lot to do. We invested 27 billion in this new warehouse.

As China has repeatedly emphasized, as two important forces in today's world, China and the EU should adhere to their partnership positioning, adhere to dialogue and cooperation, promote the stable and healthy development of China-EU relations, and continue to make new contributions to world peace and development.

60 years ago, the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France built a bridge between the East and the West, and also promoted the evolution of international relations in the direction of dialogue and cooperation. Over the past 60 years, the two sides have continuously expanded areas of cooperation, exchanges and mutual learning are rich and colorful, and practical cooperation has been fruitful. Looking to the future and looking forward to the next 60 years, we will uphold the spirit of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, work closely together, bring a better life to the people of both countries, and make more new contributions to world peace and development!

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