The international community has confidence in China's economic development

Release time:Jun 11, 2024 06:33 AM

Since the beginning of this year, many international organizations have raised their expectations for China's economic growth. Experts said that the international community has full confidence in the Chinese economy. The continued stable growth of China's economy will bring more development opportunities to multinational companies and inject more development momentum into the world economy.

The International Monetary Fund recently announced that it has raised its forecast for China's economic growth this year to 5%, up 0.4 percentage points from its April forecast. The IMF said that China's GDP grew strongly in the first quarter, and the Chinese government has taken a package of policy measures to promote efficient transformation in various industries while guarding against downside risks.

In addition, international financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and Deutsche Bank issued reports respectively stating that they have raised their forecasts for China's economic growth for the whole year.

Relevant experts and institutions said that solid economic fundamentals, continued structural reforms and effective policy measures are the main driving forces for the positive and steady recovery of China's economy.

IMF First Deputy Managing Director Gita Gopinath said that China has focused its work on high-quality economic development, supported green and high-tech innovation, improved financial supervision, and introduced policies to resolve risks in the real estate industry. More comprehensive and balanced policy measures will help cope with adverse economic factors.

China's economy continues to recover steadily, further boosting the investment confidence of multinational companies. In the first four months of this year, 16,805 foreign-invested enterprises were newly established across the country, a year-on-year increase of 19.2%. At the same time, many well-known foreign companies have successively launched important investment projects in China.

In March this year, AstraZeneca announced that it would invest US$475 million in a new small molecule drug factory in Wuxi, Jiangsu; in April, L'Oreal's world's first self-built intelligent operation center was opened in Suzhou, Jiangsu; in May, Bayer announced its investment in Qidong, Jiangsu. The new Bayer Health Consumer Goods Supply Center has an investment of RMB 600 million in the first phase.

"China is AstraZeneca's second largest market in the world. AstraZeneca will continue to deepen its presence in the Chinese market and comprehensively deepen cooperation and exchanges with partners from all walks of life." Wang Lei, Global Executive Vice President, Chairman of International Business and President of China at AstraZeneca, said that the Chinese government has launched a series of new measures aimed at stabilizing the economy, which has injected continuous vitality into the overall economic recovery and further boosted market confidence. AstraZeneca will take practical actions to firmly believe in the Chinese market, Chinese manufacturing and Chinese innovation.

The steady recovery has boosted the investment confidence of multinational companies. China's active promotion of cultivating new productive forces has allowed multinational companies to see more development opportunities.

Bai Ruiming, chief commercial officer of Rio Tinto Group, said that since the beginning of this year, China's economy has made good progress, demonstrating the resilience of China as the world's second largest economy, and also bringing more opportunities for Rio Tinto in trade and cooperation.

"China's active cultivation of new innovation-oriented productivity has brought huge opportunities to companies from all over the world, including Tencel Group. We are more confident than ever before to continue to deepen and expand our business in China." Xu Xinxiong, CEO of Tencel Group, said that high-quality, personalized and healthy consumption is accelerating its penetration into various industries, which will further stimulate the vitality of China's consumer market.

Relevant people believe that China's sustained and steady economic growth will produce a series of positive spillover effects, which is a major benefit to the world economy.

Gita Gopinath believes that China plays an important and constructive role in supporting debt restructuring in low-income and fragile countries and promoting green transformation, and the IMF looks forward to continuing cooperation with China in this regard.

China's economy has achieved a steady recovery, which has played a positive role in promoting international economic and trade cooperation. Data show that in the first five months of this year, the total value of China's import and export of goods was 17.5 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.3%. Among them, exports were 9.95 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.1%; imports were 7.55 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.4%. Whether it is as a world manufacturing power providing cost-effective products to markets in various countries, or as a world consumer power creating demand for products in various countries, China has played a positive and significant role.

Zhou Mi, a researcher at the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, said that China's sustained and steady economic growth has injected greater impetus into multilateral, bilateral and regional trade cooperation, and has also made regional supply chains more resilient, thereby promoting stable recovery and innovative development of the regional economy.

New Development Bank President Rousseff said at the 2024 Global Trade and Investment Promotion Summit held recently that China is an important engine of world economic growth. Research by the International Monetary Fund shows that for every 1 percentage point of China's economic growth, the output of other economies will increase by 0.3 percentage points. As the world's second largest economy, China's economy has added much-needed stability to the world economy.

Zhou Mi said that China's economy is an important part of the global economy and its contribution to world economic growth is very high. Therefore, the continued and steady growth of China's economy will have a direct and huge role in promoting the recovery of the world economy, and will also significantly boost the international community's confidence in the prospects of world economic recovery.

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