Lanting Observation丨China-Latin America exchanges are gaining momentum across thousands of miles

Release time:Jun 11, 2024 06:33 AM

On the 9th, Cuban Foreign Minister Rodriguez ended his five-day visit to China. In addition to the Cuban Foreign Minister, in the past week, the Vice President of Brazil and the Foreign Minister of Venezuela also visited China. What signal does the frequent visits of leaders and foreign ministers of Latin American and Caribbean countries send? Why can exchanges between China and Latin America at all levels transcend thousands of miles and become more heated?

Political mutual trust has become the cornerstone for China and Latin America to expand cooperation in various fields

Within a week, the Vice President of Brazil, the Foreign Minister of Venezuela, and the Foreign Minister of Cuba paid intensive visits to China to enhance mutual trust, promote cooperation, and send a firm signal to strengthen friendship with China.

Brazilian Vice President Alckmin said that Brazil is willing to take the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries as a new starting point to elevate bilateral relations to a new level.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Hill said that Venezuela-China relations have entered the best period in history and Venezuela will continue to be China's most reliable friend.

Cuban Foreign Minister Rodriguez said that Cuba is willing to work with China to promote the building of a Cuba-China community with a shared future and learn from China's successful experience.

Just halfway through 2024, leaders or foreign ministers from as many as nine Latin American and Caribbean countries have visited China. The frequent high-level exchanges between China and Latin America demonstrate the warmth and high level of bilateral relations. Through the analysis of relevant press releases, we found that "development", "cooperation", "partnership", "mutual trust" and "community of shared destiny" are frequently used keywords.

At present, achieving independent development, especially achieving more sustainable and inclusive economic growth and modernization, has become an important goal for the development of Latin America. And why do Latin American and Caribbean countries regard China, thousands of miles apart, as a partner on their development path? Rodriguez, the Cuban Foreign Minister who was visiting China, gave his answer in an interview with a reporter from "Blue Hall Observer", "China has always been an indispensable, selfless, and supportive friend. We agree that China is based on sovereignty. The vision of equality, multilateralism, the pursuit of peace and the promotion of common interests, and established an paradigm in mutual benefit that has become a model for relations between countries. We pay close attention to and actively participate in China's great initiatives that have developed between our two peoples. A close friendship was established.”

Since 2014, China and Latin America have worked together to build a community with a shared future for China and Latin America, and the continuously deepening political mutual trust has become the cornerstone for the two sides to expand cooperation in various fields.

China's attractiveness is increasing. In recent years, Panama, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras and other countries have established or resumed diplomatic relations with China. Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Uruguay and Nicaragua have become comprehensive strategic partners with China. Venezuela and China's relations have been upgraded to an all-weather strategic partnership.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Hill said in an interview with "Blue Hall Observer" that Venezuela is the only country in Latin America and the Caribbean that has an all-weather strategic partnership with China. At present, the two countries have actively cooperated in energy, agriculture, culture, sports, aerospace, science and technology and other fields. Talking about the continued expansion of trade between Venezuela and China, Hill bluntly said that this is not enough. Venezuela is also continuing to work hard to improve commercial cooperation and strive to conduct trade in local currencies. Venezuela and China share a common future, a future full of hope and mutual benefit for the two peoples.

Win-win cooperation is the source of vitality for the continuous development of China-Latin America relations

Over the past 20 years, China-Latin America trade has grown more than 30 times. In 2023, China-Latin America trade volume exceeded US$489 billion. In recent years, China-Latin America cooperation has made major breakthroughs in the field of infrastructure, which once constrained the development of Latin American countries, providing support for Latin American countries to achieve industrialization and re-industrialization.

Not long ago, the first "China-Latin America and Caribbean Countries Space Cooperation Forum" was successfully held in Wuhan, Hubei. From aerospace to digital economy, clean energy, and artificial intelligence, "new" forces are driving the deepening of cooperation between the two parties.

Song Junying, director of the Institute of Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the China Institute of International Studies, told "Lanting Observer" that China and many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are developing countries. China-Latin America cooperation is essentially South-South cooperation. Especially in the context of the current rise of the "Global South", countries in the "Global South" should strengthen unity and cooperation. China-Latin America cooperation embodies this aspect and sets a good example for South-South cooperation. The two sides can communicate and learn from each other within the framework of Chinese-style modernization and Latin American-style modernization to promote common development of both parties.

Although the United States, which regards Latin America as its "backyard", frequently criticizes, slanders and attacks China-Latin America cooperation, Latin American and Caribbean countries still make independent decisions, continuously increasing the "heat" of China-Latin America cooperation.

Behind the strong resilience of China-Latin America relations lies the power of the concepts of equality, mutual benefit, innovation, openness and benefiting the people. With the expansion of cooperation areas and the improvement of cooperation mechanisms, China and Latin America have joined hands closely on the road to modernization and development, bringing new vitality to global economic development and South-South cooperation.

Reporter: Huang Da, Huang Huixin, Ji Yi, Zhang Hanwen, Li Zheqian, Wu Shuoyu

Photography: Li Zhigui, Zhou Kun, Yang Ziyi, Yang Fan, Cui Hewen

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