What issues are American netizens most concerned about? , election year Biden | inflation | election year

Release time:Jun 07, 2024 10:22 AM

The United States will hold its quadrennial presidential election in November. What are Americans concerned about? An Internet survey shows that crime, social security, and medical care are the three topics that American netizens are currently most concerned about. However, as time goes by, the trend of American public opinion will also change, which will affect the election situation and even the future policy direction of the United States.

The primary stage of this year's U.S. presidential election has come to an end. The current Democratic President Biden and the former Republican President Trump have locked up their respective parties' presidential candidate nominations. As expected, the two will face off again.

Currently, the election between the two is very close. According to data from the U.S. election information website "Real Transparent Politics", as of June 1, Trump led Biden by 0.8 percentage points in national polls.

What the American people care about is a key factor in the election. When Americans look for information about politics and elections, one of the first places they turn to is on Internet search engines. In this context, the Associated Press and Google website cooperated to dynamically display the popularity of election topics searched by American netizens and reveal the changing trends of public opinion.

From a national level in the United States, the latest situation shows that the top ten topics that American netizens are most concerned about are: crime, social security, medical care, unemployment, economy, immigration, supplemental security income, minimum wage, abortion, and inflation.

It should be noted that these keywords represent topics. For example, "economy" covers "economic growth" and "gross domestic product."

The survey also looked at public opinion at the state level. For example, in Washington state, the top ten keywords are: crime, unemployment, health care, Social Security, economy, immigration, minimum wage, Supplemental Security Income, homelessness, and race.

In New York State, the top ten keywords are: crime, unemployment, health care, Social Security, immigration, economy, Supplemental Security Income, race, abortion, and inflation.

The survey also looked at state public opinion based on key words. Taking "crime" as an example, the survey shows that the place that is most concerned about this topic is Washington, DC, followed by Vermont and Minnesota.

In contrast, in the continental United States, the less "cold" places on this topic are West Virginia, Iowa, and Utah, and the attention is also lower in Hawaii and Alaska.

The places that pay more attention to the "economy" are Washington, DC, Delaware, and Virginia. These three states are all located in the eastern United States. Compared with netizens living in the central region, netizens living along the coast are more concerned about the "economy."

It can be said that Biden and Trump have quite different positions on a series of issues such as abortion, and both of them also have the desire to complete unfinished business.

Last month, Biden issued a "challenge" to Trump, proposing to abandon the decades-long tradition of autumn debates and hold two offline debates in advance, which was accepted by the latter.

It is reported that Biden currently has three preferred topics: abortion rights, the state of democracy and the economy. The Trump team believes that immigration, public safety and inflation are key issues.

Some commentators said that both sides chose topics where they believed they could exert their advantages in order to gain public support through public debate. However, as the two men compete fiercely, the divisions in American society may intensify.

What issues are American netizens most concerned about? , election year Biden | inflation | election year
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