Reshape the Middle East? , senior US officials visit Saudi Arabia and Israel

Release time:May 22, 2024 16:48 PM

As the war in Gaza continues and the Israeli army is preparing to launch a large-scale ground attack on Rafah, Sullivan, the US President's national security adviser, has visited Saudi Arabia and Israel.

According to military observer Liang Yongchun, the main purpose of Sullivan's successive visits to Saudi Arabia and Israel is to promote the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Israel to reach a tripartite agreement, to promote the "normalization of relations" between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and thereby reshape the pattern of the Middle East.

The Biden administration in the United States believes that the war in Gaza has come to an end. If Saudi Arabia and Israel can establish diplomatic relations, it can promote comprehensive reconciliation between Arab countries in the Middle East and Israel. This will be a major diplomatic achievement for the United States, something that the previous Republican administration failed to achieve. It will give the Democratic Party points for participating in the general election at the end of this year, and at the same time add a break to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Data map: Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed

Liang Yongchun analyzed that the United States faces many challenges if it wants to bring together Saudi Arabia and Israel to make a "big deal."

The first is the Palestinian issue. The blood stains in Gaza have not yet been wiped dry, and the United States wants Arab countries to comply with American interests. This is not easy to do.

The second challenge comes from Saudi Arabia. The United States drew a big pie for Saudi Arabia, promising to provide it with a large amount of cutting-edge weapons assistance and nuclear technology, and promising to support the "two-state solution" between Palestine and Israel. However, the Biden administration will only be in office until the end of this year, and Saudi Arabia will not work for the United States for a blank check.

The third challenge comes from Israel. Israel firmly opposes the "two-state solution" between Palestine and Israel and firmly opposes the United States providing cutting-edge weapons, especially nuclear technology, to Saudi Arabia. Now, the United States and Saudi Arabia are having heated talks, and the "semi-finalized draft" they negotiated will probably turn into a piece of waste paper when it reaches Israel.

As Sullivan participated in the Middle East mediation, the International Criminal Court prosecutor said that he had applied for arrest warrants for the Israeli Prime Minister, Defense Minister and senior Hamas officials on suspicion of war crimes.

Liang Yongchun believes that this will not have an impact on the United States’ Palestine-Israel policy.

The arrest warrant of the International Criminal Court is not mandatory. The United States has always used the International Criminal Court when it is beneficial and abandoned it when it is not beneficial. This time, the United States ignored its arrest warrant. After Sullivan ends his trip to the Middle East, the United States will immediately "give the green light" to Israel's full-scale attack on Rafah.

On May 18, local time, Israeli tanks drove in the Gaza Strip

Liang Yongchun also pointed out that the United States has long adhered to the wrong position on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, and that the term of US President Biden is about to end. At present, the United States is simply unable to come up with an effective Middle East peace plan.

In fact, the United States hopes that Israel will capture Rafah as soon as possible and eliminate Hamas forces. From the perspective of the United States, only by letting the war in Gaza end as soon as possible and letting the negative impact of the war pass as soon as possible can the United States have the opportunity to reshape the political structure of the Middle East according to its own wishes.

It must take into account partisan self-interest and strategically favor Israel, which determines that the U.S. government cannot come up with a fair and reasonable Middle East peace plan.

The comprehensive national strength of the United States is significantly declining, and it is still engaged in "big power competition." This means that its investment in strategic resources in the Middle East is not enough, and it is difficult to suppress the "princes" of all parties. The "Middle East Grand Deal" proposed by the United States will be short-lived.

Can still talk
Do not laugh! This is the twenty-kilometer nuclear city protection
May 25, 2024 00:58 AM
The wind is light and the clouds are clear
Unless Saudi Arabia is crazy and is looking for death.
May 24, 2024 17:39 PM
Second brother's choice
Israel wants to be the little brother of the Middle East boss, the United States.
May 24, 2024 06:28 AM
book boy
Money is just a piece of waste paper to them. What they want is goods and value.
May 24, 2024 03:10 AM
Shake it
If we include the areas connected to the railway into the territory of Israel, we will be retracting our money.
May 24, 2024 00:32 AM
Miss her quietly
The United States and Syria are further apart, so what if the United States is more developed [a polite smile] [a polite smile]
May 24, 2024 00:05 AM
flower, fall
As long as the United States actively promotes Saudi-Israeli relations, why is it impossible? [laughing awkwardly][laughing awkwardly]
May 23, 2024 23:18 PM
The wind is light and the clouds are clear
Everywhere the railway passes is a place where the army can attack [nose picking]
May 23, 2024 22:13 PM
🧡A carrotℒℴѵℯ creates conditions
The land of Israel belongs to Palestine. Israel is a Jew. It has no land and is just a robber.
May 23, 2024 21:50 PM
conserve water
The United States intends to Westernize Saudi Arabia!
May 23, 2024 21:44 PM
flower, fall
This kind of thing happens in a moment [see] [see] [see]
May 23, 2024 21:00 PM
What are you thinking about?
May 23, 2024 20:37 PM
User 4608946422156
Transporting missiles [face covering]
May 23, 2024 20:34 PM
The third meanest person in the world
Saudi Arabia is under your control? [Tears ran]
May 23, 2024 20:25 PM
Yang Zeyang
Is it convenient to bring the soldiers over [face covering]
May 23, 2024 19:21 PM
May 23, 2024 18:13 PM
(Run Sheng)
May 23, 2024 18:11 PM
(The best is like water)
Building oil pipelines is better than railways, and there are already existing shipping routes [tears]
May 23, 2024 17:45 PM
[cover face][cover face][cover face]
May 23, 2024 17:37 PM
User 6826607773759
[Like Like]
May 23, 2024 17:34 PM
[Come on together] [Come on together] [Come on together] [Come on together] [Come on together] [Come on together] [Come on together]
May 23, 2024 16:25 PM
lonely pipe
Support [呲ya][呲ya][呲ya]
May 23, 2024 14:37 PM
Just look, if you don’t defeat Israel, there will be no peace talks. This is an opportunity for our country.
May 23, 2024 14:30 PM
Tang Dynasty
Is their good relationship promoted by the United States?
May 23, 2024 14:04 PM
What are you thinking about?
May 23, 2024 20:37 PM
Yuan Jihong
It is right to rely on your own efforts, even if you are afraid of debts and repayments [呲呲]
May 23, 2024 11:53 AM
Soochow Yijie. Soft decoration cleaning [Pingbei Road store]
very nice
May 23, 2024 11:29 AM
Shopping: only look at ratings. Love: Just talk about price.
It is okay to be consistent with the outside world. Just like you can be consistent with the outside world. In the future, we will fight for property after closing the door.
May 23, 2024 11:10 AM
distant journey
Then tell me something nutritious
May 23, 2024 11:00 AM
There are too many problems between Israel and Arab countries, including religion, politics, and land resources. Reconciliation cannot be achieved by reconciliation.
May 23, 2024 10:59 AM
they said
100 billion can build 200 kilometers of high-speed rail, and Israel's mobilization capacity will be greatly improved.
May 23, 2024 09:27 AM
User 4237412547924
Believe in the power of China [Like]
May 23, 2024 09:02 AM
blue sea, blue sky
You don’t even look at Saudi Arabia’s homeland
May 23, 2024 07:55 AM
Be careful [like]
May 23, 2024 07:27 AM
Thinking too much [cover face][cover face][cover face]
May 23, 2024 07:24 AM
The wind is light and the clouds are clearflower, fall
Unless Saudi Arabia is crazy and is looking for death.
May 24, 2024 17:39 PM
flower, fall
As long as the United States actively promotes Saudi-Israeli relations, why is it impossible? [laughing awkwardly][laughing awkwardly]
May 23, 2024 23:18 PM
The result of great reconciliation in the Middle East! [Thank you] [Thank you] [Thank you]
May 23, 2024 06:42 AM
A humble gentleman
Solving the Palestinian issue is Israel’s top priority!
May 23, 2024 05:18 AM
🧡A carrotℒℴѵℯ creates conditions
The land of Israel belongs to Palestine. Israel is a Jew. It has no land and is just a robber.
May 23, 2024 21:50 PM
Seeing that Saudi Arabia no longer wants to play with them, it is now building a railway to connect them [face covering]
May 23, 2024 04:28 AM
Yang Zeyang
Is it convenient to bring the soldiers over [face covering]
May 23, 2024 19:21 PM
The purpose of building railways is never to make money, but to increase circulation, reduce logistics costs, and promote the development of related and other industries. This is why private enterprises seldom participate in railway construction, the investment risk is high, and the return period is too long. This is also why my country’s railways Construction is done by state-owned enterprises. This is an order, obey and execute, regardless of cost.
May 23, 2024 04:24 AM
User 4608946422156
There's a lot of oil, brother
May 23, 2024 03:32 AM
blue sea, blue sky
When will the railway construction pay for itself? Saudi Arabia covers an area of ​​more than 2 million square kilometers and has a population of over 30 million. It is still full of desert. Major cities such as Riyadh and Mecca are far away from Israel. The key point is that Israel only has a population of over 9 million, and its exports are basically high-end products. Saudi Arabia has almost nothing to export.
May 23, 2024 02:45 AM
Second brother's choice
Israel wants to be the little brother of the Middle East boss, the United States.
May 24, 2024 06:28 AM
book boy
Money is just a piece of waste paper to them. What they want is goods and value.
May 24, 2024 03:10 AM
Shake it
If we include the areas connected to the railway into the territory of Israel, we will be retracting our money.
May 24, 2024 00:32 AM
Miss her quietly
The United States and Syria are further apart, so what if the United States is more developed [a polite smile] [a polite smile]
May 24, 2024 00:05 AM
The wind is light and the clouds are clear(The best is like water)
Everywhere the railway passes is a place where the army can attack [nose picking]
May 23, 2024 22:13 PM
User 4608946422156(The best is like water)
Transporting missiles [face covering]
May 23, 2024 20:34 PM
(The best is like water)User 4608946422156
Building oil pipelines is better than railways, and there are already existing shipping routes [tears]
May 23, 2024 17:45 PM
202389886Shopping: only look at ratings. Love: Just talk about price.
Just look, if you don’t defeat Israel, there will be no peace talks. This is an opportunity for our country.
May 23, 2024 14:30 PM
Shopping: only look at ratings. Love: Just talk about price.202389886
It is okay to be consistent with the outside world. Just like you can be consistent with the outside world. In the future, we will fight for property after closing the door.
May 23, 2024 11:10 AM
202389886blue sea, blue sky
There are too many problems between Israel and Arab countries, including religion, politics, and land resources. Reconciliation cannot be achieved by reconciliation.
May 23, 2024 10:59 AM
blue sea, blue sky202389886
You don’t even look at Saudi Arabia’s homeland
May 23, 2024 07:55 AM
The purpose of building railways is never to make money, but to increase circulation, reduce logistics costs, and promote the development of related and other industries. This is why private enterprises seldom participate in railway construction, the investment risk is high, and the return period is too long. This is also why my country’s railways Construction is done by state-owned enterprises. This is an order, obey and execute, regardless of cost.
May 23, 2024 04:24 AM
User 4608946422156
There's a lot of oil, brother
May 23, 2024 03:32 AM
Brother is working hard
It took almost five years for the 20-kilometer subway to be repaired.
May 23, 2024 02:00 AM
Can still talk
Do not laugh! This is the twenty-kilometer nuclear city protection
May 25, 2024 00:58 AM
What you said is nonsense
May 23, 2024 01:43 AM
Pick up a leak
Israel is ambitious and attempts to expand its territory, so Saudi Arabia’s think tank needs to be foresighted.
May 23, 2024 00:32 AM
distant journey
Saudi Arabia has resumed diplomacy with him, but it is still too early to build railways.
May 22, 2024 22:30 PM
conserve water
The United States intends to Westernize Saudi Arabia!
May 23, 2024 21:44 PM
flower, fall
This kind of thing happens in a moment [see] [see] [see]
May 23, 2024 21:00 PM
The third meanest person in the world
Saudi Arabia is under your control? [Tears ran]
May 23, 2024 20:25 PM
distant journeyPando🐟
Then tell me something nutritious
May 23, 2024 11:00 AM
What you said is nonsense
May 23, 2024 01:43 AM
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