2024 College Admission Letters Have New Styles! Take a Sneak Peek

Release time:Jun 12, 2024 04:34 AM

The annual national college entrance examination has come to an end

Recently, many universities have released the 2024 admission letter templates

"Golden" key, "steel book", school badge blind box...

Harbin Institute of Technology gives each student a "golden" key

It means that students open the door to the universe and the future.

High-performance titanium alloys for key components of aerospace vehicles

2024 College Admission Letters Have New Styles! Take a Sneak Peek

Known as "space metal" and "future metal"

The surface coating was completed using technology that was once used for space station docking.

The overall design of the notice is presented in the shape of a "book"

There are also lucky bags and gift bags designed with traditional colors and school elements

The new version of the 2024 admission notice is officially released

It comes with BlingBling special effects which is very amazing

2024 College Admission Letters Have New Styles! Take a Sneak Peek

The blind box will randomly "drop" school badges from different periods

The assembled bookend contains a four-screen three-dimensional scroll.

After the splicing is completed, you can also use AR scanning to authenticate the identity of the new student.

What does an acceptance letter made of steel look like?

Will continue to launch the "Cicada Wing Steel" admission notice

"Cicada Wing Steel" is named because it is as thin as a cicada wing.

2024 College Admission Letters Have New Styles! Take a Sneak Peek
Russian media: Former US intelligence officer claims that the Commander in Chief of the Ukrainian military was seriously injured in a Russian missile attack website | Russia | Commander in Chief
Russian media: Former US intelligence officer claims that the Commander in Chief of the Ukrainian military was seriously injured in a Russian missile attack website | Russia | Commander in Chief

According to today's Russian television website on June 4th, former US military intelligence officer Scott Ritter stated that Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander in Chief Valery Zaluzhne was seriously injured in a missile attack launched by Russia against Kherson Oblast. According to reports, Ritter said in a video posted on the video website "Judgment Freedom" channel, "He is alive, but he was seriously injured in Russia's attack on the command post around Kherson." The former US intelligence officer also said that the Russian attack eliminated a group of Ukrainian intelligence personnel cooperating with the US and British military. According to reports, previously, former Pentagon official Stephen Bryan stated that the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense's news agency released a video of Zaluzhne attending an event after news of his injury was exposed, but the video was fake.

Foreign media: President of Timor Leste criticized some countries for viewing China's rise from the perspective of "frog in the well" | Lianhe Zaobao | China
Foreign media: President of Timor Leste criticized some countries for viewing China's rise from the perspective of "frog in the well" | Lianhe Zaobao | China

[Global Network Report] According to Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao, President Jos é Ramos Horta of Timor Leste, who went to Singapore to attend the 20th Shangri La Dialogue, talked about the struggle of major powers in his speech at the sixth plenary meeting entitled "New Partnership for Asia Pacific Security" on the 4th. He called on Europe and the United States not to look at China from a narrow perspective. After all, China's national interests and people's well-being are intertwined with the world. He did not believe that China would do harm to others but harm to itself. Jos é Ramos Horta, President of Timor Leste, made a speech at the sixth plenary meeting entitled "New Partnership for Security in the Asia Pacific". From the Lianhe Zaobao, he reported that Horta criticized some countries for viewing China's rise from the perspective of a "frog in the well", and believed that China was a regional and global threat, but there was no such view

The representative of the People's Liberation Army questioned the US Defense Minister on site: Isn't this contradictory? Geography | Exclusivity | United States
The representative of the People's Liberation Army questioned the US Defense Minister on site: Isn't this contradictory? Geography | Exclusivity | United States

On June 3rd, at the 20th Shangri La Dialogue, US Defense Minister Austin delivered a speech. According to the video footage, during the on-site interaction, Chinese representative and associate professor of the National Security College at National Defense University, Zhang Chi, asked Austin, "The topic of today's discussion is the leadership of the United States. However, on the one hand, the United States says it wants to support ASEAN's central position in the region, while on the other hand, it has established many multilateral organizations similar to AUKUS and QUAD. How can we ensure ASEAN's central position?" "Is this the leadership played by the United States? Isn't this contradictory?" Zhang Chi asked in a qualitative manner. Zhang Chi questioned Austin on site, and the video screenshot showed Professor Zhang Chi's question hitting the nail on the head, while Austin's answer was evasive. As soon as he came up, he said, "I don't think I've grasped all the key points of the problem, but I think you're asking."

Remind candidates to take exams with integrity and beware of being deceived. The Ministry of Education has issued a warning for the college entrance examination, stating that the country | candidates | warning
Remind candidates to take exams with integrity and beware of being deceived. The Ministry of Education has issued a warning for the college entrance examination, stating that the country | candidates | warning

The college entrance examination is a major test in the lives of many students, which is closely related to the vital interests of candidates and has attracted social attention. As the 2023 college entrance examination approaches, a large number of candidates are actively adjusting their state, calmly and orderly preparing for the exam. However, some illegal elements are driven by economic interests to spread false information related to the exam, sell and create anxiety, and even carry out fraud and induce candidates to cheat in the exam, seriously disrupting the order of exam enrollment. To this end, the Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments and based on some typical cases that have emerged in recent years, solemnly reminds candidates and parents to be vigilant, beware of being deceived, and achieve integrity in exams. 1、 Organizing Cheating in the National College Entrance Examination, Unable to Escape the Recovery of the French Open [Case] Before the 2020 National College Entrance Examination, candidate Zhu and Wen discussed organizing cheating during the exam. Zhu provided the test questions, and Wen was responsible for finding the "gunman" and jointly funded the project

U.S. and Canadian warships sail through the eastern theater of the Taiwan Strait to respond to the official account | theater | eastern theater of the Taiwan Strait
U.S. and Canadian warships sail through the eastern theater of the Taiwan Strait to respond to the official account | theater | eastern theater of the Taiwan Strait

Chinanews.com, June 3-according to the official Wechat account of the eastern theater, Senior Colonel Shi Yi, spokesman for the eastern theater, said that on June 3, the destroyer "Zhong Yun" of the United States and the frigate "Montreal" of Canada sailed through the Taiwan Strait and made public hype. The eastern theater of the Chinese people's Liberation Army organizes sea and air forces to follow supervision and guard throughout the process and deal with them in accordance with the rules and regulations. The countries concerned deliberately create trouble in the Taiwan Strait, deliberately provoke risks, maliciously undermine regional peace and stability, and send the wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence" forces. The forces in the theater are on high alert at all times and will take all necessary measures to resolutely respond to all threats and provocations and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and security and regional peace and stability. Eastern war zone