How to adjust psychologically | Science time, after the college entrance examination

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 12, 2024 06:59 AM

The annual college entrance examination has come to an end. After the college entrance examination, candidates are worried about poor grades, not being able to get into the ideal university, and their future... These worries are normal. Here we remind candidates and parents to treat the college entrance examination objectively, treat it with a normal mind, and adjust their life and mental state after the exam.

After the college entrance examination, the various psychological needs of the candidates will experience a "blowout" phenomenon. In addition, many parents do not pay as much attention to their children as before the exam, so many latent psychological crises will emerge, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects.

Many candidates think they can have fun as they please after the college entrance examination, thinking that the end of the college entrance examination means they have finally made it, so they indulge themselves without restraint. Some candidates are busy partying, surfing the Internet all night, staying up late to watch TV series, playing games, etc. The consequence of excessive excitement is that the body is overloaded and the biological clock is disrupted, which seriously affects physical and mental health.

Some candidates will feel lost after suddenly relaxing from their original tense state. After the exam, some candidates will use a few days to catch up on sleep, and then they will find that their hearts are empty, at a loss, bored, and they will lose their goals all of a sudden, and even fall into a state of emptiness.

Some candidates will enter a state of anxiety after taking the college entrance examination. They often have high expectations for their grades and become anxious when waiting for the results due to uncertainty. Some candidates with poor psychological quality will continue to be anxious, and even suffer from problems such as anxiety to insomnia, and then from insomnia to depression. Especially after the college entrance examination, the higher the parents' expectations for their children's grades, the greater the pressure on the children.

Some candidates may feel that they did not do well in the exam, feel depressed, or even blame themselves and become depressed, which manifests as poor eating and sleeping. Some candidates may suddenly become irritable and difficult to reason with, and in serious cases may even have suicidal thoughts or even take suicidal actions.

After the college entrance examination, candidates suddenly have plenty of time, which can easily give them the opportunity to "think wildly". Therefore, candidates should arrange their lives in an orderly manner. For example, watching movies, attending class reunions, reading books, going on outdoor trips, visiting relatives and friends, exercising and keeping fit are all ways to relax the body and mind. It is recommended that candidates choose a stress relief method that suits them according to their actual situation.

The college entrance examination is a life experience. It is normal to feel worried and anxious while waiting for the results. We must learn to accept negative emotions, adjust our mindset, and face the future positively. When nervousness and anxiety come, candidates can try to take the following methods to adjust.

Avoidance and diversion method: leave the uncomfortable environment, do what you want to do, do what you love to do.

Positive self-suggestion method: encourage yourself often and build self-confidence.

Turn the page in time: No matter what the result is, please look at it calmly. The college entrance examination is just a midway station in life, not the final station.

For college entrance examination candidates, if they experience depression, refusal to communicate, inexplicable fear and trembling after the exam, or have bad temper, loss of appetite, overeating, sleep disorders, loss of interest and other symptoms that last for a long time, they should pay attention and go to the hospital to seek help from a professional psychiatrist.

Parents should avoid repeatedly discussing topics such as the college entrance examination and grades with candidates, and should not exert invisible pressure. Parents should respect the efforts of candidates, provide support and encouragement, and correctly guide candidates to understand their test scores. Although college entrance examination scores are important, children's mental health and happy growth are more important.

Communicate more with candidates and accompany them through the waiting period smoothly. When candidates are found to have anxiety, depression or other obvious emotional problems, parents can give them psychological support through chatting and listening. If necessary, parents can take their children to the hospital for psychological counseling and help from therapists.

Candidates are encouraged to relax moderately and find a way to relax that suits them. Candidates are encouraged to exercise more, do things they usually want to do but don’t have the chance to do according to their interests and hobbies, go on outings with classmates, read, listen to music, etc., or help parents with housework.

Focus on parent-child interaction, create a harmonious family atmosphere, and enhance mutual understanding and trust. Parents and candidates can study and discuss some social hot topics together, which can improve the loneliness, inferiority or anxiety of candidates. Such a family atmosphere can also help candidates spend a fulfilling holiday and better plan their lives.

When filling out college entrance examination applications, parents should first respect the candidates' true wishes and interests. They can analyze the candidates' strengths and weaknesses in professional and occupational fields together and jointly develop feasible plans. They can also consult professional organizations to make better choices.

Ma Xiancang, chief physician of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University

Li Ye-ning, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University

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