Don't easily compete with Tsinghua students in sports and sports | Tsinghua | students

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:18 PM

On the WeChat official account of "Tsinghua Sports", a "Guide to the Chengdu Universiade" became the focus of Tsinghua students this summer. At this year's Chengdu Universiade, Tsinghua University has 30 students participating, with both the events and the number of participants reaching new highs. Among them, there are 18 athletes in athletics, making them a big contender. On August 1st, the track and field events of the Universiade will be fully launched. Students from Tsinghua University can be seen in various fields such as men's and women's long-distance running, men's high jump, women's javelin, and men's decathlon.

From Tsinghua Campus to Olympic Stadium

Hu Zhenzhuo, who served as the flag bearer for the Chinese delegation at the opening ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade, comes from Tsinghua University. He has followed the Beijing men's volleyball team to achieve excellent results in the national professional league, which can be regarded as a model of cultural learning and sports training walking on two legs.

In 2021, after Hu Zhenzhuo helped Tsinghua University men's volleyball team win the national university championship, Beijing men's volleyball coach Li Mu has been following Hu Zhenzhuo, and Xiao Hu also trains with the Beijing team during winter and summer holidays. Many industry insiders are deeply impressed by this young man who is not particularly tall. "Hu Zhenzhuo has outstanding competitive temperament, is active and intelligent in playing, and has played high intelligence volleyball."

Don't easily compete with Tsinghua students in sports and sports | Tsinghua | students

Hu Zhenzhuo

Due to academic pressure, Hu Zhenzhuo could only use winter and summer vacations to train and compete with professional teams. "This is a kind of difficulty for me. Similarly, it is also a particularly interesting period in my life."

Hu Zhenzhuo admitted that his primary goal now is to complete his undergraduate studies well and strive for a smooth admission to graduate school. "When the academic burden in his sophomore year is heavy, he will focus on studying. During holidays and when there is more free time in his third and fourth years, he will invest more time in professional training to continue improving his strength." In addition to honing himself in the professional arena, Hu Zhenzhuo also has a wish, "I want to work hard in the national team and hope to reach this level."

Hu Zhenzhuo's dream is not unrealistic. Many of his senior students have gone from Tsinghua campus to the national team, and even to the Olympic arena.

Don't easily compete with Tsinghua students in sports and sports | Tsinghua | students

Wang Yu, who graduated from the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University, is both a top student and a track and field athlete. He has won a gold medal in the men's high jump at the Asian Games and two championships at the National Games. Back then, he gave up the opportunity to be recommended as a sports talent student, persisted in the college entrance examination, and was admitted to the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University with excellent academic performance.

Wang Yu was deeply influenced by the academic style of Tsinghua University. "There is a saying at Tsinghua that emphasizes both personality and physique. I believe that physique and personality can progress together, but they need to be focused on key areas. For example, during exams, one should focus more on studying, and during competitions, one should pay more attention to training."

The Tsinghua Shooting Team was founded in 1956 and rebuilt in 1999. Over the past 20 years, the Tsinghua Shooting Team has trained nearly a hundred student athletes. The team members won more than 700 medals in competitions at the provincial and municipal levels, including about 360 gold medals. As of the Tokyo Olympics, the Tsinghua Shooting Team has trained 9 student athletes to step onto the Olympic stage. At the Tokyo Olympics, team member Yang Qian scored the first gold medal for the Chinese sports delegation.

In the men's 50m rifle three position team shooting competition at the current Universiade, Wang Yuefeng from Tsinghua University and his teammates from the Chinese team won the gold medal in the event. The sports spirit of implanting images into bone marrow

Don't easily compete with Tsinghua students in sports and sports | Tsinghua | students

The combination of top students from prestigious schools and athletes is eye-catching. In the campus of Tsinghua University, sports have long been a conscious activity of every Tsinghua person. Its excellent sports tradition can be traced back to the beginning of its establishment. The development history of Tsinghua University is almost a history of the development of physical education in New China.

In 1911, Dr. Xiumeike applied to Tsinghua University and later became the Director of the Sports Department. In a 1920 paper published in the United States, Mr. John Ma, a famous sports educator in our country, praised Huemaker in this way——

"He did two great things for Tsinghua: first, he established various modern sports training systems that are currently not available in other parts of China. Secondly, he won honors for Tsinghua through a strong and winning sports representative team trained by him."

In order to increase students' participation in sports, it was initially "forced exercise". In the "Recent Chapters of Beijing Tsinghua School", it is explicitly stipulated that "our school hires one physical education instructor, who allows each student to exercise for ten hours every morning and one hour every afternoon, practicing various sports techniques." This is also the soft gymnastics and "forced exercise" that students later recalled.

Don't easily compete with Tsinghua students in sports and sports | Tsinghua | students

In the 1950s and 1960s, Tsinghua students engaged in extracurricular long-distance running exercises. In the summer of 1914, Mr. John Ma, who had a great influence in the history of Tsinghua University, applied to teach at Tsinghua University. Mr. Ma John proposed the theory of "the transfer value of sports". He believed that the educational value of sports is not limited to the sports field, but can also affect the entire society.

Mr. Ma John once said to his students, "You should exercise well, be brave, not afraid, be energetic, and work hard. When others play baseball or football, you should also play and play. Whatever they can play, you should also be able to play. Don't embarrass the Chinese people when you go out. Don't let them push you and you will fall, and when they give you a hard blow, you will be afraid. When others stare, you will tremble."

Mr. Ma John strongly advocates for diversified competitions and extracurricular sports, "to ensure that all students are physically strong", and "to enable athletes to represent Tsinghua University and make a name for themselves", thus strengthening scientific guidance and training for the representative team. At that time, Tsinghua's sports achievements were well-known in North China and even throughout the country.

In April 1919, the proud gymnasium of Tsinghua University was completed, which was one of the four early buildings of the school and also the most advanced gym in China. The completion of the gymnasium marks the first heyday of Tsinghua Sports: the school officially opened physical education classes, including gymnastics, ball games, athletics, and swimming, and students must take two hours of physical education classes per week.

Don't easily compete with Tsinghua students in sports and sports | Tsinghua | students

Mr. Ma John explained sports knowledge to the students. At that time, most students at Tsinghua University dared not underestimate sports because only by passing the "Five Sports" standard test before graduation can they be qualified to graduate and study abroad. Western literary figure Wu Mi and famous literary critic Liang Shiqiu were able to graduate and study abroad only after failing the long jump and swimming exams and passing the make-up exams.

Under the influence of this atmosphere, Tsinghua students swore to completely abandon the humiliation of the "sick man of East Asia", and their love for sports also transcended the simple concept of physical fitness and sublimated into a special significance.

"No sports, no Tsinghua." Nowadays, Tsinghua Sports is constantly reforming and innovating: in terms of teaching, it has formed a curriculum system that runs through four years of undergraduate education, offering more than 50 courses, emphasizing that "failing physical education cannot graduate"; Persist in making long-distance running and swimming a characteristic project of the school, require male students to test 3000 meters and female students to test 1500 meters in physical education classes, and adhere to "sunshine long-distance running" outside of class; Starting from 2017, swimming has been a mandatory activity for students, and those who fail the swimming test cannot obtain graduation qualifications; Add physical fitness tests and resume the first physical education class for freshmen in independent enrollment. These innovative measures have had a significant impact on society.

Since 2015, Tsinghua University has held a campus marathon. The picture reads "Go for a run at 7 o'clock in the early morning of the cold winter." Several years later, a Tsinghua graduate still remembers the monthly running check ins vividly.

Don't easily compete with Tsinghua students in sports and sports | Tsinghua | students

Once, the founder of Meituan, Wang Xing, joked that the Chinese men's football team could not run as fast as ordinary boys at Tsinghua University, which sparked heated discussions among netizens and even sparked resentment among football industry professionals. Wang Xing roast that when he was in the physical education class at Tsinghua University, the boys' 3000 meter results were excellent. It can be seen that Wang Xing has confidence in saying these words, and compared to the "12 minute run" of the Chinese men's football team at that time, there were indeed some professional players who could not run the ordinary boys at Tsinghua University.

12228 basketball dream chasers! In 2023, the MAGIC3 Mass Group came to an end, with 337 schools offering youth, sports, and schools
12228 basketball dream chasers! In 2023, the MAGIC3 Mass Group came to an end, with 337 schools offering youth, sports, and schools

On August 18th, the Shanghai Sports Center, a "star venue" that witnessed the changes of the times and the countless glories of Chinese sports, welcomed the 2023 MAGIC3 Shanghai Youth Three on Three Super Basketball Tournament and the Shanghai Student Sunshine Sports League Three on Three Basketball Tournament Finals. In the summer of 2023, MAGIC3, this five-year "youthful promise", arrived as scheduled. This year, the public group of the competition attracted 3057 youth teams from 337 schools to register, with 12228 participants, showcasing the infinite charm and unique appeal of MAGIC3. After multiple rounds of selection in regional and regional competitions, it was ultimately decided that eight teams, male and female, each, would advance to the finals. The event will be held in Oriental Pearl TV Tower City Square, Xujiahui Sports Park, Shanghai Stadium, Songjiangguang

The Qiang Rose must first not fear strong opponents and approach the Women's World Cup: 1 to 10 "numerical solutions" 2023 Women's World Cup | Women's Football | Qiang Rose
The Qiang Rose must first not fear strong opponents and approach the Women's World Cup: 1 to 10 "numerical solutions" 2023 Women's World Cup | Women's Football | Qiang Rose

Editor's note: On July 20th, 2023, the FIFA Women's World Cup will be held in Australia and New Zealand. The Chinese women's football team will debut against Denmark in the group stage on the 22nd, followed by matches against Haiti and England. This Chinese women's football team has a strong "Shanghai color": head coach Shui Qingxia has long coached the Shanghai women's football team, and five international players including Zhang Xin, Zhu Yu, Wang Linlin, Tang Jiali, and Xiao Yuyi are from the Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank women's football team. In addition, overseas Chinese players Yang Lina and Shen Mengyu are also trained by Shanghai. On the occasion of the "Steel Rose" competing in the World Cup, the Liberation Daily's Shangguan News City Affairs Channel and the School of Journalism and Communication at Shanghai Sport University jointly launched the "Approaching the Women's Football World Cup" column, approaching the first "expansion" of 32 participating teams in the Women's Football World Cup, and exploring the Shanghai strength in the "Steel Rose"

These sports are moving from Shanghai to the Yangtze River Delta, and the popularity of dry land curling is not decreasing
These sports are moving from Shanghai to the Yangtze River Delta, and the popularity of dry land curling is not decreasing

In the post Winter Olympics era, are there still people interested in ice and snow sports? Recently, at the Jiading District Citizen Fitness Center, the 2023 "Industrial Bank Cup" Shanghai Urban Amateur League Shanghai Dry Land Curling Open Competition and the "All Jia Lai Competition" 2023 Jiading District Amateur League "Waigang Cup" Dry Land Curling Competition was lively. 14 representative teams and nearly 100 players from 12 streets and towns in Jiading District competed together, enjoying the "push and push" music of dry land curling. "The performance of the contestants is commendable. Compared to previous competitions, the strength of the participating teams has significantly improved, and the team members have a clearer and more thorough understanding of the arrangement and rules of curling." The chief referee of the competition, Wang Jue, once served as the curling event referee for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and gave high praise to the contestants. The champion team has added a new force and participated in dry land curling for the first time

"Five New Cities" Ignite Tennis Enthusiasm, Ready for Tennis Fun Competition Jiading Juyuan Sails Sports | Tennis | New City
"Five New Cities" Ignite Tennis Enthusiasm, Ready for Tennis Fun Competition Jiading Juyuan Sails Sports | Tennis | New City

On June 11, Beishuiwan Sports Park, Juyuan New District, Jiading District, welcomed nearly 100 scientific and creative talents and their families from various scientific research institutes in Juyuan New area gathered here, and had a healthy and happy tennis weekend. On the same day, the 2023 "New five cities net World" tennis series kicked off in Jiading District Juyuan New District Beisuiwan Sports Park. Jiading Juyuan "Horse Tennis" fun match kicked off this series of activities. This year, the "New five cities net World" series of activities will enter five new cities in Shanghai to ignite citizens' enthusiasm for tennis with various forms and creative new activities. The series of activities of "immediate Tennis" established by Shanghai Tennis Association aims to expand the popularity of Shanghai tennis population, mainly for the zero base of tennis lovers.

Jing'an creates new highlights in urban sports: Suzhou River presents its first paddleboard racing paddleboarding | Suzhou River Bay | New highlights
Jing'an creates new highlights in urban sports: Suzhou River presents its first paddleboard racing paddleboarding | Suzhou River Bay | New highlights

"Last year, my dad took me to watch a rowing competition in Suzhou River. I thought it would be great to come here and play paddleboarding one day, but my wish really came true." 8-year-old You You, who was playing paddleboarding, had a dark skin and a bright smile in the sunlight. On June 10th, on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong's inscription "Developing Sports and Enhancing People's Physical Fitness", the 2023 "Suhewan" Shanghai Paddle Open was held in the Jing'an section of the Suzhou River, marking the first appearance of the paddle competition in Suhewan. "Paddle" describes tranquility and elegance, embellishing Su River Bay. The main venue of this competition is located in the Butterfly Bay water area of the Jing'an section of the Suzhou River, with different competition events such as racing, skills, relay, and parade, attracting nearly 300 participants from the Yangtze River Delta region to participate. Not only are there professional paddle boarders among them, but also