Micro video|Hong Kong prospers and connects the world

Release time:May 25, 2024 13:26 PM

On the afternoon of May 22, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Rizhao City, Shandong Province. He came to Rizhao Port to learn about the local situation of promoting the intelligent and green construction of the port and expanding its opening to the outside world.

Port development has always been a focus of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s attention. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the General Secretary has made plans for port construction from a broader perspective. In advancing the supply-side structural reform, we will promote the development of ports from decentralized competition to regional collaborative cooperation, make ports bigger and stronger, and serve the "One Belt, One Road" and Chinese-style modernization.

In recent years, Orchard Port has used intelligent means to digitally transform the port area and vigorously build a smart port. Relying on the international logistics channel, this deep inland port has been upgraded from a traditional inland port to a "transfer station" in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River that connects the world. Goods can reach more than 100 countries around the world.

The Phase IV automated terminal of Yangshan Deepwater Port empowers modern logistics with intelligent and digital technology, which not only improves the operating efficiency of the entire terminal, but also opens up the international market. Today, Yangshan Deep Water Port is like a giant ship setting sail towards the sea.

Accelerating the construction of a world-class port and better serving the country's construction is an important proposition for building a shipping power in the new era. Tianjin Port is working hard to build a world-class smart port and green port to better serve the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”.

Huanghua Port is an important hub port for the country’s west-east coal transportation and north-south coal transportation. At present, Huanghua Port has risen to become a major coastal port in the country, opening up a major reverse comprehensive transportation channel and continuously expanding its inland market share.

The port is prosperous and foreign trade is booming. China's ports are important hub nodes and strategic resources that connect the "dual circulation" and serve the new development pattern. They are like shining pearls embedded in the long coastline along the coast and rivers, constantly releasing new momentum.

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