The level of regional clinical research has improved: Jiading District Health System "settled" the first provincial and ministerial key laboratory

Release time:May 24, 2024 11:51 AM

News came out at the 11th Science and Technology Culture Festival of Jiading District Central Hospital held yesterday afternoon: the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Tumor System Regulation and Transformation was officially unveiled. This is also the first provincial and ministerial key laboratory to be “settled” in the health system of Jiading District. In the future, the laboratory will focus on the strategic needs of a healthy China and cutting-edge issues in cancer medicine, create new heights for disciplines, scientific research, and talents, and promote leap-forward development in cancer prevention and treatment.

It is reported that the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Tumor System Regulation and Transformation is one of the first 15 laboratories to be established in Shanghai's 2023 "Technology Innovation Action Plan". The laboratory is composed of Shanghai Jiading District Central Hospital and Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. The affiliated Renji Hospital integrates the superior disciplines in the field of tumor research. It is a digital and intelligent innovative research platform integrating medical clinical and basic research, talent training and achievement transformation.

The laboratory will meet the strategic needs of life and health, explore the in-depth integrated research and development of basic research, clinical research and translation, artificial intelligence, and high-performance medical equipment, and achieve breakthroughs in the diagnosis and treatment of digestive tumor systems such as the biliary tract.

Zhao Yupei, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and honorary president of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, commented: The laboratory's "settlement" in Jiading means that the level of regional clinical scientific research has reached a new level. It is expected that in the future, hospitals will join hands with large hospitals and institutes to jointly build a regional platform for the transformation of basic and clinical research results and provide "Jiading experience" to promote the level of tumor prevention and treatment.

At the Science and Technology Festival, Jiading District Central Hospital and United Imaging Group signed the second round of strategic cooperation framework agreement. This signing marks a new solid step in the cooperation between the two parties in the field of "industry-university-research", opening up a new and in-depth integration of scientific research innovation and clinical transformation.

The level of regional clinical research has improved: Jiading District Health System "settled" the first provincial and ministerial key laboratory
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