The General Secretary sets priorities for further comprehensively deepening reforms, current affairs micro-observation丨investigation begins

Release time:May 25, 2024 12:54 PM

“To further comprehensively deepen reform, we must closely adhere to the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization, highlight the key points of reform, hold firmly to the value orientation, and pay attention to methods and methods, so as to add impetus to completing the central tasks and achieving strategic goals.”

On May 23, General Secretary Xi Jinping chaired a symposium with enterprises and experts in Jinan, Shandong Province, emphasizing that we should closely adhere to the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization and further comprehensively deepen reforms.

In July this year, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will be held in Beijing. One of the main agendas is to focus on further comprehensively deepening reforms and promoting Chinese-style modernization.

Reform has reached a new historical juncture. What important information did this symposium release before the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee? "Micro Observation of Current Affairs" explains it for you.

"When the Party Central Committee makes major decisions and formulates important documents, it conducts in-depth research and listens to opinions from all sides. This is the consistent practice and fine tradition of our party. Relevant parties must carefully study the opinions and suggestions put forward by everyone to further comprehensively deepen reforms. Absorb." General Secretary Xi Jinping explained the profound meaning of this trip at the business and expert forum.

Starting with research and paving the way with research are important working methods that General Secretary Xi Jinping has always emphasized.

In July 2013, the General Secretary visited Hubei for investigation and research, and hosted a symposium with provincial and municipal leaders in Wuhan to solicit opinions and suggestions on comprehensively deepening reforms.

The General Secretary sets priorities for further comprehensively deepening reforms, current affairs micro-observation丨investigation begins

More than three months later, the epoch-making "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reform" was reviewed and adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, ushering in a new era of comprehensively deepening reform and ushering in my country's reform and opening up. a new situation.

In 2020, on the eve of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, in order to draft the "14th Five-Year Plan" planning recommendations, the General Secretary presided over 7 symposiums, including a symposium for entrepreneurs, a symposium for non-party people, a symposium for scientists, and a symposium for grassroots Representative symposiums, etc., fully absorb the wisdom of the masses, expert opinions, and grassroots experience into the preparation of the "14th Five-Year Plan".

△On May 23, General Secretary Xi Jinping hosted a symposium with enterprises and experts in Jinan City, Shandong Province and delivered an important speech.

This time, the General Secretary visited Shandong for investigation and research, and listened to the opinions and suggestions of entrepreneurs and experts on further comprehensively deepening reforms.

Shandong is a major economic province in my country with a solid economic foundation. It is also a province with both maritime and inland advantages in the country. As an important pole in my country's economic landscape, Shandong not only plays a core role in promoting local economic growth, but also occupies an indispensable position in the national economic strategic layout.

The company personnel cover a wide range of areas, including representatives from state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan-funded enterprises, etc. Behind these enterprises are hundreds of millions of market entities that support the fundamentals of the entire Chinese economy.

For the pulse of the front-line economy, companies that are turbulent in the market are the most sensitive. Through face-to-face communication, the Party Central Committee can understand the business situation of enterprises and "prescribe the right medicine". Enterprises can also more comprehensively grasp the development direction and industrial policies, and better produce and operate.

The General Secretary sets priorities for further comprehensively deepening reforms, current affairs micro-observation丨investigation begins

Also participating in the symposium were three representatives of experts and scholars. They have professional analysis and judgment on economic and social development. The more we face major changes, the more we need to deepen our understanding of the laws of development and use rich theories to guide practice.

Before this symposium was held, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Rizhao City, Shandong Province for inspection and research.

"Hello General Secretary, Hello General Secretary..." Tourists greeted the General Secretary loudly at the Sunshine Coast Greenway.

To the cycling enthusiasts here, the General Secretary urged "take good care of your health and then build a better family." Seeing a couple taking wedding photos, the General Secretary cordially wished them a "very happy couple"...

This sunny greenway is an important place for citizens and tourists to enjoy vacations, leisure, sports and fitness. It hosts more than 20 cycling, walking and other competitions every year.

△On May 22, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting and conducting research in Rizhao, Shandong Province, came to the Sunshine Coast Greenway and had a cordial exchange with cycling enthusiasts.

The next day, at a symposium between enterprises and experts, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the people’s yearning for a better life is our goal. To pursue reform and promote development is, in the final analysis, to allow the people to live a better life.

The General Secretary sets priorities for further comprehensively deepening reforms, current affairs micro-observation丨investigation begins

How to deepen reform and make people more people-centered? The general secretary gave a path - focus on identifying the starting point and breakthrough point of the reform from the urgent needs and worries of the people such as employment, income increase, enrollment, medical treatment, housing, services, child care and elderly care, and safety of life and property, and introduce more people's livelihood needs We should take reform measures that are popular among the people and do more practical things that benefit people's livelihood, warm people's hearts, and satisfy people's opinions.

What the people care about and hope for, reform should focus on and promote.

Since the beginning of this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection tours have been guided by the concept of “Chinese-style modernization, people’s livelihood is the first priority”.

In the courtyard of the Party and Mass Service Center of Zhongping Village, Changde Port, Hunan Province, Duan Dexi, secretary of the village party branch, reported the changes he felt to the general secretary: "When our village had the most brands, there were 38 brands, but now there are only 12." The secretary nodded in affirmation. He pointed out that the Party Central Committee has made clear requirements to reduce the burden on the grassroots, resolutely rectify formalism and bureaucracy, refine troops and streamline administration, and persevere in carrying out this work.

△On April 22, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was on an inspection tour in Chongqing, came to the Democratic Village Community in Xiejiawan Street, Jiulongpo District, to inspect the community renovation and convenience services.

The Minzhu Village Community in Xiejiawan Street, Chongqing, was once known far and wide as an “old and broken community” with poor housing, old pipe networks, excessive sewage, and lack of supporting facilities. Today, the community has been given a new lease of life. A month ago, during an inspection here, the General Secretary emphasized that one thing the Party Central Committee is very concerned about is the renovation of old communities. Replace old ones with new ones and improve service facilities.

Only by adhering to the supremacy of the people, standing firmly on the people's stand, grasping the people's wishes, respecting the people's creations, and pooling the people's wisdom can we propose and implement correct reform plans, and gain strong motivation to further comprehensively deepen reforms from the people's practical creations and support. .

The General Secretary sets priorities for further comprehensively deepening reforms, current affairs micro-observation丨investigation begins

Comprehensively deepening reform has a direction, a stand, and a principle.

At the symposium, General Secretary Xi Jinping firmly pointed out that no matter how the reform is modified, fundamental things such as adhering to the party’s overall leadership, adhering to Marxism, adhering to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and adhering to the people’s democratic dictatorship must never be shaken. At the same time, we must dare to innovate, Change what should be changed and what can be changed well and in place, and when you see it correctly, grasp it firmly.

Reforms are both broken and established. If you follow the rules, you will get twice the result with half the effort. If you don't follow the rules, you will get twice the result with half the effort or even have negative effects.

△On May 22, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting Rizhao, Shandong Province, came to Rizhao Port to learn about the local situation of promoting smart and green port construction and expanding opening up to the outside world.

"We need to pay more attention to system integration" and "we need to focus more on planning and implementation." The general secretary once again emphasized the "methodology" of reform at the meeting.

"Focus on system integration" requires persisting in planning and advancement with an overall concept and systemic thinking, strengthening the coordination and matching of various reform measures, promoting the reform measures in all fields and aspects to work in the same direction and forming synergy, enhancing overall effectiveness, and preventing and overcoming the problems of doing things in their own way. The phenomenon of mutual constraints.

The deeper the reform, the more attention must be paid to coordination, so that various reform measures can cooperate with each other in policy orientation, promote each other in the implementation process, and complement each other in reform results.

The General Secretary sets priorities for further comprehensively deepening reforms, current affairs micro-observation丨investigation begins

Focusing on “how to make changes in place”, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that “we should grasp the implementation of reforms with the spirit of nailing nails.” This “methodology” has been emphasized many times by the General Secretary.

At a meeting of the Central Committee’s Deep Reorganization Group, General Secretary Xi Jinping did not review specific reform plans, but listened to reports on the implementation of 10 reforms. At the meeting, he mentioned three "grasps" in succession - "pay close attention and repeat Grasp until you get results." The first meeting of the 20th Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms held in April last year also made arrangements for "increasing the intensity of reform implementation" and "promoting the implementation of reform measures to achieve results."

To do business, one must have the spirit of nailing nails, leaving traces when grasping iron and leaving marks when stepping on stones, moving forward steadily, and constantly creating new situations in work by resolving problems.

△On May 22, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting and conducting research in Rizhao, Shandong Province, came to the Sunshine Coast Greenway and had cordial exchanges with citizens and tourists.

The sun shines in Shandong, and the mountains and seas are in harmony with each other. Facing the enthusiastic citizens and tourists, General Secretary Xi Jinping said sincerely: "The happy life of the people is achieved through hard work. We must rely on hard work to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and make the people's lives better and better."

In the new era, China has comprehensively deepened its reform and made great strides.

Wenmaixiange丨"Let the world know and understand China better"

The General Secretary sets priorities for further comprehensively deepening reforms, current affairs micro-observation丨investigation begins

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