Sun and Moon Tan Tian丨The People's Liberation Army aims at "Taiwan independence". Public opinion on the island asks Lai Qingde three questions

Release time:May 25, 2024 19:04 PM

After "May 20", the "Joint Sword-2024A" exercise in the Eastern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army continued to shape the situation of "encircling the island", "locking the island" and "advancing in all directions", aiming at "Taiwan independence". Tan Zhu noticed that the military exercise caused social shock on the island.

Senior military fans on the island said during a live broadcast on the social platform that compared with the military exercise when Pelosi jumped to Taiwan, this time it was "more nervous" because it was obvious that the People's Liberation Army was conducting the "island seizing" exercise according to actual combat steps. Teacher Zhang, who teaches in primary school and is a mother of two children, said in an interview with local media that she is worried that Lai Qingde’s new “two-nation theory” will trigger a war between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. “If there is a war, it will be young people who go to the battlefield first. "My son will definitely become cannon fodder!" Another Mr. Wu, a supervisor in the corporate world, said helplessly that he "feels powerless" about the current situation!

From the large number of comments and posts in the island's media and social platforms, we can find that all walks of life on the island are extremely dissatisfied with Lai Qingde's "Taiwan independence rush", and there is a rising voice of questioning, mainly focusing on three questions, requiring Lai Qingde to answer clearly.

I asked Lai Qingde: "I have no power to resist at all." Why the provocation?

Tan Zhu noticed that the public opinion on the island was very clear about the disparity in military power between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. They all questioned whether Lai Qingde had weighed his own weight in his heart when he published his "Taiwan Independence Confession"?

Zhang Yanting, a retired general of the Taiwan Army, believes that in recent years, the People's Liberation Army's naval and air strength has greatly increased, military technology has continued to introduce new ones, and the accuracy and lethality of weapons have greatly improved. This has made the Taiwan Army's strategic concept of "remote suppression, source strikes, and decisive battles abroad" more serious. Not consistent with reality. He emphasized that the mainland's launch of military exercises in a short period of time also showed that the People's Liberation Army's combat capabilities are very powerful, beyond Taiwan's imagination, and the Taiwan military "has no power to resist at all." "Perhaps one day the People's Liberation Army will be caught off guard and switch from exercises to combat." Without strategic depth and strategic warning time, the Taiwan military is likely to be paralyzed in large numbers before it can exert its combat power. The People's Liberation Army "quickly 'seizes Taiwan' and 'beheads' success".

△Retired Taiwan Army General Zhang Yanting was interviewed by the island’s media

Taiwanese current affairs commentator Lai Yue-qian pointed out in the island's political commentary program that the naval and air equipment on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are not at the same level. In the exercise lineup released by the Eastern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army, the "door-kicking artifact" J-20 was included, but Taiwan's defense department did not report it at all, proving that the Taiwan military "cannot see" the People's Liberation Army's stealth fighters. From the perspective of maritime equipment, the Taiwanese military's ships are old, small in tonnage, and slow, while the People's Liberation Army's ships are new, fast, large in tonnage, and powerful in firepower. Taiwan dispatched 3,000-ton ships in the Yilan area. The coast guard ship built by Taiwan Yacht Company faces the 054A frigate, which is like pitting an ambulance against a tank.

△Lai Yueqian expressed his views on the island’s political commentary program

Retired Taiwanese military general Li Zhengjie asked Lai Qingde, would you "overestimate the strength of the Taiwanese military"? Judging from what he knows, the current morale and mentality of Taiwan's officers and soldiers and the actual training situation are not optimistic. A commentary article by "Feng Media" pointed out that the Taiwan military has insufficient manpower and a serious brain drain, and the rising risks in the Taiwan Strait will bring greater pressure.

It can be seen that the Taiwan military is far from the People's Liberation Army in terms of overall combat strength, weapons and equipment, or the morale of its officers and soldiers. Since he "can't beat him", why did Lai Qingde provoke him?

Second question to Lai Qingde: "The consequences of provocation follow one after another." How to deal with the aftermath?

Public opinion on the island believes that Lai Qingde's aggressive provocation to the mainland will make cross-strait relations "frozen even more." In addition to Taiwan's dangerous war, Taiwan's economy and people's livelihood will also suffer a greater blow.

Zhang Wuyue, director of the Cross-Strait Relations Research Center at Tamkang University, said in an interview with Taiwanese media that in addition to military deterrence, the mainland will also use other complex pressures against "Taiwan independence", including economic and trade, foreign affairs, legal warfare, etc.

"Meihua News Network" published an article pointing out that, not to mention the full opening up of mainland tourists and mainland students to Taiwan that Lai Qingde wants, it is expected that even the crumbling ECFA will be completely broken, and economic sanctions and "diplomatic" showdowns may follow. ! 60%, the majority of the Taiwanese people who do not support Lai Qingde, why should they be dragged down by innocent accusations?

The "United Daily News" article emphasized that the manufacturer of electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla has announced that it will withdraw its supply chain from Taiwan. It is not difficult to imagine how worried the owners are about the situation in the Taiwan Strait getting out of control!

Huang Jianbin, a public opinion representative, said that Lai Qingde's move did not take into account the appetite and livelihood of Taiwanese people, and may have an impact on agriculture, tourism, etc., and make the efforts of farmers and tourism operators in vain.

The consequences of provocation are so serious. No wonder public opinion on the island has asked whether and how Lai Qingde can deal with the aftermath.

A commentary article published by China Times News pointed out that Lai Qingde staged this "two-nation theory" drama in his first appearance, allowing the mainland's political, military and academic circles to unify their ideological paths and action plans, and popular sentiments boiled. The authorities must give an explanation and cool down the situation in time, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable.

Public opinion representative Lai Shibao said that this time the mainland expands the scale and scope of its "Encirclement Taiwan" military exercises, cross-strait relations may become worse and worse, and Taiwan's future economy and people's livelihood will also be affected. In this regard, the initiator Lai authorities must deal with the aftermath seriously and take relevant remedial measures.

Ho Yicheng, chairman of the Taiwan Youth Federation, questioned that apart from expressing regrets from Taiwan's defense department, there is nothing more that the "IOC" can do except "maintain a high degree of vigilance"! Do we have to rely on the people to save themselves?

Third question to Lai Qingde: People are dissatisfied. Should we listen to public opinion?

Judging from the current situation, Lai Qingde has no plans to "resolve the aftermath", which has further aroused dissatisfaction among the island society. Tan Zhu observed that the island's media criticized the Lai authorities for still engaging in "cognitive warfare" and using the legislative body to use "full force" to divert people's attention. Some people on the island pointed out that the so-called "gathering" posture of Taiwan's defense department is simply stupid. Public opinion on the island asked Lai Qingde, if the people are so resentful, should they listen to public opinion seriously?

A dangerous war in Taiwan is obviously not what the people want. Xiao Xucen, CEO of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation, pointed out that the plan of the Lai authorities is to engage in nonsense and political confrontation, triggering a backlash or military exercises on the other side, and then use "dried mango" to throw all the mess to the Taiwanese. But I'm sorry, Taiwanese are not stupid, they can understand who is causing trouble and will not pay the bill.

All walks of life on the island have called on Lai Qingde to face the mainstream public opinion and listen to the people's aspirations for peace. Shu Cuiling, the public opinion representative of Taoyuan City of the Chinese Kuomintang, said that Lai's remarks brought Taiwan to such a dangerous situation, but Lai does not represent the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan.

Wu Chengdian, chairman of the New Party, said in an interview with the media that the people hope for peace across the Taiwan Strait and "we are afraid of war." I hope Lai Qingde will turn around and stop causing trouble. If a war breaks out, every Chinese will not want to see it.

Taiwanese current affairs commentator Huang Zhixian bluntly stated that "Taiwan independence" is impossible. If Taiwan wants to strive for long-term peace and stability, reunification is the best way; if Taiwan wants to strive for peace, reunification is the only way; if Taiwan wants to strive for development, reunification is the fastest way.

Tan Zhu finally wants to say that Lai Ching-te must face these three issues of public opinion on the island. Otherwise, his name as a "double minority" Taiwan leader with few votes and few seats in the legislative body will be added with the title of "the culprit that harms Taiwan." "The infamy.

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