Also a writer, supermodel, and speaker, Cao Kefan interviews Maye Musk: She is the mother of Elon Musk

Release time:May 26, 2024 12:02 PM

On May 12, Meyer Musk, the mother of American entrepreneur Elon Musk, shared her holiday joy on social platforms. She posted pictures and texts on social platforms and said @Elon Musk, "Thank you for sending me beautiful Mother's Day flowers in Shanghai today. After returning from the TV interview, I received a huge surprise. During the interview, I Full of praise for Tesla’s Shanghai Gigafactory.”

The "television interview" Meyer Musk mentioned was the interview she accepted on Shanghai Radio and Television Station's "Kefan Listening" on the 12th. This interview program is famous for interviewing celebrities from all walks of life. It has been on the air for 21 years and is hosted by the host Cao Kefan. Meyer Musk's episode will air on June 1.

In fact, Meyer was not initially known as Musk’s mother, but as a nutritionist who has successfully built a career in nine cities in three countries. She is also a model who has been active for 50 years and becomes more and more popular as she gets older; After publishing her autobiography, she became a writer and speaker, and personally encouraged people online and offline to constantly try to break through and find their own unique charm.

Today she holds many titles, such as "author, doctor of nutrition, supermodel and speaker", and finally "mother of three successful entrepreneurs".

In the "Can Listen" program, Meyer revealed that she always adopts an encouraging attitude towards children's spontaneous interests and never says no easily. Her eldest son Elon also joked about a childhood past on a talk show. This relaxed and free family atmosphere not only makes the relationship between family members closer, but also gives children the courage to pursue their dreams.

Meyer’s life today is glamorous in the eyes of outsiders, but she still maintains strict self-discipline and a vibrant spirit of exploration, all of which can be traced back to the words and deeds of her parents. Meyer's father bought an airplane by chance and took his family on flying adventures. The adventurous gene engraved in the bones of his parents seems to have set the tone for Meyer's life early on.

She recalled on the show: "One of my childhood memories is that we spent three weeks crossing the desert with only a compass. My twin sisters and I shared a glass of water at night to wash our hands and faces, and by the morning the water had froze Ice, we had to break it into pieces before we could have water to wash our hands and face. I couldn’t take a shower for three weeks because there was no water, so I learned to live with very limited supplies.”

For Meyer, who had been going well in school and had won a beauty pageant title in college, an unhappy marriage seemed to be the first huge setback he encountered. Although she was under tremendous pressure, she still came out tenaciously with her own strength. Meyer, who regained his confidence, not only proved that he has a strong heart, but also brought more positive influence to the children.

Meyer, who was born in Canada and grew up in South Africa, has lived in nine cities in three countries since he became an adult. Meyer said that he has never been afraid of tearing down and rebuilding his life many times. Although she does not suggest that people deliberately follow suit, for her, free movement often leads to more excitement and happiness. She also revealed her next plan, which is to keep an open mind to all possibilities, such as speaking in Germany and modeling in Paris. After the trip to China, she will work for Sports Illustrated for four days to shoot a new cover.

Today, Meyer likes to leave her own footprints in the land of China. From Beijing to Xi'an, from Shanghai to Hangzhou, every trip to China brings her many surprises.

During the program, Cao Kefan asked her that she had lived in many countries and now traveled frequently to China. Why did she like this lifestyle of constant migration? Meyer replied: "First of all, I like coming to China. Everyone is friendly, smart, kind and generous. I have been to 12 cities, or 14 cities. Shanghai is beautiful, a fusion of ancient and modern times, and it is also a fashion center, which is great , I love coming to Shanghai.”

Meyer Musk was interviewed by "Can Fan Listen"

Cao Kefan asked again: "When you talked to Elon about China and Shanghai, how did he evaluate it?" Meyer said: "Not only Shanghai, but the whole of China is amazing. He was very impressed by it, and everything related to him The same goes for the people I work with.”

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