Follow the General Secretary to see China|Golden fruits are planted in the mountains and valleys

Release time:May 28, 2024 12:47 PM

In 2023, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the science and technology commissioner system in Zhejiang Province, representatives of the Zhejiang Province science and technology commissioners received a reply from General Secretary Xi Jinping. In his letter, General Secretary Xi Jinping fully affirmed the achievements of the science and technology commissioner system in assisting "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and serving rural revitalization. As one of the representatives, Xu Kai, a professor at Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, felt excited and excited, and also became more motivated.

Pingtian Township is located in the western mountainous area of ​​Huangyan, Taizhou, Zhejiang. It is a typical old revolutionary township. Harsh natural conditions have restricted industrial development. Xu Kai has been going deep into Pingtian Township for more than ten years and is committed to being a "technological volunteer" that satisfies fruit farmers. He always goes where fruit farmers need it most to serve rural revitalization. The "good news" after the fruit farmer becomes rich is the best "antidote" when he feels tired and hardships in the service process.

Today, Xu Kai has helped the local area create 12 demonstration bases for kiwi, bayberry and other fruit trees, covering an area of ​​15,000 acres. He has completed 51 technical research projects, inspired 7,200 people, and increased farmers' income by 340 million yuan.

"I will continue to combine research results with the development needs of 'agriculture, rural areas and farmers', and do my best to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and common prosperity." As a member of the Communist Party, Xu Kai regards being a science and technology commissioner as the one he is most proud of. The "golden business card". On the road to dreaming of serving the development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", he, together with thousands of science and technology commissioners, adhered to his original intention and regarded serving rural revitalization and promoting common prosperity as his lifelong mission and pursuit, and always regarded "what farmers want to do" "What I need to do" becomes "What I need to do."

Follow the General Secretary to see China|Golden fruits are planted in the mountains and valleys
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