British research: "Changxinguan" symptom "brain fog" or thrombosis related COVID-19 | brain fog | symptom

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 04:05 AM

The brain seems to be covered with fog, unable to concentrate, often forgetful, slow thinking... These symptoms are often called "brain fog", and are also considered as one of the most destructive long-term symptoms after COVID-19 infection. The exact cause of "brain fog" is not yet clear, but a recent British study found that thrombosis formed in the brain or lungs may be the cause of "brain fog", fatigue, chest tightness and other "new crown" symptoms. The study was published online on August 31st in the international medical journal Nature Medicine.


Around the world, "Changxin Crown" is a hot topic. In general, "growing new coronavirus" means a series of long-term symptoms experienced by some people after being infected with COVID-19, which may last for weeks to years without other obvious incentives. Even people with mild infection may also have the symptoms of "growing new crowns".


Around the world, "Changxin Crown" is a hot topic. In general, "growing new coronavirus" means a series of long-term symptoms experienced by some people after being infected with COVID-19, which may last for weeks to years without other obvious incentives. Even people with mild infection may also have the symptoms of "growing new crowns".


Among them, the symptoms of cerebral fog have received widespread attention from the outside world. Emma Raz, a health care expert at Oxford University, UK, believes that among the many possible symptoms of the "Long New Crown", "brain fog" may be "one of the most disabling and destructive symptoms so far".


The common symptoms of "Changxinguan" include fatigue, shortness of breath and cognitive dysfunction. Other possible symptoms include memory and attention problems, chest pain or tightness, difficulty sleeping, palpitations, depression, and anxiety.


The latest study published on August 31st in Nature Medicine supports this viewpoint. In this study, a research team from the University of Oxford and the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom investigated 1837 hospitalized patients with COVID-19.


Among them, the symptoms of cerebral fog have received widespread attention from the outside world. Emma Raz, a health care expert at Oxford University, UK, believes that among the many possible symptoms of the "Long New Crown", "brain fog" may be "one of the most disabling and destructive symptoms so far".


After requiring these patients to undergo cognitive tests and fill out questionnaires 6 and 12 months after infection, the study found that relevant coagulation biomarkers were associated with persistent cognitive problems. For example, people with higher levels of D-dimer believe that their cognitive abilities are worse, and in subsequent surveys, they also reported problems with their work abilities. This leads researchers to conclude that there may be a causal relationship between blood clots and symptoms such as cerebral fog.


Previous studies have shown that some patients with COVID-19 have problems in blood flow and vital capacity, which are usually related to abnormal blood clots, or thrombus, formed in the blood vessels. But some new studies suggest that blood clots may also be the culprit for some neurological symptoms such as cerebral fog.


One of the research authors, Dr. Marcos Taquet from Oxford University, believes that fibrinogen may directly act on the brain and its blood vessels, and an increase in D-dimer reflects the possibility of blood clots in the lungs and brain, causing hypoxia.


The latest study published on August 31st in Nature Medicine supports this viewpoint. In this study, a research team from the University of Oxford and the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom investigated 1837 hospitalized patients with COVID-19.


For those who are still troubled by symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, and memory problems, can this study help find ways to treat these symptoms?


The results show that the levels of fibrinogen and D-dimer in these adult patients have increased during the period of infection with COVID-19 and hospitalization. Both of these proteins are associated with blood clotting and are typically used as biomarkers to aid in the diagnosis of blood clots in blood tests.


Steven Dicks, a clinical scientist at the University of California, San Francisco, believes that this study is an "important progress" for researchers to understand the causes of "growing new crowns". However, the focus of the study on patients with severe diseases may make this result inapplicable to a wider population.


After requiring these patients to undergo cognitive tests and fill out questionnaires 6 and 12 months after infection, the study found that relevant coagulation biomarkers were associated with persistent cognitive problems. For example, people with higher levels of D-dimer believe that their cognitive abilities are worse, and in subsequent surveys, they also reported problems with their work abilities. This leads researchers to conclude that there may be a causal relationship between blood clots and symptoms such as cerebral fog.

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