Do a good job in supporting the "double" construction with high quality, Li Qiang: Issuing and making good use of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds

Release time:May 13, 2024 16:53 PM

Former Li Qiang stressed at the video conference on mobilizing support for "double" construction deployment

Do a high-quality job in supporting the “double” construction

Provide strong support for promoting Chinese-style modernization

On May 13, the State Council held a video conference to mobilize support for the "double-oriented" construction deployment. Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, emphasized at the meeting that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and issue and make good use of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds , carry out high-quality work to support the implementation of major national strategies and security capacity building in key areas, and provide strong support for promoting Chinese-style modernization.

Ding Xuexiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, presided over the meeting. Vice Premiers of the State Council He Lifeng and Zhang Guoqing, and State Councilors Wang Xiaohong, Wu Zhenglong, and Chen Yiqin attended the meeting.

Li Qiang pointed out that the issuance of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds to support the "double" construction is a major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee focusing on the overall situation of building a powerful country and national rejuvenation. It is an important step in promoting Chinese-style modernization, promoting high-quality development, and seizing the initiative in development. Grasp. All regions and departments must improve their positions, deepen their understanding, effectively integrate their thoughts and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, and solidly complete various tasks of "double" construction.

Li Qiang pointed out that we must focus on the needs of promoting Chinese-style modernization, highlight the strategic, forward-looking, and overall nature, and concentrate our efforts to support the implementation of a number of major national strategies and the construction of security capabilities in key areas. It is necessary to coordinate "hard investment" and "soft construction" and combine project construction with supporting reforms. It is necessary to prepare and improve plans, strengthen project management, and build a number of landmark projects. It is also necessary to optimize institutional supply and use reform methods and Innovative measures break deep-seated obstacles. It is necessary to actively respond to people's livelihood expectations, combine physical investment with human capital investment, combine project construction with people's livelihood protection, and promote the implementation of a number of people's livelihood practical matters that the masses care about.

Li Qiang emphasized that the "double" construction is related to the overall situation and long-term, and it is necessary to strengthen overall coordination and enhance comprehensive effects. It is necessary to coordinate the arrangements for key tasks for this year and the next few years. This year, we will scientifically select projects based on strategic importance, urgency and project maturity, and strive to start construction early and achieve early results. The major tasks in the next few years must be combined with the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan", connected with the development needs of the "15th Five-Year Plan", implemented step by step, and advanced in an orderly manner. It is necessary to coordinate and make good use of conventional and extraordinary policies, strengthen the coordination of fiscal and monetary and financial instruments, and guide more financial resources into the real economy. It is necessary to better coordinate government investment and private investment, and greater efforts should be made to guide private capital to participate in "dual" construction to fully stimulate the vitality of private investment.

Li Qiang emphasized that all regions and departments must have a high sense of responsibility and mission, improve working mechanisms, strengthen coordination, and work together to implement the work. It is necessary to strictly control quality and safety, and effectively build "double" projects into high-quality projects, quality projects, and reliable projects that can withstand the test of the people and history.

Major responsible comrades from the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Zhejiang Provincial Government, the Hubei Provincial Government, and the Heilongjiang Provincial Government spoke at the meeting.

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