The general secretary’s footprints on people’s livelihood丨Feel the warmth of the “people’s city” in this “basic unit”

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 20:58 PM

CCTV News, Beijing, February 13 According to the China Voice of China's "News and Newspaper Digest" report, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that communities are the basic unit of grassroots autonomy and the grassroots foundation of the national governance system. Using the community as a platform to handle people's livelihood and public affairs such as "one elder and one small" and actively respond to the concerns of the masses is a significant advantage of grassroots governance with Chinese characteristics, and this advantage must be fully utilized. The Voice of China specially planned "The General Secretary's People's Livelihood Footprints" and launched this issue "In this "basic unit", feel the temperature of the "people's city"".

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, delivery boy Xu Yongzhi started his day's work early as usual. More than two months ago, Xu Yongzhi came to Shanghai and rented at the New Era Urban Builders Manager's House in Minhang District. Although he did not return to his hometown of Tangshan, Hebei Province to celebrate the New Year, Xu Yongzhi said that Maqiao Town, where the community is located, held a Spring Festival celebration specifically for the city's frontline workers, which made his heart warm.

Xu Yongzhi: For example, making dumplings, pasting blessing characters, etc. here feels like a warm big family where everyone is young and celebrating the New Year happily together.

In November last year, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the New Era City Builder Manager's House in Minhang District, he walked into the tenants' houses of community residential and dormitory rental houses and shared spaces such as public kitchens and public laundry rooms to learn more about it. The living conditions of frontline workers in the city who live here.

Xi Jinping: Hello! This way you can settle down. You are also builders and contributors to Shanghai, so Shanghai should also care about you.

Today, the multi-level rental housing supply system of "one bed, one room, one suite" is allowing more "new Shanghainese" to realize their "dream of living in peace". What allowed Xu Yongzhi and his neighbors to find a sense of belonging was the warm services provided by the community to allow them to "come in, stay, live in peace, and start a career."

Wu Hui, deputy mayor of Maqiao Town, Minhang District: Migrant workers come to Shanghai to contribute, and they are also the masters of the city. We also need to be more practical and detailed in community services, understand their ideas and needs in a timely manner, and truly allow builders from all over the world to live and work here in peace and contentment.

Building a multi-ethnic embedded community is an important way to promote exchanges and integration among people of all ethnic groups.

In the cultural and sports activity room of Panlong Community in Liangqing District, Nanning, Guangxi, residents of all ethnic groups gathered together to make dumplings, write Spring Festival couplets and say blessings. The cheerful singing that suddenly came from the scene infected everyone.

Community resident Chen Lili: Everyone was almost finished making dumplings when an old man began to sing "Happiness Loulangluo" and everyone sang along, and then sang "My Motherland", and a sense of national pride arose spontaneously.

Panlong Community is a multi-ethnic community where brothers and sisters from more than ten ethnic groups live and work in peace and contentment. When General Secretary Xi Jinping visited here in December last year, he cordially told everyone that he hoped that there would be many ethnic groups in the community, and that everyone would help each other, make close friends, be harmonious neighbors, and build a happy home together.

Liu Yanlin, Secretary of the Community Party Committee: We must continue to use silent services to serve the residents of all ethnic groups in the jurisdiction, carry out more cultural activities that enlighten the mind and nourish the heart, and let everyone live and work together through the spiritual bond of culture. struggle.

A city not only has steel and concrete, but also has wind and rain, flowers blooming and birds singing, and homes to live in. In May last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Rongdong Area, the first concentrated built-up area in Xiongan New Area. During an inspection in Nanwenying Community, the General Secretary emphasized that in building Xiong'an New Area, the most important thing is to connect the people's living and working in peace, so that the people can live stably, live in peace, and have a bright future.

Duan Feng, a resident of Nanwenying Community, felt happy when he saw the newly posted Spring Festival couplets on his door. Duan Feng's family was originally a villager in Hu Village, Dahe Town, Rongcheng County. This year is the third Spring Festival since he and his wife moved back.

Duan Feng: This house is all-inclusive. The community environment is very good, with canteens and shopping malls.

In Xiongan, the "people's city" that is suitable for business and livability in the new era, there are builders, relocatees, entrepreneurs, and "aboriginal people" who have become farmers. Wang Yixue, a community resident who received the "Xiongcai Card" from Xiongan New Area, spent this Spring Festival in Xiongan with his colleagues.

Wang Yixue: The smoke of fireworks here is getting stronger and stronger. I have also grown up with Xiongan, and I feel very proud to be able to add my own strength to the construction of Xiongan.

The general secretary’s footprints on people’s livelihood丨Feel the warmth of the “people’s city” in this “basic unit”
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