Pudong Development Bank's credit card is developing in depth, making nights more exciting. It's never too late for Shanghai to meet at night. New energy | consumption | credit cards

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:40 PM

As night falls, the lanterns begin to shine. Citizens can not only stroll on the streets, enjoy night views, watch performances, but also enjoy a variety of fun and delicious trendy products and internet celebrity stores in one go... The unique charm of the night collides with trendy fashion to create a unique taste, continuously attracting waves of check-in passengers, while also sparking a wave of consumption.

The Shanghai Nightlife Festival, with the theme of "Night Shanghai, Meeting Never Too Late", has just begun, focusing on "neighborhoods, waterfront, and communities". Throughout June, the seven experiential formats and benchmark projects of "night shopping, night food, night tourism, night show, night entertainment, night reading, and night activity" will jointly light up "Night Shanghai", allowing the city's nights to be strolled, rested, and warm, strongly boosting the consumer market. Among them, Pudong Development Credit Card, which has been deeply involved in the May 5th Shopping Festival and Nightlife Festival, has once again taken the initiative. This year, it further combines the inclusive nature of "66 Life" with rich and diverse theme activity settings and distinctive rights, covering different fields such as automobile consumption, food and beverage consumption, and commercial district consumption, opening a new attempt to drive consumption and promote people's livelihood.

Expanding the scope of benefits and boosting consumer confidence

The thriving night economy is gradually becoming a new driving force for cities to expand domestic demand and drive consumption. The survey report by the Ministry of Commerce on the consumption habits of urban residents shows that 60% of urban consumption occurs at night, and large shopping malls account for more than half of the daily sales from 18:00 to 22:00.

In Shanghai, new forms, scenarios, and products of nighttime consumption continue to emerge, bringing new opportunities for the city to activate its consumption potential. The Key Points for Building Shanghai into an International Consumer Center City in 2023 clearly propose to "enhance the night economy", implement the "Shanghai Night Economy Spatial Layout and Development Action Guidelines" around the vision of a "24-hour city", accelerate the construction of landmark night life clusters and waterfront night life experience areas, and create a number of new night economy landmarks and scenes.

In order to make the nighttime economy brighter, financial institutions undoubtedly need to play a key role, by leveraging the support and leverage of finance, accurately enhancing consumer confidence, and fully unleashing consumer potential. Based on the mission of inclusive finance, Pudong Development Credit Card actively plans and takes precise actions. During this Nightlife Festival, it launched the "Pudong Development 66 Nightlife Consumption Coupon" for the first time, providing tangible discounts and subsidies in the consumption process. Not only does it cover a considerable area, but the discount intensity is also very practical, striving to drive a wave of consumption enthusiasm in a broader dimension.

During the event, Pudong Development Bank credit card holders can receive up to 166 yuan of consumption vouchers through the "Pudong Development 66 Night Life Consumption Coupon" activity page of the "Pudong Development Xiben" app. As long as you go to the designated "2023 Shanghai Nightlife Festival" merchant for consumption, use WeChat Pay to bind to the Pudong Development Credit Card payment, you can enjoy the corresponding preferential benefits. And its activity coverage is very wide, with designated merchants covering nearly 20 popular shopping malls in Shanghai, including BFC Bund Financial Center, Qiantan Taikoo Li, Lujiazui Center L+mall, North Bund Raffles, and Zhengda Plaza, with over 500 merchants, which will benefit a large number of cardholders.

In the view of industry experts, issuing consumption vouchers can boost consumption by increasing purchasing power and desire, thereby driving production and investment growth, and accelerating economic recovery. In terms of stimulating consumption, consumption vouchers are undoubtedly a powerful lever used to leverage and activate the market. Previously in 2022, Shanghai had issued four rounds of "Love to Buy Shanghai" electronic consumption vouchers, driving a consumption amount of 3.506 billion yuan and a leverage ratio of nearly 3.71 times, effectively playing a positive role in driving consumption.

In addition, the Pufa 55 Shopping Festival theme card, which has been continuously released for three years, has also launched new activities this year, targeting "coffee culture" and "sports economy". It has also gained insights into consumer needs and preferences, and is loved by new users and cardholders. During the event, new customers of the main credit card of the Pudong Development 55 Shopping Festival theme can receive sports wristbands upon qualified consumption; By accumulating qualified consumption, users can receive the benefits of coffee drink lucky bags, which can be used by many brands of coffee such as Luckin Coffee, Tims, Costa, etc., with full affordability.

Benefiting the people and taking the initiative. Pudong Development Credit Card has a precise insight into the actual needs of a large number of users, using consumption vouchers and card products as entry points. By expanding the beneficiary base, fully releasing the multiplier effect, boosting consumer confidence, and contributing to boosting consumption through practical actions.

Digging Depth: New Supply Constitutes a New Landscape of Urban Consumption

Moreover, during the nightlife period, Pudong Development Credit Card has carefully planned and launched a series of rich themed activities, fully leveraging the advantages of financial institutions, activating diverse resources, constructing new consumption experiences and scenes with new supplies, deeply tapping into consumption potential, and bringing a new consumption scene full of fireworks to this city, making "Night Shanghai" even more exciting.

One is to rely on offline business districts to create exciting and diverse shopping and consumption experiences.

The popularity of offline commerce is showing a returning trend, and some characteristic commercial districts have become popular check-in spots in Shanghai. Relying on the radiation power of these commercial carriers, Pudong Development Credit Card adopts preferential activities such as payment discounts to promote consumption in multiple locations.

Before June 30th, Pudong Development Credit Card holders can enjoy a discount of 66 yuan on Saturdays of 300 yuan and 100 yuan on Sundays to Fridays of the following week by purchasing and using Pudong Development Credit Card at Shanghai Lujiazui Center, Bist Shanghai Shopping Village, Shanghai Jiuguang Department Store, and Shanghai CR Times Square through designated payment methods. In addition, during the event, at shopping malls such as Jinqiao International Commercial Plaza, Jiatinghui City Life Plaza, and BFC Bund Financial Center, Pudong Development Credit Card also launched a credit card WeChat discount promotion.

Under the financial empowerment of Pudong Development Bank credit cards, consumers can enjoy a richer shopping and consumption experience in various distinctive offline business districts.

The second is to collaborate with popular merchants to present the hottest and most trendy consumer scenarios.

Focusing on catering consumption as the highlight of the night economy, Pudong Development Credit Card has teamed up with popular merchants in Shanghai such as Luneurs, Sanchuan Braised Pork, and Chili's Chilis to launch payment discounts, allowing consumers to experience a more trendy and high-quality consumption experience.

At the same time, the "financial inclusivity" of Pudong Development Bank credit cards has also extended to scenarios such as gas stations: during the event, cardholders can use the "Yijie Gas" app or the "Yijie Gas" WeChat mini program to top up gas cards issued in Shanghai or petrochemical wallets opened in Shanghai. They can use Pudong Development Bank credit cards to bind to WeChat quick payments and enjoy consumption discounts.

The third is to make efforts both online and offline, allowing citizens to enjoy affordable benefits and unleash their consumption potential.

To further promote consumption, Pudong Development Credit Card focuses on the integration of online and offline, and continues to increase the efforts of financial benefits for the people. In the context of new energy vehicle consumption, Pudong Development Bank Credit Card has provided credit card installment purchase discounts this year with high-quality new energy vehicle brands and models as the entry point. For example, Pudong Development Bank credit card holders in the activity area can enjoy tiered credit card rewards and discounts by purchasing designated new energy brands and models in installments through designated dealer stores. This can stimulate the potential for large-scale consumption, provide customers with tangible car purchase discounts, and help unleash the potential for car consumption.

Standing at a high level, using financial responsibility to assist the international consumer center

Stimulating consumer vitality is an important measure to expand domestic demand. At the beginning of this year, Shanghai released the "Shanghai Action Plan for Boosting Confidence, Expanding Demand, Stabilizing Growth, and Promoting Development", which introduced 32 policy measures to vigorously boost market expectations and confidence; In March, the "2023 Shanghai Consumption Promotion Series Activity Plan" was also issued, proposing to leverage the combined effects of festival activities, policy measures, and innovation incentives, adhere to the dual drive of "policy+activity", highlight the linkage between commerce, tourism, culture and culture, and unleash the vitality of "big consumption"; More prominent online and offline linkage, creating new consumption scenarios; More prominent market linkage within and outside the city, and sufficient consumption growth.

By implementing a series of policy measures and organizing annual consumption promotion activities such as the May 5th Shopping Festival and Nightlife Festival, this city is further stimulating the potential of consumption, meeting, leading, and creating demand, stimulating new consumption drivers, and accelerating the construction of an international consumption center city with international influence. The latest data shows that in the first quarter of this year, Shanghai achieved a total retail sales of consumer goods of 461.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.2%.

Releasing financial momentum, improving high-quality consumption, and meeting the people's aspirations for a better life reflect the responsibility and responsibility of financial institutions. Credit cards are closely related to the consumption and daily life of residents. For four consecutive years, we have made every effort to support the May 5th Shopping Festival and Nightlife Festival. Using financial resources to activate consumption potential and promote high-quality economic development is a vivid portrayal of Pudong Development Bank's commitment to its original intention and active practice of social responsibility.

Looking towards the future, in the environment of expanding and restoring consumption, the Pudong Development Bank credit card will further boost consumption, play a positive guiding role of financial institutions, and leverage its diverse financial products and businesses to boost the May 5th Shopping Festival and Nightlife Festival, driving sustained consumer enthusiasm. At the same time, Pudong Development Bank Credit Card will also focus on upgrading financial services, stimulating market vitality, stabilizing growth and promoting development, making positive contributions to the construction of Shanghai as an international consumer center city, and continuously increasing the efforts of "financial benefits to the people", fully leveraging the ability and level of financial services to improve people's livelihoods, and creating greater value for consumer life and socio-economic development.

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