To benefit the citizens of both regions, Jiang Wan'an arrives in Shanghai for a visit: strengthening municipal exchanges Taipei | Laogang | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 22:26 PM

"I haven't been to Shanghai for many years, and everyone is very happy to be here this time." Taiwanese TVBS reporter Hua Shaoping told reporters at the Yangshan Port dock while debugging equipment. The Taiwanese media reporter arrived in Shanghai on August 28th and made an appointment to visit Tianzifang that evening.

After three years, the Shanghai Taipei City Forum was once again held offline, attracting numerous attention from both sides of the Taiwan Strait. All parties hope to deepen personnel and municipal exchanges between the two cities through this important institutionalized intercity exchange platform between the two sides, in order to achieve tangible results and enhance the sense of gain for the people of both cities.

To benefit the citizens of both regions, Jiang Wan'an arrives in Shanghai for a visit: strengthening municipal exchanges Taipei | Laogang | Shanghai

Yesterday's visit to Yangshan Port was the first stop for the Taipei City delegation after arriving in Shanghai.

At noon that day, it was drizzling heavily. As soon as we arrived at the central control tower on the 17th floor of Yangshan Port Port, Taiwanese media reporters carried cameras and rushed to the outdoor platform to capture a panoramic view of the dock from favorable terrain. Overlooking the fourth phase pier of Yangshan Port from a high altitude, in the distance, giant red and white bridges hang in a row, extending to the seaside; Nearby, the dock operation area is empty, with modern bridge cranes and rail cranes swinging their huge arms on their own, and automatic guided small vehicles without a cab shuttling containers back and forth.

"Unlike the bright lights at night at the first three phases of Yangshan Port, the nights here are pitch black." Gu Jinshan, Chairman of Shanghai Port Group, told Taipei Mayor Jiang Wan'an and other Taiwanese guests that Yangshan Port Phase IV Terminal is one of the most intelligent automated container terminals in the world. Last year, the entire Shanghai Port completed a container throughput of 47.3 million TEUs, and this year it is expected to reach 48 million TEUs, with port accessibility continuing to rank first in the world.

To benefit the citizens of both regions, Jiang Wan'an arrives in Shanghai for a visit: strengthening municipal exchanges Taipei | Laogang | Shanghai

When we heard that Yangshan Port has close business ties with Taiwan's three major shipping companies, Evergreen, Yangming, and Wanhai, and that the business volume accounts for 10% of the total volume of Yangshan Port, Taipei customers were very happy. They told their friends in Shanghai that the predecessor of "Yangming Shipping" can be traced back to the Ship Investment Promotion Bureau established in Shanghai in 1873. "The relationship between Taipei and Shanghai has a long history, and we hope that Taiwanese shipping companies can have more cooperation with Shanghai.".

For Jiang Wan'an himself, Yangshan Port also has special significance. In 2008, Jiang Xiaoyan, the father of Jiang Wan'an, came here specifically to witness the direct sea transportation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. At that time, the construction of Yangshan Port was in full swing, and now it has become the world's largest port. "The unmanned driving and smart dock at Yangshan Port have left a deep impression on me and inspired me deeply." Jiang Wan'an told cross-strait media that the two cities have the same attitude towards innovation and openness, and Taipei City is also promoting unmanned driving technology. He hopes that the two cities can work together to achieve more breakthroughs in this field.

Further strengthen municipal exchanges between the two cities

To benefit the citizens of both regions, Jiang Wan'an arrives in Shanghai for a visit: strengthening municipal exchanges Taipei | Laogang | Shanghai

Starting from Yangshan Port, the Taipei City delegation arrived at the Old Port Ecological and Environmental Protection Base on the coast of the East China Sea. This is one of the most important domestic waste disposal bases in Shanghai. As a car dealership enters, the area is surrounded by greenery and the sound of birds chirping. Taiwanese friends keep taking photos with their phones.

"The old port base has turned decay into magic, transforming a garbage landfill into an ecological base." Arriving outside the center control room of the base, the Taipei delegation learned about the Shanghai domestic waste disposal process through a window. "You said that our Taipei 'garbage does not fall to the ground' and 'garbage reduction' are doing well, and I think you are also doing well." A delegation member told reporters that this Twin Cities Forum will discuss' low-carbon and sustainable '. First, we will visit the Laogang Base to learn about Shanghai's advanced practices and bring them back to Taipei to share.

"Through the Twin Cities Forum, Taipei and Shanghai have signed 42 memorandums of understanding, and both sides have engaged in a series of exchanges in areas such as culture, sports, tourism, and art." Jiang Wan'an expressed his hope during a joint interview with cross-strait media at the Old Port Base that Taipei and Shanghai can further strengthen municipal exchanges between the two cities on the basis of past exchanges, benefiting the citizens of both cities.

To benefit the citizens of both regions, Jiang Wan'an arrives in Shanghai for a visit: strengthening municipal exchanges Taipei | Laogang | Shanghai

Last night, the leaders of Shanghai and Taipei also exchanged gifts. The gift from Taipei is a "Spring Pond Glass - Beautiful Bottle" made from recycled glass materials, echoing the theme of this forum "New Trends and New Development" and showcasing the infinite possibilities of urban sustainable integration. And what Shanghai gave as a gift was the porcelain "Magnolia Blossoming", with the bottle depicting the architectural complexes on both sides of the Pujiang River and the city flower of Shanghai, the white magnolia, symbolizing the cooperation and win-win situation between the people of the two cities, and the common pursuit of a better life.

"The first day of the visit went smoothly and got off to a good start. I look forward to having more insightful insights at the forum tomorrow." Many Taiwanese media reporters are looking forward to it. Some Taiwanese friends also mentioned that Shanghai has been participating in the Taipei Lantern Festival. "Next year will be the ninth year of the exhibition, and we look forward to the long-lasting friendship between Taipei and Shanghai."

The UK has formed the largest exhibition group, with over 2200 companies from 28 of the top 30 countries and regions participating in the Service Trade Fair. Institutions | Organizations | Enterprises
The UK has formed the largest exhibition group, with over 2200 companies from 28 of the top 30 countries and regions participating in the Service Trade Fair. Institutions | Organizations | Enterprises

The 2023 China International Trade in Services Fair will be held in Beijing from September 2nd to 6th. According to a press conference held by the State Council Information Office in Beijing today, this year is the first year for China to fully resume offline exhibitions. This year's Fair for Trade in Services has increased its offline invitation efforts, highlighting internationalization, authority, and professionalism, further promoting exchanges and negotiations between exhibitors, mutually beneficial cooperation, and win-win outcomes. More than 500 Fortune Global 500 and leading enterprises will participate in the 2023 Global Service Trade Summit offline, with an expanded scale and a higher level of offline guests. Some foreign dignitaries, ministerial level guests, and international organization leaders will be invited to attend and deliver speeches. The host country of this year's Service Trade Fair is the United Kingdom, which has formed the largest exhibition group since the exhibition. 51 countries and 24 international organizations will be established offline in the name of national governments or headquarters

The National Grand Theatre has built the world's largest theater complex, and the three major buildings of the Beijing Urban Sub center have been fully completed. The museum | Beijing | Conclusion
The National Grand Theatre has built the world's largest theater complex, and the three major buildings of the Beijing Urban Sub center have been fully completed. The museum | Beijing | Conclusion

25 kilometers east of Beijing, the water of the Grand Canal flows leisurely. On both sides of the canal, large-scale greening is quietly spreading, and the three major buildings of Beijing's urban sub center are rising from the ground. On the 15th, the reporter visited the three major buildings that were about to be completed. The Beijing Art Center, which looks like a big curtain, shimmers with silver under the sunlight. The Grand Canal Museum seems to be covered with five sails scattered all over the roof, and the Beijing City Library, supported by 144 "ginkgo tree trunks," looks like a sea of forests. At the end of September, the "Three Major Buildings" met the conditions for completion and acceptance. Sha Gang, Deputy General Manager of the Three Major Construction Project Department of Beitou Group's Urban Sub center, introduced that as of now, the main structure and exterior facade decoration works of the three major construction projects have been fully completed. 95% of indoor electromechanical engineering has been completed, 90% of indoor decoration engineering has been completed, and 80% of outdoor municipal and landscape engineering has been completed

More than 3000 people were trapped in three trains in Mentougou mountain area. Fengsha Railway, which was damaged in rainstorm, resumed operation last night | more than 3000 people
More than 3000 people were trapped in three trains in Mentougou mountain area. Fengsha Railway, which was damaged in rainstorm, resumed operation last night | more than 3000 people

On the evening of August 8th, it was learned from the Beijing Railway Bureau of China that after 71 hours of emergency repair, at around 18:30 on August 8th, as the track rolling locomotive slowly passed through the Zhuwo Station of the Fengsha Railway, the Fengsha Railway finally resumed traffic. The Fengsha Railway was completed and opened to traffic on June 30, 1955. It is a mountainous railway and the first mainline railway in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. It is also an important channel for transporting coal from Shanxi to other regions. On July 30, affected by rainstorm for several days, some sections of Fengsha Railway located in Mentougou District of Beijing were seriously damaged. Train K1178, K396 and Z180 were stranded in the mountains, and nearly 3000 passengers and attendants were stranded. After the joint cooperation of the railway department, armed police soldiers, and firefighters, all passengers and crew members were able to escape from the trap for 5 days and arrived at Beijing West Station and Beijing Fengtai Station respectively

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences releases major achievements on a monthly basis, and the "History | Theory | Series of the Party's Centennial Struggle Historical Experience Series" is published
The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences releases major achievements on a monthly basis, and the "History | Theory | Series of the Party's Centennial Struggle Historical Experience Series" is published

The key publication of the Central Propaganda Department's theme publication, "A Series of Historical Experience of the Party's Centenary Struggle," has been released recently. On the morning of the 4th, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences organized a "Monthly Conference on Major Achievements of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences" in Beijing, focusing on introducing this theoretical achievement. The "Historical Experience Series of the Party's Centennial Struggle" is a masterpiece that examines and summarizes the history of the CPC from the perspective of historical experience. It is based on the historical resolution passed at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, deeply implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and based on the ten historical experiences accumulated from the Party's century long struggle clearly pointed out in the resolution, it is independently written from ten aspects: Party leadership, people first, theoretical innovation, independence and autonomy, the Chinese path, embracing the world, exploring and innovating, daring to struggle, united front, and self revolution. According to the introduction, the Party

The millennium old traditional customs in Nanzhao are rejuvenated, with "golden leaves" flourishing, and the body of mugwort picking during the Dragon Boat Festival | modern | tradition
The millennium old traditional customs in Nanzhao are rejuvenated, with "golden leaves" flourishing, and the body of mugwort picking during the Dragon Boat Festival | modern | tradition

During the Dragon Boat Festival, there has been a custom of picking mugwort in Chinese folk culture since ancient times. The "Jingchu Suishi Ji" from the Northern and Southern Dynasties period records: "On the fifth day of the fifth month, picking mugwort as a person, hanging it on the door to ward off poisonous gas." To this day, many regions still retain the custom of picking mugwort on the Dragon Boat Festival. In Nanzhao County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, a large number of people go up the mountains to pick mugwort around the Dragon Boat Festival every year. The collected mugwort leaves are made into various mugwort products by local enterprises and sold nationwide. Recently, the Aicao Culture Festival was held in Nanzhao County, and reporters visited several local traditional Chinese medicine enterprises. Here, the traditional custom of picking mugwort during the Dragon Boat Festival is being given new vitality by the thriving modern traditional Chinese medicine industry in the local area. The Dragon Boat Festival picking of Artemisia argyi has been given new vitality by the modern traditional Chinese medicine industry. The Dragon Boat Festival picking of mugwort has a long history of use in China. At the Xiaokong Mountain Site in Nanzhao County, archaeology