Building a bridge of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, museum

Release time:May 18, 2024 17:21 PM

Museums are windows for exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations. When visiting foreign countries, General Secretary Xi Jinping often visits museums to learn about the unique features of different civilizations. When foreign guests visit, General Secretary Xi Jinping visits museums and exhibitions with them, and attends appointments with civilizations.

The glass is crystal clear and decorated with complicated patterns. This glass plate, collected in the Famen Temple Museum in Shaanxi Province, witnesses the diversity and exchanges between Chinese and Western civilizations more than a thousand years ago.

Civilization is colorful, and human civilization has the value of communication because of its diversity. The museum collects colorful achievements of civilization and tells the history of exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations.

The garden is full of spring scenery, the ball is flying, and the lady is playing Cuju... This Chinese Su embroidery work records a past event of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.

Today, this piece of Suzhou embroidery is on permanent display at the Olympic Museum. Its story shows the inextricable connection between ancient Chinese Cuju and modern football. Like many other museum collections, it witnesses a new chapter of exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations.

Yuan blue and white porcelain is a masterpiece among ancient Chinese blue and white porcelain. It was born from the mutual learning and development of Chinese and Western civilizations.

The cultural treasures in the museum carry the history of the integration and common development of different civilizations, and also demonstrate the Chinese nation's open-mindedness and eclectic attitude.

Civilizations communicate because of diversity, learn from each other because of exchanges, and develop because of mutual learning. In the long river of time and the intertwined light and shadow of the city, the museum stands quietly, looking back at history, facing the future, communicating with the world, and inheriting civilization.

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