The General Secretary puts forward new requirements, First Observation|Accelerate the construction of a powerful tourism country

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:May 18, 2024 13:17 PM

The National Tourism Development Conference was held in Beijing on May 17. This conference was the first important meeting held by the Party Central Committee with the theme of tourism development. The important instructions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping on tourism work were conveyed at the meeting.

“In the new era and new journey, tourism development is facing new opportunities and new challenges.” In the important instructions, the General Secretary not only fully affirmed the remarkable achievements in reform and opening up, especially the tourism work since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, but also expressed his views on accelerating the construction of a strong tourism country and promoting We have made comprehensive arrangements and put forward clear requirements for the high-quality development of the tourism industry.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that since reform and opening up, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country’s tourism development has entered a fast lane.

The fast lane means rapid development: from 2012 to 2021, domestic tourism revenue increased by an average annual rate of approximately 10.6%; from 2012 to 2019, the number of domestic tourists doubled. my country has formed the world's largest domestic tourism market and is also the largest source of tourists and the main destination for international tourism.

The fast lane also means a unique development approach: in China, tourism is an important way for the people to enhance their sense of gain and happiness, an important carrier for inheriting and promoting Chinese culture, and a way to practice the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" An important field and an important starting point for rural revitalization...

In this regard, General Secretary Xi Jinping once made a profound explanation-

In the Arctic Village of Mohe, Heilongjiang, it was pointed out that “the forest economy and tourism must be developed simultaneously, so that the scenery and ice and snow resources of the northern frontier can bring a steady stream of income to the villagers”;

In the Yungang Grottoes in Shanxi, it is emphasized that "making tourism a process for people to understand Chinese culture and enhance cultural confidence";

A B&B store in Xinxian County, Henan Province praised "the development of rural tourism relying on rich red cultural resources and green ecological resources, which has invigorated the rural economy and is a good practice for revitalizing the countryside"...

From small to large, from weak to strong, it has outstanding characteristics and broad prospects. In important instructions, the General Secretary pointed out that tourism has "increasingly become an emerging strategic pillar industry and a people's livelihood industry and a happiness industry with significant characteristics of the times" and affirmed that "China has successfully embarked on a unique path of tourism development in China".

General Secretary Xi Jinping has a profound understanding and rich practice of tourism development. In "Zhijiang News", he wrote an article "Emphasis on Creating Tourism Quality", pointing out: With economic development and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, sightseeing-based tourism can no longer meet people's needs. . The travel desire of “seeking novelty, seeking novelty, seeking knowledge, and seeking pleasure” requires us to continuously introduce more and better tourism products.

How to seize new opportunities and meet new challenges? This time, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly proposed three principles that must be adhered to in tourism development:

Staying upright means guarding the "basic market". Green waters, green mountains, history and culture, high-quality services... these are the foundation of tourism development and must always be protected. Innovation is the driving force for tourism development. Only by using our brains and boldly pursuing changes can we achieve a comprehensive upgrade of traditional tourism formats, products and services.

While encouraging innovation, we must also prevent “rushing in”. The purpose of tourism innovation should always focus on improving quality and efficiency.

How to rationally develop limited tourism resources and create more high-quality tourism products? How to further leverage the driving role of tourism to benefit more people? We should pay more attention to "what has developed" in tourism and "what effects" it has.

In September 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at a symposium of expert representatives in the field of education, culture, health and sports that we must persist in using culture to shape tourism and tourism to promote culture, and promote the integrated development of culture and tourism.

More fields are integrating and developing collaboratively with tourism. The more technology, education, transportation, sports, industry... are integrated, the more conducive they are to extending the industrial chain, creating new value, and spawning new business formats.

In addition to the three principles, the General Secretary also emphasized the coordination of five pairs of relationships, reflecting a deep understanding of several major relationships in the tourism development process.

Coordinate government and market. In the process of tourism development, we should not only give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of tourism resources, but also give full play to the important role of the government in optimizing tourism planning and layout, public services, and business environment.

Coordinate supply and demand. From "is it available" to "is it good or not", people's tourism needs are becoming diversified, personalized and quality-oriented, which requires the tourism industry to continue to promote supply-side structural reform.

Coordinate protection and development. Development is an objective requirement for development, and protection is an important prerequisite for development. Only scientific and reasonable development can promote the rapid development of tourism. Only active and effective protection can ensure the healthy development of tourism.

Coordinate domestic and international affairs. In addition to making the domestic tourism market stronger, better and bigger, improving China’s tourism competitiveness and influence requires unswervingly expanding opening up and developing inbound and outbound tourism.

Coordinate development and security. Security is the prerequisite for development, and development is the guarantee of security. Safety should be regarded as an important criterion for testing the sustainable development of the industry, and the bottom line of safety production, ecological safety, and ideological safety should be maintained.

With the Party Central Committee attaching great importance to it, the people's active support, and the rich resources left to us by our ancestors and nature, we are fully qualified and capable of building a strong tourism country.

In the important instructions, the General Secretary also proposed five missions of the tourism industry: serving a better life, promoting economic development, building a spiritual home, displaying the image of China, and enhancing mutual learning among civilizations.

From an individual level, tourism is an important indicator of improving people's living standards. Developing tourism is to allow people to appreciate the beauty of culture, cultivate the beauty of the soul while appreciating the beauty of nature, and make life better.

From a social perspective, the development of tourism is an important focus in promoting high-quality development, and tourism is also an important carrier of culture. This requires us to pay attention not only to the economic role of tourism, but also to its role in enhancing people's spiritual strength.

From a national level, tourism is an important channel for exchanges and mutual learning between different countries and cultures. Only by further developing tourism can we better display the image of China in the new era, exchange culture and enhance friendship in the "two-way journey".

These five missions are the General Secretary’s profound summary of the role of tourism, and also the General Secretary’s ardent expectations for the future of tourism.

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