Tour the "Longhai Heritage" with the master, see national treasures, visit 3D ancient buildings, and appreciate intangible cultural heritage

Release time:May 17, 2024 15:51 PM

Since its opening in Shanghai, the "Dragon Goes to the Sea" digital intangible cultural heritage art exhibition has become a new landmark for many Chinese trendsetters and intangible cultural heritage enthusiasts. Before the "International Museum Day" on May 18, the exhibition held the "Masters Take You to View the Exhibition" activity, and visited the "Longhai Heritage Treasures" with cultural and museum intangible cultural heritage experts.

Wang Yamin, the curator of this exhibition and former executive vice president of the Palace Museum, came to the first exhibition in Shanghai to talk to the audience about the innovative expression, inheritance and development of Chinese culture and aesthetics in the AI ​​era. "The dragon is an outstanding spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation. For thousands of years, through the hands of skilled craftsmen, the dragon is also an important carrier for the display and inheritance of Chinese intangible cultural heritage skills." Wang Yamin said, "The dragon goes out to sea, symbolizing the national spirit of progress and inheritance, exporting With the mission of integrating culture and exchange, the exhibition integrates digital light and shadow with intangible cultural heritage works, showing new visual feasts such as traditional Chinese colors, traditional patterns, architectural construction, calligraphy and painting, ceramic weaving and dyeing, embroidery paper-cutting, and puppet shows, and narrates the great The prosperous historical legend of China’s cultural and trade overseas exchanges since ancient times.”

The ceramic "China White" installation on display is Dehua white porcelain. The young generation of inheritors from the millennium porcelain capital used their works to demonstrate the immortal charm of Dehua white porcelain. Lin Siqin's works such as "Panda Patriarch Enlightenment", "Rabbit Master" and "Dragon Dream" express traditional themes in a modern and trendy way.

Lai Ruipan, a master of ceramic art from Fujian Province, has a unique style of work. "When the Clouds Rise" is very exciting and dynamic, while "Blessing Wind and Smooth" vividly portrays the innocence and beauty of Hui'an women in Quanzhou. Zheng Qinghai's works "Changban Slope" and "Tang Yun" are all innovative and innovative based on Dehua traditional porcelain sculptures, giving them modern aesthetic taste and cultural connotation.

The "broken frame" device of paper-cut lanterns on display combines two national intangible cultural heritage items, Quanzhou lanterns and Quanzhou paper-cut lanterns. "Flower Lantern" extracts the traditional elements of Quanzhou Li Yaobao's paper-cut silk lanterns, turning each piece of lantern into an independent individual, and exaggerating it to highlight the details on each piece of paper lantern. Born in a family of Quanzhou intangible cultural heritage craftsmen, Zhang Zhiquan began learning paper carving and lantern skills from his mother and grandmother at the age of 10. He is the fifth generation inheritor of this intangible cultural heritage. The deconstruction of traditional lanterns is a re-creation of family skills and an attempt by the author to explore and break through the cultural heritage he inherited.

Wu Weicheng's "Golden Dragon", "Silver Dragon" and "Big Tail", as well as puppet costumes and dragon robes, are creative and cute. This is Jincang embroidery from Quanzhou, which inherits ancient embroidery skills. It is the same as the "jincang embroidery" technology of the Tang Dynasty. It uses special stitching methods such as dragon scale armor on the grosgrain base, and uses gold thread to embroider it. Come up with all kinds of wonderful patterns. Convex embroidery is the unique feature of Jincang embroidery, which can produce a "relief" effect.

Chinese paper cutting with flowers on paper. The "Riverside Scene During Qingming Festival" and the 3D printed ancient stage are on display, reconstructing the bustling market scene. Huizi, a researcher of intangible cultural heritage and a master of arts and crafts, uses color and hollow art to outline a unique story in his sfumato paper-cut work "Nine Sons of a Dragon".

Prince Li, a student of the Children's Palace of China Welfare Society and a representative of "National Trend Youth", studied under the inheritor of Shanghai's intangible cultural heritage "Shanghai Rap" and performed a piece of "The World of Food" on the "Intangible Cultural Heritage Small Stage" of the exhibition, which impressed the masters and the audience. They enjoyed this Shanghai folk art that began in the Song and Yuan Dynasties and has been passed down to this day. The superb performance attracted constant cheers and applause from the audience.

The “Dragon Goes to the Sea” digital intangible cultural heritage exhibition features numerous technological highlights. In the Poetry and Calligraphy AI Gallery, the classic poems of Dragon and Sea and the characters of famous calligraphers from past dynasties are combined with AI motion capture and somatosensory particle interactive technology. The audience travels through this interactive installation, walking, dancing, and splashing ink, fully experiencing the unique lines and rhythms of the world's "intangible cultural heritage" calligraphy art, as well as the "trinity" of Chinese cultural aesthetics and inheritance of poetry, calligraphy, and painting.

The 360° immersive film field uses light and shadow to depict dragon stories. Stories such as "The Flying Dragon Rides the Clouds", "The Dragon Goes to the Sea", "The Nine Sons of the Dragon" and "The Dance of the Dragon Girl" combine animation and music to create an immersive aesthetic feast.

The naked-eye 3D dragon warehouse treasure box presents nine "dragon" national treasures selected from China's eight major museums, including: the C-shaped jasper dragon of the Hongshan Culture of the Neolithic Age, the dragon-shaped jade pendant of the Warring States Period, the "Luo Shen Fu Tu" of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the green dragon of the Tang Dynasty Bricks with patterns, gilt iron core copper dragons from the Tang Dynasty, dragon pattern mirrors from the Tang Dynasty, green and dragon pattern porcelain plates with white ground from the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, blue and white porcelain plates with sea water and red dragon patterns from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, blue and white rouge red cloud dragon pattern amphora from the Jingdezhen kiln from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, Use naked-eye 3D technology to enlarge and appreciate the dragon-shaped cultural relics and national treasures of different periods and materials from every detail angle, and experience the long-standing aesthetics of Chinese art and craftsmanship through cutting-edge technology.

There is also a 3D printed dragon ancient building at the exhibition site. 3D printing uses digital models and technology to copy and reproduce the iconic cultural heritage of Chinese architectural art, the Dragon Wall. Using scientific and technological means to learn and appreciate the inherent beauty of Chinese ancient architecture and dragon culture is one of the inheritance that this installation hopes to convey. meaning.

The exhibition invites young designers to use generative artificial intelligence AIGC technology as a means to use traditional Chinese colors, cloud patterns, sea water patterns, dragon patterns and other traditional patterns as sources of inspiration and materials to create the main visual of the exhibition.

The theme of International Museum Day 2024 is "Museums dedicated to education and research", which highlights the key role of cultural institutions in providing a comprehensive educational experience. The exhibition is curated with "Inheriting Art" as its theme. Echoing this theme, the exhibition also includes a carefully planned intangible cultural and creative market, including ceramics, embroidery, bamboo art, calligraphy and painting, tea drinks, etc.

The "Dragon Goes to the Sea" digital intangible cultural heritage exhibition will last until June 23. During the exhibition, during traditional solar terms and festivals, ancient markets will be recreated, intangible cultural heritage and folk customs will be displayed, and games and exhibitions will be held to win cultural and creative gifts. During the upcoming summer festival, the "Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Watching Exhibition and Intangible Cultural Heritage Day Gathering" will also be held.

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