Introducing the research and development progress of humanoid robots and lunar soil fibers, and technology stars such as "Zhihui Jun" walked on the red carpet

Release time:May 18, 2024 04:47 AM

This morning, the launch ceremony of the 2024 Shanghai Science and Technology Festival was held at the Zhangjiang Science Hall. More than 20 representatives of outstanding scientific and technological workers and middle school students who love science walked on the red carpet and entered the world of the "Metaverse" to showcase the science in their fields of study. beauty of. In the "metaverse" world of Ding Kuiling, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, there appears the "beautiful molecule" in his mind - the SKP molecule; and in the "metaverse" world of Li Jun, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Shanghai Mathematics Center In the world of "universe", the "Calabi-Yau manifold" shows the unique beauty of topology.

Through the live broadcasts of Dragon TV, Shangguan News and other media, citizens saw these celebrity scientists and gained a perceptual understanding of their cutting-edge scientific research fields.

Representatives of Shanghai's outstanding scientific and technological workers entered the world of "Metaverse".

The Shanghai Science and Technology Festival was founded in 1991. It is the second science and technology festival in the world and the first government-sponsored science and technology festival in my country. In recent years, the Shanghai Science and Technology Festival has set the goal of "creating a world-class science and technology festival with global influence", helping Shanghai build a scientific and technological innovation center with global influence, and creating a scientific and technological innovation achievement conference, a scientific and technological product exhibition hall, and a festival for scientific and technological workers. , Public Science and Technology Carnival. Last year, the Shanghai Science and Technology Festival was awarded the "Shanghai Brand", becoming the first technology event in the city to be awarded the "Shanghai Brand".

The scientists' red carpet show is the opening highlight of the Shanghai Science and Technology Festival over the years. This year, the ceremony has a new highlight, the first "Metaverse" red carpet live broadcast. Using artificial intelligence combined with XR visualization technology, non-perceptual dynamic capture, and 2D to 3D reconstruction technology, the Shanghai Science and Technology Festival team realized an organic switch between the physical red carpet and the virtual "Metaverse" red carpet, allowing the audience to interact with the event on-site. Through live TV broadcasts, online live broadcasts and graphic live broadcasts, you can immerse yourself in the research fields and achievements of every scientific and technological worker, and appreciate the beauty of science.

Yao Qizhi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and winner of the Turing Award, walked on the red carpet.

Today, seven academicians or foreign academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, including Yao Qizhi, Ding Kuiling, Li Jie, Li Jun, Gong Xingao, Fan Jia, and Yuan Junying, are on the red carpet of "Metaverse". There is also the founder and chief technology officer of Zhiyuan Robot. There are three "tech communication celebrities" including Guan Peng Zhihui, four "scientific craftsmen" including Mi Yi, chief engineer of COMAC's C929 test flight, and four young people including Cheng Yanhua, director of the Department of Polymer Materials and Engineering of Donghua University. the scientist.

Peng Zhihui's online name is "Zhihui Jun". He has 2.577 million fans on Bilibili and 971,000 fans on Sina Weibo. He is a robotics expert who is good at sharing his inventions. He has posted many videos of self-developed robots on Station B, such as "I made a bicycle self-driving!" 》《I built an Iron Man robotic arm! 》《It took three months for the technical nerd to UP, and he made the most powerful small TV at Station B! 》. These videos have received millions of views, and fans nicknamed Mr. Zhihui the "Wild Iron Man".

At the end of 2022, he embarked on the entrepreneurial path-founded Zhiyuan Robot Company and led the team to develop humanoid robots. In August last year, Zhiyuan, which has become a "unicorn" company, released the humanoid robot "Expedition A1". It is 1.75 meters tall and weighs 53 kilograms. The whole body has 49 degrees of freedom, that is, it is equipped with 49 electric joints. It uses a high-density electric drive method with a peak torque of 300 N·m.

Representatives of “tech communication celebrities” such as Peng Zhihui walked on the red carpet.

How is the development of humanoid robots progressing today? Peng Zhihui revealed that Zhiyuan has recently made many important breakthroughs in the field of "artificial intelligence robots", including the self-research of embodied models, large and small brain algorithms, agent frameworks, and core actuators. "We have been exploring technological innovation in the direction of allowing intelligent robots to create unlimited productivity. This year is the first year of our industrialization and commercialization. There will be an official product release later in the second half of the year. You can pay attention then."

Peng Zhihui felt very honored to be on the red carpet as a representative of "Science and Technology Communication Celebrities", and he also felt the social responsibility of scientific researchers to participate in science and technology communication. “As a science and technology communicator, I need to ensure that the information I disseminate is accurate and clear, and that it can stimulate the public’s interest and enthusiasm for science and technology. Therefore, I will continue to work hard in the future and strive to bring you more on the road of using technology to change the world. Interesting popular science piece.”

Recently, the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission has carried out the recognition of scientific and technological communication professional titles for the market, becoming a national pioneer. Peng Zhihui was rated as an associate researcher in the scientific and technological communication professional title sequence. In his opinion, this is both an honor and a spur. "In the future, I will continue to work hard to improve my professional level, do more innovative work in the cutting-edge fields of robotics and AI, and better disseminate these cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements to the public."

"As a representative of young scientists, I am very excited to walk on the red carpet. I would like to thank the Municipal Science and Technology Commission for giving me this opportunity!" Cheng Yanhua told reporters. This female scientist led the team to carry out fiber-related work through the intersection of fiber and nano, biology, bionics and other disciplines. Among them, the research on "lunar soil fiber" is particularly interesting. Led by Zhu Meifang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cheng Yanhua and others jointly researched the equipment and technology for continuous fiber preparation using lunar soil as raw material, hoping to provide technical reserves for my country's future construction of lunar bases.

According to reports, in-situ resource utilization on the lunar surface is an effective way to support the operation of medium and long-term missions such as lunar space stations and lunar bases. Lunar soil is the most important in-situ resource on the lunar surface. Chinese scientists are studying the use of lunar soil cement-based materials for 3D printing and other construction technologies. However, the inherent tensile strength, bending resistance, impact resistance and toughness of cement-based concrete materials are relatively poor, making it difficult to meet the safety requirements of building structural performance.

In response to this pain point, the scientific research team of Donghua University explored mixing this locally sourced fiber with cement-based concrete to increase the mechanical properties of the material. On Earth, basalt is often used to prepare basalt fibers or basalt reinforcements, which can improve the mechanical properties of concrete. Lunar soil has similar chemical composition, mineral phase composition and similar fiber-forming properties to terrestrial basalt ores, which are expected to be transformed into high-performance fibers to meet the structural and functional material performance requirements for lunar base construction.

Behind this research lies the wisdom and hard work of female scientists such as Zhu Meifang and Cheng Yanhua. "Academician Zhu Meifang hopes that we will speak out more for female scientific researchers." Cheng Yanhua, who walked off the red carpet, said that it is a bit difficult for female doctors to find employment, but in fact, women engaged in scientific research have their advantages - compared with men, they view things better , the way of analyzing problems is often more delicate, so the scientific research team with "male and female matching" is more likely to achieve scientific and technological breakthroughs. As an outstanding young female scientist, Cheng Yanhua expressed their feelings.

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