In order to attract more young people, a professor from Peking University calls on Shanghai to take the lead in relaxing the household registration system.

Release time:May 18, 2024 09:46 AM

Today, the fifth Shanghai Innovation and Entrepreneurship Youth Forum of 50 was held. Yao Yang, Distinguished Professor of Boya at Peking University and Director of the China Economic Research Center, delivered a keynote speech.

When talking about how to innovate better, Yao Yang said that we need to have a comprehensive consideration in the direction of innovation. Not everyone has to do 0 to 1 innovation.

"For example, if the United States has a large model, we will make a large model. Now China has more large models than the United States. It seems to be more than 20. Do we need so many large models? I'm afraid we don't." Yao Yang said, now online I am always anxious and feel that the American big model has taken another step forward. But in fact, it is unrealistic for us to want to surpass the United States in everything. Therefore, the development of new productive forces cannot only be interpreted as the need to do the most cutting-edge innovation. The most cutting-edge technology may not always be the best, and electric vehicles are an example.

Yao Yang said that electric vehicles do not actually use the most advanced technology. A better technology is hydrogen fuel cells, but in China's environment, this is the most suitable technology. Therefore, on the one hand, we must innovate from 0 to 1, but also pay attention to innovation from 1 to N. Even innovations with small improvements in traditional fields are very, very important.

When talking about how to create an environment conducive to innovation, Yao Yang said that we now have to compete with the United States, and to compete we must look at how the United States succeeds.

"I think there are two very important points. One is that the United States is an open society, especially open to immigrants. If you go to any company in Silicon Valley, maybe 60 to 70 percent of its employees were born abroad. Without these immigrants, the United States would not be able to survive. May become the world's technology leader. "Yao Yang said, therefore, China must continue to expand its opening up, especially Shanghai.

"I'm here to appeal, can Shanghai take the lead and relax the household registration system a little bit?" Yao Yang said, we need to attract young people to come to Shanghai to start businesses, but no one knows in advance what kind of people can succeed in starting a business. , the current point-based settlement system may not be the best system. "Shanghai should have a broader mind and attract more young people, not only young people from China, but young people from all over the world to start businesses in Shanghai." ”

Yao Yang believes that the capital market is a very important second point. "We need the capital market to reward innovation. The probability of innovation's success is extremely low, so you have to reward it." Yao Yang said that the return rate of Sun Zhengyi's investment in Alibaba is 2,900 times. According to the logic of capital and the logic of innovation, it is very Reasonable, because the success probability of a company like Alibaba is 1/2900, and it has to give a return of 2900 times before anyone invests. "Where does this return come from? From the stock market."

Yao Yang said that Shanghai has a science and technology innovation board, which has huge advantages in this regard. How to make full use of the role of the stock market to promote innovation in Shanghai and even China is a topic worth thinking about.

In order to attract more young people, a professor from Peking University calls on Shanghai to take the lead in relaxing the household registration system.
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