Stray cats have a new home, new neighbors travel together in the community, and Pudong’s civilized practices are diversified

Release time:May 18, 2024 18:01 PM

On May 18, Tang Town in Pudong New Area held the "Tang Town Civilization Co-Creation Day and 2024 Civilization Experience Activities". With the theme of "Civilization Blooms Together", this event invites new Shanghainese living in Tang Town, local indigenous residents, villagers relocated by the "Village in the City" project, expatriates living in Tang Town, and high-end talents from the talent community, etc. Representatives of the "Civilized New Neighborhood" were formed to publicly release 10 "Civilized Experience Check-in Points" in Tang Town to the public, presenting a wonderful and immersive civilized experience activity to the residents visiting the park.

Residents at the event received a map of "Civilized Experience Check-in Points", which showed Tang Town's unique "treasures" of civilized practice sites. There is the "Qiyou Happy Island" with both fireworks and fashion sense, the "Peiyuan Baby House" where you can safely "save your baby", and the "National People's Congress Representative's House" where you can enjoy the fragrance of books, smell the flowers, discuss matters together, and gather public opinion. ", and there is also a small theater in front of the villagers' homes - "Hongsan Village Artists Small Stage".

According to reports, this event aims to provide a platform for communication for different types of residents through diversified civilized practices and build a community atmosphere of "being good to, being close to, and having fun with neighbors."

On the same day, the Pet Friendly Day themed event was held in Jinyang Xincun Street, Pudong New Area. The reporter learned that this is a characteristic civilized practice in Jinyang Xincun Street. At the event, sterilized and screened stray cats were available for free adoption to the community. Many community residents came after hearing the news. Stray cats that reached adoption intentions during the event will enter approved adoption homes at a later stage.

This event is also a supporting activity of Jinyang Community’s “Stray Cat Management Co-Creation Camp” project. It turns out that stray cats in the community are a big trouble plaguing all parties in the community, and the dispute over stray cats has never subsided. There are more than 150 stray cats in less than 0.5 square kilometers in the first residential area of ​​Zaozhuang Road, Jinyang Xincun Street.

Since 2020, the Jinyang Community Charity Foundation in Pudong New Area, Shanghai has started from a problem-oriented approach and focused on solving the problem of stray cats in the community. By helping the community establish a resident autonomous team for stray cat management, it has linked up with the community property management, property committees, and surrounding areas. All relevant parties in the community, including pet industry practitioners and relevant government departments, work together to deal with the problem of stray animals in the community.

After many communications and consultations with community residents, neighborhood committees, business, property and surrounding caring merchants, professionals, government departments, etc., it was finally clarified that while carrying out TNVR for stray cats in the community, we should also promote scientific and civilized pet raising, so as to It prevents the occurrence of stray animals at the root, and recruits core volunteers to run the Cat Academy and carry out community adoption days, pet-friendly community activities, etc.

This event further publicized the concepts of scientific pet care and rational rescue. In the future, Jinyang Community Charity Foundation will continue to work with all relevant parties to jointly build a more inclusive and beautiful community where man and nature coexist harmoniously.

Stray cats have a new home, new neighbors travel together in the community, and Pudong’s civilized practices are diversified
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