Details of ecological espionage case revealed, "foreign professors" stole secrets under the guise of academic cooperation

Release time:May 18, 2024 16:57 PM

Ecological security is an important part of national security. The reporter learned from the national security agency that in recent years, some overseas non-governmental organizations or foundations, under the banner of “project investigation and research” and “ecological governance and protection”, have illegally collected and stolen our country’s Sensitive data such as geography, meteorology, and biology in important nature reserves pose risks to my country's national security.

"Hello, I am a professor from a certain country. I came here specifically to carry out cross-border academic exchanges. I would like to inspect the local ecological environment with you and provide you with generous financial remuneration!"

A few days ago, overseas personnel who claimed to be professors from a certain country, under the leadership of locals, installed a number of so-called instruments and equipment for "investigating the ecological environment" in a national wetland reserve, forest farm and other places in China, and established a number of small observation experiments field, and illegally collected a large amount of sensitive data on geography, meteorology, biology and other aspects of my country's important nature reserves.

Based on the clues, the national security agency worked quickly with relevant departments to stop the illegal activities in a timely manner. Professors from this country confessed to the fact that they used academic cooperation as a cover to collect and steal security data in non-traditional fields in my country. The national security agencies, together with relevant departments, will deal with the country’s professors and other persons involved in the case in accordance with the law.

In addition to the illegal collection of geographical, meteorological, biological and other sensitive data on my country's important nature reserves with ulterior motives, there are also some uneasy and well-intentioned overseas personnel who have roped in our personnel to illegally steal various sensitive data in my country.

With the support of overseas non-governmental organizations, a foreign university carried out so-called "project cooperation" in scientific research in the field of natural ecology with a national nature reserve scientific research management unit in southwest my country, and used methods such as interest solicitation and sexual inducement to win over our personnel. "Going into the water", instigating and coercing them to cooperate in illegally stealing various sensitive data from my country's nature reserves.

The work of the national security agency found that the overseas NGO has a complicated background. This so-called "project cooperation" is actually a major Western country using project cooperation as a cover to illegally conduct natural activities in our country without the approval of any department in our country. Installing weather stations, deploying infrared camera equipment, conducting GPS surveying and mapping, and stealing my country's confidential computer data in the core areas of protected areas, we have obtained a large amount of sensitive geographical, meteorological, biological and other sensitive data and pictures of important nature reserves in my country and transmitted them overseas. It has caused serious harm to my country's ecological security.

Through special actions, the national security agencies dealt with those who violated the law in accordance with the law, and carried out joint law enforcement with relevant departments to eliminate hidden risks, established a long-term mechanism for supervision and cooperation, and effectively promoted the confidentiality of relevant functional departments and the people around the nature reserve. Awareness, ecological safety awareness.

At present, my country's ecological environment digitalization and informatization construction is steadily advancing, which provides strong support for maintaining national ecological security, but it also faces some risks and challenges. Ensuring national ecological security is inseparable from optimizing and improving ecological security-related data protection. National security agencies will work with relevant parties to resolutely crack down on data theft activities in the field of my country's ecological environment and safeguard my country's ecological security.

The work of the national security agency found that some enterprises and institutions in the field of ecological environment have certain risks of leakage in the process of collecting, storing, and processing local ecological environment-related data; some ecological and environmental information systems have backdoor vulnerabilities, which have become a threat to foreign hostile forces to steal our country. An important attack target for sensitive confidential data; individual third-party companies responsible for the development, operation and maintenance of the system illegally collect, store, and process ecological environment-related data, bringing hidden dangers to my country's ecological security.

Details of ecological espionage case revealed, "foreign professors" stole secrets under the guise of academic cooperation

The geography, meteorology, biology and other basic data of my country's important nature reserves are my country's unique and valuable data resources and are closely related to my country's ecological security, biosecurity, data security, etc. Article 4 of the "Counterespionage Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates , other overseas institutions, organizations, and individuals other than espionage organizations and their agents commit, instigate, and finance others to commit, or domestic institutions, organizations, and individuals collude with them to commit theft, spying, bribery, illegal provision of state secrets, intelligence, and other Documents, data, materials, items related to national security and interests, or activities that instigate, induce, coerce, or bribe state personnel to rebel are considered espionage.

Protecting the security of ecological resource data is the obligation and responsibility of every citizen. If you find clues about illegal collection of ecological environment data, opportunistic destruction of the ecological environment, and other suspicious situations that endanger national security, you can report through the 12339 national security agency report acceptance hotline or online The platform and the WeChat public account of the Ministry of National Security report the report and accept the report, or report directly to the local national security agency.

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