Yan Shuang, a "post-80s generation", is proposed to be appointed deputy to the Party Committee of Meng City.

Release time:May 18, 2024 16:34 PM

On May 17, the Organization Department of the Party Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued an announcement for proposed cadres, announcing 16 cadres to be promoted and further used.

Among them, Yan Shuang, a "post-80s" cadre and director of the Third Division of the United Front Work Department of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee, is proposed to be deputy to the League City Party Committee.

Public information shows that Yan Shuang, female, Mongolian, born in December 1981, is an on-the-job graduate student, holds a master's degree in public administration, and is a member of the Communist Party of China.

Yan Shuang, a "post-80s generation", is proposed to be appointed deputy to the Party Committee of Meng City.

She has worked in the United Front Work Department of the Inner Mongolia Party Committee for a long time, serving as deputy director and director of the second division of the department. In 2022, she served as director of the third division of the ministry. She was awarded the honor of "Good Cadre in Responsibility" by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 2023.

The United Front Work Department of the Inner Mongolia Party Committee is the functional department of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee in charge of the united front work. Its main work areas include: work with democratic parties and non-party persons, work with non-party intellectuals, ethnic work, religious work, united front work in the non-public economy, United front work for new social classes, united front work for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, united front work for overseas and overseas Chinese affairs, team building of non-party representatives, etc.

In addition, there are two "post-80s" cadres who were announced for new positions together with Yan Shuang:

Yan Shuang, a "post-80s generation", is proposed to be appointed deputy to the Party Committee of Meng City.

Fang Ze, who was born in March 1980 and is currently the deputy mayor of Ulanqab City, is proposed to be the deputy of the Party Committee of League City; Zhang Yongqiang, who was born in August 1981 and is currently a member of the Social Construction Committee of the People's Congress of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and a member of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region People's Congress, is proposed to be nominated. Candidate for the deputy position of League City Government.

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