
Three Major Breakthroughs in Domestic Drugs to Solve the Endangered Situation of Advanced Lung Cancer: Multiple Clinical Research Achievements of Lu Shun's Team Approved for Market by the National Medical Products Administration | Domestic | Lung Cancer
Three Major Breakthroughs in Domestic Drugs to Solve the Endangered Situation of Advanced Lung Cancer: Multiple Clinical Research Achievements of Lu Shun's Team Approved for Market by the National Medical Products Administration | Domestic | Lung Cancer

From March to June this year, Professor Lu Shun, director of the Oncology Department of Shanghai Chest Hospital, led a team to make major breakthroughs in a number of clinical studies related to the diagnosis and treatment of advanced lung cancer, and promoted the approval of three domestic innovative drugs and new indications by the State Drug Administration., And published the results in internationally renowned journals LancetRespiratoryMedicine and EClinicalMedicine, with a cumulative impact factor of 222.31. In recent years, Lu Shun's team has made many breakthroughs in clinical research, and 14 leading clinical research results have been approved for new drugs and new indications, winning hope and future for more Chinese lung cancer patients. It is reported that the chest hospital in recent years, the rapid development of clinical research, has carried out more than 500 clinical studies, the number of leading drug clinical trials ranked.

Today, the Shanghai Medical Association innovatively held a special concert... Music therapy promotes mental health. Shanghai Medical Association | Shanghai | Association
Today, the Shanghai Medical Association innovatively held a special concert... Music therapy promotes mental health. Shanghai Medical Association | Shanghai | Association

To implement the Healthy China strategy, deepen the Healthy Shanghai Action, and innovate the health promotion model, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Physician Association, today, the "Medical Art Integration, Four Seasons Elegant Collection" cloud based boutique salon concert is being held, which is also the first large-scale music therapy public welfare performance in China. According to experts from the Shanghai Mental Health Center, music therapy is a systematic intervention process that uses all forms of activities related to music as means, such as listening, singing, instrumental performance, music creation, lyrics creation, improvisation, dance, art, and other activities. It provides opportunities to express and vent inner emotions through music and language communication, and can receive mutual support, understanding, and sympathy, alleviate various psychological and emotional troubles and pains, and promote mental health. The prelude to this music healing public welfare performance is "Qin Poetry Rhyme", allowing viewers to enjoy

Promoting China's Technology Going Abroad: Orthopedic Experts from the Ninth Hospital Interpret Domestic Surgical Robots for Foreign Peers | Surgery | Experts
Promoting China's Technology Going Abroad: Orthopedic Experts from the Ninth Hospital Interpret Domestic Surgical Robots for Foreign Peers | Surgery | Experts

Last weekend, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital welcomed four Polish colleagues to observe the precise and efficient use of Honghu by Dr. Li Huiwu, the chief orthopedic physician, on site ® Robot assisted completion of two total knee replacement surgeries. The surgical robot's powerful intraoperative assistance ability, intelligent navigation ability, precise registration effect, and precise and efficient surgery have left a deep impression on overseas peers. Before the surgery, Li Huiwu developed a personalized surgical plan for the patient based on their physiological structure, using Honghu ® With the assistance of robots, both surgeries completed precise osteotomy within 20 minutes. After the surgery, Polish colleagues and Li Huiwu's team had in-depth exchanges on professional technologies such as surgical intelligent planning, bone registration algorithms, and soft tissue evaluation. Polish doctors expressed great benefits. Relying on the 13th Five Year Plan for National Key Research and Development, Li Huiwu serves as the Chief Scientist

This social medical institution collaborates with enterprises to incubate a digital chronic disease management platform, providing medical services for over 300 million cardiovascular disease patients in China
This social medical institution collaborates with enterprises to incubate a digital chronic disease management platform, providing medical services for over 300 million cardiovascular disease patients in China

Today, the first medical innovation service summit forum held by Yaoying Medical Group reported that the number of cardiovascular disease patients in China has exceeded 300 million. In the past 10 years, the number of diabetes patients has increased from 90 million to 140 million. At present, one fourth of Chinese adults have hypertension, and the overall prevalence rate of adult dyslipidemia is 40%. The increase of cholesterol level in the population will also lead to an increase in cerebral infarction or myocardial infarction. Experts attending the meeting stated that a new model is needed for chronic disease management to enhance patient compliance and achieve timely and effective intervention. The incidence of chronic diseases in our country is becoming younger, and disease management is not only related to personal and family well-being, but also involves social public health services. As long as chronic diseases are well controlled, the associated risks will significantly decrease. Dr. Shi Haoying, Founder and CEO of Yaoying Medical, Example: Low density lipoprotein bile duct

The Municipal Health Commission's "Four Links" Study Finds Outstanding Problems and Seeks Innovation to Assist the Development Foundation of Shanghai's Biomedical Industry | Clinical | Municipal Health Commission
The Municipal Health Commission's "Four Links" Study Finds Outstanding Problems and Seeks Innovation to Assist the Development Foundation of Shanghai's Biomedical Industry | Clinical | Municipal Health Commission

The biopharmaceutical industry is one of the three leading industries in Shanghai. On the 15th, the Party Group of the Municipal Health Commission conducted extensive research in the early stage, focusing on improving the clinical research system of the city, enhancing the clinical research capabilities of medical and health institutions, and promoting the high-quality development of Shanghai's health industry and biopharmaceutical industry. They carried out "joint learning, joint research, joint rectification, and joint development" learning and exchange. At the meeting, it was reported that the Municipal Health Commission will improve the clinical research system, assist in the development of the biopharmaceutical industry, create a highland for medical development, and seek breakthroughs and innovations as a key topic. Technology is the primary productive force, talent is the primary resource, and innovation is the primary driving force. In recent years, the Municipal Health Commission has taken the "national municipal hospital" clinical research network as the overall layout, continuously optimized the clinical research policy environment, and focused on the construction of disciplinary talents

The specialist doctor for fetal diagnosis and treatment has arrived: Xinhua Hospital releases the English monograph "Intrauterine Pediatrics" in Pediatrics | Health | Specialist Doctor
The specialist doctor for fetal diagnosis and treatment has arrived: Xinhua Hospital releases the English monograph "Intrauterine Pediatrics" in Pediatrics | Health | Specialist Doctor

From the beginning of life, the health status of the fetus may determine the health code for a lifetime, and many diseases can actually be traced back to the fetal period. Who can diagnose, treat, and recover early when the fetus is sick? Nowadays, specialized doctors for fetuses have arrived: Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Affiliated Xinhua Hospital has extended the scope of diagnosis and treatment of the pediatric team to intersect with obstetrics, forming a new discipline - intrauterine pediatrics. Today, at the 2023 Medical Frontier Forum and the 14th China Women and Children's Health Development Promotion Summit, the world's first English monograph on intrauterine pediatrics was officially released. Sun Kun, editor in chief and director of Xinhua Hospital, introduced: "We will face the youngest 'patients' and focus on pediatric diseases originating from the uterus, including all fetal structural abnormalities, growth and development abnormalities, and congenital organ dysfunction."

Nursing workers also need to have all staff certified to work! Minhang District takes the lead in exploring the training and standardized management of medical nurses | Medical | Minhang District
Nursing workers also need to have all staff certified to work! Minhang District takes the lead in exploring the training and standardized management of medical nurses | Medical | Minhang District

In recent years, with the further deepening of aging, the population aged 60 and above in China has reached 267 million, and the number of disabled elderly people has exceeded 42 million, presenting a huge and rigid demand for professional medical and nursing services. It is expected that during the 14th Five Year Plan period, China's population will enter a stage of moderate aging. By 2035, the number of elderly people aged 60 and above will exceed 400 million, entering a stage of severe aging. However, the development of the medical and elderly care industries cannot be separated from nursing services. With the continuous expansion of nursing connotation, medical caregivers, also known as "caregivers" by the public, should not only become good helpers for medical staff, but also the backbone of the future elderly care industry. Recently, a reporter from the Shangguan News of Liberation Daily learned from the Minhang District Health Commission that in order to increase the supply of elderly medical care services and better adapt to the needs of the aging society

Shanghai experts from Renji Hospital continue to deliver medical resources to the doorstep of residents in Hangzhou Bay, and have been cooperating with Renji Hospital for 5 years
Shanghai experts from Renji Hospital continue to deliver medical resources to the doorstep of residents in Hangzhou Bay, and have been cooperating with Renji Hospital for 5 years

In December 2014, ground was broken; in December 2016, the structure was capped; in May 2017, a strategic cooperation agreement was formally signed; in December 2018, it was put into operation. June 18, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Renji Hospital Ningbo Hospital officially entered the fifth year of development. Xia Qiang, President of Renji Hospital, introduced that as the "vanguard" of medical reform in the high-quality integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, Renji Hospital, together with Ningbo Second Hospital, with the support of Ningbo Qianwan New District Management Committee, is advancing on the road of innovation and exploration of the "Shanghai-Zhejiang Cooperative Medical Service" model, bringing top medical technology and management services from Shanghai to Qianwan New Area, radiating the Yangtze River Delta, and benefiting the people. High-quality medical resources benefit the former bay "thanks to experts, saved my father." "I didn't think so

Early prostate cancer robot surgery preserves over 90% of nerves, accurately treating prostate cancer according to the characteristics of Chinese people | Surgery | Robotics
Early prostate cancer robot surgery preserves over 90% of nerves, accurately treating prostate cancer according to the characteristics of Chinese people | Surgery | Robotics

At the recent 2023 Prostate Cancer Academic Week and Pujiang Prostate Cancer Summit Forum, the Robot Surgery Innovation Center of Shanghai Institute of Urology and Oncology was established. On the same day, the prostate cancer sub specialty team of the Urology Department of Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital, affiliated with the center, released the latest data on robot prostate cancer surgery in the past two years: a single center of the cancer hospital carries out nearly a thousand early prostate cancer robot radical surgeries every year. Thanks to Professor Ye Dingwei's innovative upgraded version of the prostate cancer radical surgery based on the precision robot surgery system, the "Revitalization Technique 2.0", the proportion of patients who receive nerve preserving radical surgery exceeds 90%. The lifestyle and dietary structure of Chinese residents have changed, and the prevalence of early screening for prostate cancer has been increasing year by year. Experts say that the incidence of prostate cancer in China is gradually becoming younger, with more young patients

Experts remind that myopia surgery is not suitable for everyone, and hospitals in Shanghai welcome students to undergo a wave of lens removal. Expert | Surgery | Student
Experts remind that myopia surgery is not suitable for everyone, and hospitals in Shanghai welcome students to undergo a wave of lens removal. Expert | Surgery | Student

With the end of the college entrance examination, many hospitals in Shanghai are experiencing a peak of students taking off their mirrors after the exam. Recent data from the Shanghai Eye Disease Prevention and Control Center shows that the number of myopia surgeries has increased significantly compared to last year's college entrance examination, with a 50% increase in recent surgeries compared to before. Experts remind that although myopia surgery is good, not everyone can do it, and sufficient preparation and scientific selection should be made. High school student Xiao Zhang is preparing to undergo full femtosecond laser myopia correction surgery. He has 400 degree myopia in both eyes, accompanied by 75 degree astigmatism in the left eye and 25 degree astigmatism in the right eye. He has been suffering from myopia for many years while wearing glasses. "I have long made up my mind that the first thing after the college entrance examination is to undergo myopia surgery, in preparation for smoothly applying to police academies in the future!" The reporter learned that many candidates choose myopia surgery in the hope of breaking the visual threshold and choosing their desired major. Some students also express that they take off their glasses to make a living

10 minutes for 72 year old Tibetan compatriots: Shanghai experts completed the first transurethral prostate blue laser vaporization in Xizang People's Hospital | Urinary calculi | Xizang
10 minutes for 72 year old Tibetan compatriots: Shanghai experts completed the first transurethral prostate blue laser vaporization in Xizang People's Hospital | Urinary calculi | Xizang

On June 15, the 8th Tibet Autonomous Region Medical Everest Forum Urology Sub-forum and Shanghai-Tibet Urological Plateau Summit Forum and the establishment ceremony of Tibet Urinary Calculi Minimally Invasive Technology Training Center were held in Shigatse People's Hospital. After the meeting, Xue Wei, deputy dean of Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and director of urology, led a team to complete the first transurethral blue laser vaporization of the prostate in the Tibet Autonomous Region, filling the gap in this technology in the Tibet Autonomous Region. 10 minutes for the 72-year-old Tibetan compatriots worry about the transurethral prostate blue laser vaporization of the patient is a 72-year-old Tibetan male compatriots. He has had progressive dysuria for more than 2 years. He was diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia and his symptoms were controlled by drugs. However, in the last month, his symptoms worsened, with frequent urination, urgency and urination.

Multiple districts in Shanghai have launched the "Summer and Autumn Patriotic Health Special Action", focusing on preventing and eliminating mosquitoes in the environment
Multiple districts in Shanghai have launched the "Summer and Autumn Patriotic Health Special Action", focusing on preventing and eliminating mosquitoes in the environment

As one of the important contents of the patriotic health special action to prevent and kill mosquitoes in the summer and autumn of 2023, the city will carry out centralized and unified mosquito control activities throughout the city through the monthly concentrated action week. Recently, it was learned from the Municipal Health Office that during the first concentrated action week from June 12 to 16, each district concentrated on the prevention and control knowledge, urban and rural environment improvement, and breeding environment cleaning, further improving the urban and rural environmental sanitation, strengthening the maintenance of vector biological facilities, and doing a good job in disinfection and sterilization control in areas with high adult mosquito density. According to the introduction of the Municipal Love and Health Office, in conjunction with the consolidation and review work of national health districts and towns, this city has carried out centralized and unified mosquito control activities throughout the city through monthly concentrated action weeks, covering June 12-16, July 17-21, August 14-18, September 11-15, and October 1

Do we have to "dig and dig"?, [Bodyguard] Got uterine fibroids and mucous membranes | Surgery | Uterine fibroids
Do we have to "dig and dig"?, [Bodyguard] Got uterine fibroids and mucous membranes | Surgery | Uterine fibroids

Clinically, it has been found that many girls suffer from uterine fibroids. Do uterine fibroids need to be "dug and dug"? Which uterine fibroids require surgical treatment and which can be followed up regularly? We have listed relevant knowledge for female friends to refer to regarding this common disease. First, let's get to know uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumor in women, which can cause symptoms such as excessive menstrual flow, irregular vaginal bleeding, frequent urination, and even infertility. The symptoms are closely related to the location and growth rate of the fibroids. If there are no clinical symptoms causing discomfort in uterine fibroids, and there is no suspicion of malignancy, especially in women approaching menopause, regular outpatient follow-up can be performed without the need for special treatment. Follow up is usually conducted every 3-6 months. Most postmenopausal uterine fibroids can stop growing or atrophy. If there are any of the following symptoms, please advise

Academician Fan Xianqun's Message to 2316 Graduates of the Medical School of Jiaotong University in 2023: Responsibility is the Eternal Theme of Life | Responsibility | Medical School
Academician Fan Xianqun's Message to 2316 Graduates of the Medical School of Jiaotong University in 2023: Responsibility is the Eternal Theme of Life | Responsibility | Medical School

On June 20th, the 2023 graduation ceremony of the School of Medicine at Shanghai Jiao Tong University was grandly held in the Red Hall of the Shanghai World Expo Center. There were a total of 2316 undergraduate, master's, doctoral, and international students in 2023. Graduates who are about to officially become angels in white made a solemn "Graduation Oath of Medical Students" together, "Health Department, life trust... I decided to do my best to eliminate human pain, help perfect health, and maintain the sanctity and honor of medical technology. To save the dying and heal the wounded, we will work hard and persevere in pursuit, and strive for the development of the national medicine and health cause and the physical and mental health of mankind all our lives!" Ding Kuiling, President of Shanghai Jiaotong University and academician of the CAS Member, Jiang Fan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Jiaotong University and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Medical College, is "an example of strength" for 2023 graduates, and college students volunteer to serve the western region

Be careful! Asymptomatic atrial fibrillation is more terrifying | Patient | Symptoms
Be careful! Asymptomatic atrial fibrillation is more terrifying | Patient | Symptoms

Recently, Mr. Xu, who lives in Pengpu New Village, Jing'an District, woke up in the morning and found that his left limb was restricted in movement and his speech was unclear. His family quickly sent him to the nearest emergency department of Shibei Hospital in Jing'an District, Shanghai for treatment, and his head CT showed a cerebral embolism. A careful doctor found on a routine electrocardiogram that Mr. Xu had atrial fibrillation, but he did not experience any discomfort at the time. After diagnosis by multidisciplinary experts in the hospital, it was determined that Mr. Xu's cerebral embolism was caused by the detachment of an atrial thrombus formed by atrial fibrillation, which is known as a cardiogenic stroke. What is atrial fibrillation? Atrial fibrillation is a type of supraventricular tachycardia, accompanied by uncoordinated atrial excitation and ineffective atrial contractions. It typically occurs in patients with various organic heart diseases, preexcitation syndrome, and other systemic diseases. When atrial fibrillation occurs

Now, a museum will be built to inherit the mission of the discipline, and the top figures in neurosurgery in China will leave behind these spiritual wealth surgeries | professors | figures
Now, a museum will be built to inherit the mission of the discipline, and the top figures in neurosurgery in China will leave behind these spiritual wealth surgeries | professors | figures

Innovative, dedicated, and hardworking, Professor Shi Yuquan, a renowned figure in neurosurgery in China, has devoted decades of effort and hard work to these eight character guidelines. As a climber and entrepreneur in the medical field, under his leadership, China's neurosurgery has reached the pinnacle of world medicine. Recently, on the occasion of the first anniversary of Professor Shi Yuquan's passing, Huashan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University held a "Professor Shi Yuquan Academic Thought Seminar", in which dozens of experts from the field of neurosurgery in China recalled the academic ideas of the founders of neurosurgery. At the meeting, the Department of Neurosurgery at Huashan Hospital also launched an initiative to colleagues in the field of neurosurgery nationwide: to establish a Chinese Museum of Neurosurgery, in order to better inherit the legacy of the elderly and develop the field of neurosurgery at the university. Carrying a Chizi to Start a Strong Country Dream, Shi Lao was born in a scholarly family and was admitted to the National Shanghai Medical College with excellent grades in 1938

The online dissemination has exceeded 5.5 billion times, and 222 award-winning individuals from the first Shanghai Health Science Popularization and Selection Activity | Health | Activity
The online dissemination has exceeded 5.5 billion times, and 222 award-winning individuals from the first Shanghai Health Science Popularization and Selection Activity | Health | Activity

Today, the "Science Popularization Illuminates Healthy Shanghai" - the first Shanghai Health Science Popularization and Selection Tree Activity, jointly organized by the Municipal Health Commission and the Municipal Health Promotion Commission Office, organized by the Municipal Health Promotion Center and co organized by Health Cloud, produced 222 awards in four categories: health science popularization works, health science popularization brands, health science popularization management, and health science popularization figures, with a network dissemination volume of over 5.5 billion times. This marks another big step for Shanghai in improving its health science popularization incentive mechanism, which will benefit the physical and mental health of more citizens. Health science popularization is the first action of the Healthy China Action and the Healthy Shanghai Action, with fundamental, pioneering, and leading significance. The first Shanghai Health Science Popularization and Selection Tree Activity was officially launched in late March this year. This is also the largest health event held in Shanghai under the guidance of the Healthy China strategy

"Today is my 4th birthday!" Renji Neurosurgery team extended two life images for patients with intracranial glioblastoma | Lao Ye | Mother cells
"Today is my 4th birthday!" Renji Neurosurgery team extended two life images for patients with intracranial glioblastoma | Lao Ye | Mother cells

"Next year, we will celebrate our 5th birthday together!" In the 10th floor ward of the Neurosurgery Department of Renji Hospital affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, 54 year old Ye and the medical staff who came to inspect the ward celebrated a special "4th birthday" and made new wishes. Four years ago, Lao Ye suddenly became paralyzed on the left side and was diagnosed with the most malignant and worst prognosis glioblastoma, with an average survival time of only 14.6 months. Try to remove the tumor as much as possible to ensure survival, while striving to preserve the functional area of the brain. Zhang Xiaohua, the director of neurosurgery, is giving it a try, allowing Lao Ye to create miracles every day after his rebirth. A year ago, the tumor recurred again, which was very similar to three years ago, but everything was different. Zhang Xiaohua changed her second surgery strategy to focus on maximizing the survival time of the elderly. Compared to the confusion and confusion of the first time

Misunderstood pain patients | Pain department | Pain
Misunderstood pain patients | Pain department | Pain

Pain is also a disease. "Pain is really unbearable, and I don't know where to look." Wu Ping started experiencing stomach pain in July last year. At first, she thought it was a gastrointestinal problem, but she couldn't find anything. Later, she returned to her hometown and was hospitalized. "I had all the tests done from head to toe, and there were no major problems." The test report remained normal, and her pain was also normal. "I am very sad, it hurts every day, it hurts every day." Later, Wu Ping traveled to Shanghai and underwent tests on the appendix, liver, gallbladder, spleen, lumbar spine, and lung CT at different hospitals. However, she still couldn't find the cause of the pain. After being introduced, she finally came to the pain clinic. At the pain clinic, there are many patients like Wu Ping who come and go, with thick stacks of examination reports and medical records in their hands, intuitively quantifying the path they have taken on the pain relief road. There are some chronic conditions

In this regional medical center, patients make sachet masks to feel the warmth of home. The Dragon Boat Festival medical center | patients | sachets
In this regional medical center, patients make sachet masks to feel the warmth of home. The Dragon Boat Festival medical center | patients | sachets

Today is the traditional Dragon Boat Festival. As a regional medical center, Shibei Hospital of Jing'an District organized a special "love on the left and accompany on the right" activity to welcome the Dragon Boat Festival. The patients and their families wrapped Zongzi together to make sachets and feel the warmth of home. It is reported that the Elderly Rehabilitation Department of Shibei Hospital is a key discipline in Jing'an District, with 80% of hospitalized patients being over 70 years old, including those aged 90 or 100. During the meticulous treatment of the elderly, the Rehabilitation Department integrates family oriented services throughout, creating a humane "warm service" and building a harmonious doctor-patient relationship. Shu Jin, director of the Elderly Rehabilitation Department, said that with the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival, medical staff have found that a small number of patients lack family companionship and their psychological and emotional needs cannot be met. The hospital's social work department and department medical staff work together to build a "heart to heart bridge" for doctor-patient interaction and two-way communication,

Nearly two-thirds have not received standardized and reasonable treatment, and at least 9 million epilepsy patients in China have been diagnosed and treated | epilepsy | China
Nearly two-thirds have not received standardized and reasonable treatment, and at least 9 million epilepsy patients in China have been diagnosed and treated | epilepsy | China

June 28th this year is the 17th International Epilepsy Care Day, and the China Anti Epilepsy Association has designated the promotional theme of this year's Day as "Standardized Diagnosis and Treatment of Epilepsy: From Within Hospital to Outside Hospital". This morning, the "International Epilepsy Care Day Main Venue Event" was jointly organized by the China Anti Epilepsy Association and the Shanghai Anti Epilepsy Association, and co organized by the Pediatric Hospital affiliated with Fudan University, Huashan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University, and Zhongshan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University. It was reported that there are at least 9 million epilepsy patients in China, and nearly two-thirds of them have not received standardized and reasonable treatment. Diagnosis and treatment from inside to outside the hospital has become the key to effectively improve epilepsy diagnosis and treatment capabilities and improve the quality of life of patients. Epilepsy is the most common chronic neurological disease, with a long course that involves the entire life cycle, from newborns to the elderly

Zhongshan Hospital's heart transplant technique is bold and saves lives. A 17-year-old boy is in critical condition for fulminant severe myocarditis. Transplantation surgery | Heart | Myocarditis
Zhongshan Hospital's heart transplant technique is bold and saves lives. A 17-year-old boy is in critical condition for fulminant severe myocarditis. Transplantation surgery | Heart | Myocarditis

A 17-year-old boy had a sudden cardiac arrest and underwent cardiopulmonary resuscitation for two hours. After circling through the gates of hell, a team of experts from the Department of Cardiology at Zhongshan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University bravely broke through the restricted area and saved his life through heart transplantation. The patient's various indicators improved after surgery and was discharged smoothly on the 23rd. Xiaoye is a high school sophomore student who began experiencing symptoms such as fever and vomiting in late April, and subsequently experienced a series of symptoms such as general fatigue, chest tightness, and chest pain. During the process of seeking medical treatment at the local hospital, Xiaoye experienced sudden respiratory and cardiac arrest, and was urgently implanted with ECMO before being transferred to the ICU for further treatment. Preliminary diagnosis: Xiaoye suffers from fulminant severe myocarditis. Outbreaking severe myocarditis is one of the most severe and special clinical types of myocarditis, with a rapid onset and extremely rapid progression. If not treated in a timely manner, early

Fudan Medical Theme Education focuses on solving the "Eight Questions in Medicine" and extends the "Cutting Questions and Thinking Closely" research era of Fudan University | Medical School | Research
Fudan Medical Theme Education focuses on solving the "Eight Questions in Medicine" and extends the "Cutting Questions and Thinking Closely" research era of Fudan University | Medical School | Research

Adhering to the principle of world-class medical schools with Chinese characteristics, and answering the "questions of the times" related to the future development of medical schools, Fudan University Shanghai Medical College has recently extended its "cutting questions and thinking" research in theme education, focusing on the implementation of the "four linkage" work mechanism of joint learning, joint research, joint rectification, and joint development, and comprehensively and systematically searching for solutions to the "questions of the times". The theme education breaks down "cutting questions and approaching thoughts" into "eight medical questions", specifically: how to solve the "Qian Xuesen's question" of cultivating top innovative medical talents? How to climb the top of Mount Everest in the construction of first-class medical disciplines? How to answer the "fruit tree thinking" of high-quality development in medical basic research? How to find the "nuclear explosion point" strategy to enhance the energy level of medical and health innovation? How to embark on the "North Slope Road" of attracting world-class medical talents

600 beds set up: The "Clinical Medicine Center for Cardiothoracic Diseases" project of the Chest Hospital has started construction and settled in Tangzhen Center | Clinical Medicine | Cardiothoracic
600 beds set up: The "Clinical Medicine Center for Cardiothoracic Diseases" project of the Chest Hospital has started construction and settled in Tangzhen Center | Clinical Medicine | Cardiothoracic

On June 25th, Shanghai Chest Hospital held a groundbreaking event for the "Clinical Medical Center for Cardiothoracic Diseases" project in Tangzhen, Pudong. A health blueprint that integrates into the Yangtze River Delta integration strategy, optimizes the layout of medical resources in Pudong, and enhances the level of medical supply for cardiovascular diseases is about to become a reality in the near future. The construction of the Clinical Medical Center for Cardiothoracic Diseases is an important component of the hospital's high-quality development process. The center is located in Tang Town, Pudong New Area, stretching from Chengle Road to the east, Yupan South Road to the west, Kunyao Road to the south, and Tangxing Road to the north. It has 600 beds and a total construction area of nearly 120000 square meters. Party Secretary Wu Jinhua introduced that the center will build an industry university research medical development center and talent cultivation highland that integrates clinical diagnosis and treatment, clinical research, translational medicine, and basic research, and build a center with precision medicine and smart medicine as its characteristics

Expected to optimize targeted and immunotherapy regimens, Shanghai experts have drawn a genetic variation map of colorectal cancer in China | Rectal Cancer | Variation
Expected to optimize targeted and immunotherapy regimens, Shanghai experts have drawn a genetic variation map of colorectal cancer in China | Rectal Cancer | Variation

Recently, it was reported that Professor Xu Ye from the Department of Colorectal Surgery at Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital, in collaboration with Professor Hu Xin from the Precision Oncology Center, has successfully drawn the largest genome variation map of colorectal cancer in China, revealing the genomic variation characteristics of colorectal cancer in the Chinese population, and identifying genomic markers that can accurately predict the efficacy of targeted and immunotherapy for colorectal cancer. This has broadened the thinking for the basic clinical transformation of colorectal cancer. The relevant research results are published in the internationally authoritative academic journal Gastroenterology. Colorectal cancer is a malignant disease that seriously threatens the life and health of Chinese residents. With the changes in residents' lifestyles and the improvement of health screening awareness, the number of cases of colorectal cancer in China is increasing. Xu Ye said that high chemotherapy tolerance and high recurrence and metastasis rates are still obstacles for colorectal cancer patients to achieve long-term survival

Skin and soft tissue infection leading to shock, 63 year old uncle almost died in emergency | skin | shock
Skin and soft tissue infection leading to shock, 63 year old uncle almost died in emergency | skin | shock

This disease originates from a small and often overlooked condition, but is most common in the emergency rescue room, with a mortality rate even higher than that of common tumors: 63 year old Uncle He almost died from a skin soft tissue abscess with a diameter of 15 centimeters on his back. When he was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment at 120, his consciousness was already blurred. With the help of the emergency expert team from Xinhua Hospital affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Uncle He managed to escape the disaster. Chen Liang, the deputy chief physician of the emergency medical department, reminded elderly patients to pay attention to skin and soft tissue infections and seek timely medical attention, beware of minor injuries that may lead to major accidents. Not long ago, Uncle He was sent to the emergency department of Xinhua Hospital by 120 ambulance due to septic shock. He had a history of diabetes. He felt weak for several days and fell down many times. After a detailed examination by the medical staff in the emergency room of Xinhua Hospital, it was found that Uncle He's blood pressure was only 75/50m

10 Scholars Hired to Build a Health Think Tank: Changning District Building a "Regional Integrated Medical and Health Service System" Health | Medical | Changning District
10 Scholars Hired to Build a Health Think Tank: Changning District Building a "Regional Integrated Medical and Health Service System" Health | Medical | Changning District

To build an international boutique urban area with global influence, medical and health care, as a key link in people's well-being, is closely related to the daily lives of residents. How to build a regional integrated medical and health service system with abundant health resources, shared health information, and high-quality medical services? Today, the Action Plan, 5 Action Plans, and 20 Key Construction Projects for Promoting High Quality Development of Health Care in Changning District were officially released at the Promotion Conference of Health Care in Changning District and the Launching Conference of Creating a National Grassroots Traditional Chinese Medicine Work Demonstration Zone in Changning District. At the same time, the Changning District Health Care High Quality Development Think Tank has hired a total of 10 experts, and the establishment of a national grassroots traditional Chinese medicine work demonstration zone in Changning District has also been officially launched and deployed. Sun Bin, Director of the District Health Commission, introduced that Changning District adheres to a problem oriented and demand oriented approach and is conducting in-depth investigations

These warning signals can help with early identification, [bodyguard] be careful! He is also proficient in malignant tumors in his ears. If | warning
These warning signals can help with early identification, [bodyguard] be careful! He is also proficient in malignant tumors in his ears. If | warning

Aunt Zhang likes to pick out her ears in her daily life, and is proficient in both cotton swabs and ear spoons. Two years ago, her right ear began to discharge pus, and she always thought it was otitis media. Occasionally, she used ear drops to drip on her ear. Last year, Aunt Zhang felt pain in her right ear. She took cephalosporins and traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations to relieve pain, but didn't take it seriously. It wasn't until a month ago that she had bloody secretions in her ear and symptoms of her right eye not closing properly, which caught her attention. The doctor found granulation like new organisms in Aunt Zhang's right ear canal accompanied by bleeding, telling her that it may be a malignant tumor of the ear. Will malignant tumors still grow in the ears? In life, many people, like Aunt Zhang, have never heard of malignant tumors occurring in their ears. In fact, although malignant tumors of the ear are rare, the consequences are very serious, even life-threatening, and the incidence rate is about 1/1 million people,

Exploring the "dual contract" service of home doctors based on families, Zhongshan Hospital collaborates with 18 social health centers in the four districts of Shanghai, signing contracts with family doctors
Exploring the "dual contract" service of home doctors based on families, Zhongshan Hospital collaborates with 18 social health centers in the four districts of Shanghai, signing contracts with family doctors

At the launch ceremony of "Assisting the High Quality Development of Family Doctor Double Contract Services" held by Zhongshan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University today, it was announced that as one of the first batch of "coaching" national medical centers established by the National Development and Reform Commission and a pilot unit for the high-quality development of public hospitals by the National Health Commission, Zhongshan Hospital plays the leading role of public hospitals in urban medical groups, holding hands with 18 community health service centers in Putuo, Minhang, Fengxian, and Huangpu districts to improve quality and efficiency and achieve the "double contract" of family doctors. The five ministries and commissions of the country have previously issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the High Quality Development of Family Doctor Contract Services", which clearly proposed to guide tertiary hospitals to adopt various methods and approaches, promote the sinking of high-quality medical resources, and work together with grassroots medical and health institutions in the jurisdiction to strengthen the contract service force and jointly do a good job in family medicine

Add another ophthalmic specialist hospital in Fengxian District to supplement the public medical service system in Shanghai | Ophthalmology | Service System
Add another ophthalmic specialist hospital in Fengxian District to supplement the public medical service system in Shanghai | Ophthalmology | Service System

On the morning of June 27, Shanghai Puri Shangshi Eye Hospital officially opened, adding new choices for people in Shanghai in eye health services in the "national chain and city integration" model. "One City, Two Houses" to Create "Fengxian Health Circle" Characteristic Ophthalmology Service In 2010, Preh Ophthalmology Group opened Shanghai Preh Ophthalmology Hospital in Changning District, serving more than 100,000 people in the Yangtze River Delta region annually. More than ten years have passed. In the accumulation of patient groups, Preh has turned its vision to new plots. Fengxian District, located in the south of Shanghai, is one of the "five new towns. By the end of 2022, the resident population of Fengxian District has exceeded one million. With the rapid development of cities and the growth of urban population, there is a big gap between the supporting medical services and the people's demand for healthy life. In 2023, Fengxian District Administration