The 2024 China Cultural and Natural Heritage Day Huangpu District home event was held to crack the code of Shanghai’s city construction

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 08, 2024 13:35 PM

1292155318431911... If you want to ask how Shanghai was built, decoding this string of numbers may reveal the tip of the iceberg. A city wall brick, an old photo, a fighting party, and old objects lying in the museum provide clues for decoding.

June 8, 2024, is the 19th China Cultural and Natural Heritage Day. On the same day, the 2024 China Cultural and Natural Heritage Day Huangpu District's main event "Archaeology of the Huangpu Annual Rings - Exploring the City's Code" was held at the Shanghai Museum of History. With the help of a dialogue between the cultural relics in the museum's collection and the cultural relics and buildings outside the museum, a study of the history of Shanghai's city construction was carried out. Traceability.

The event is guided by the Shanghai Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau and the Propaganda Department of the Huangpu District Party Committee, hosted by the Huangpu District Culture and Tourism Bureau and the Shanghai History Museum, and organized by the Huangpu District Cultural Relics Protection and Management Office and the China Welfare Society Development Research Center.

At the event, Dai Ganhua, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Huangpu District Bureau of Culture and Tourism, delivered a speech at the event. The architect team, the Haiyan Blog white-collar team and the China Welfare Association Development Center children’s team became the first three archaeological teams in Huangpu District. Xu Yanqing, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Huangpu District Party Committee, Party Secretary and Director of the Huangpu District Culture and Tourism Bureau, and the Party Committee of Shanghai History Museum Zhou Qunhua, Secretary of the General Branch and Director of the Museum, awarded the team flag and emblem to the representatives of the team; three researchers from the Shanghai History Museum were hired as academic consultants and became the decryptors who led the "Archaeological Huangpu Tree Ring Team" to crack the Shanghai city code; Zhongfu Tang Lijun, director and deputy secretary of the Social Development Research Center, and Wang Juan, director of the Huangpu District Cultural Relics Protection and Management Office, launched the children's red study project "Educate the Heart, Run the Heart, Cast the Soul with Bacon" to trace Soong Ching Ling and feel the city's spiritual character; and from the protection of historical buildings 11 industry expert representatives in the fields of Party history, local history research and other fields were hired to establish the Huangpu District’s Fourth Cultural Relics Census Expert Committee. Li Jing and Xu Yanqing, directors of the Cultural Relics Protection and Management Division of the Shanghai Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, issued letters of appointment to the experts.

The theme activity of "Exploring the City Code" was launched

At the same time, various themed activities of "Exploring the City Code" inside and outside the museum are also exciting. Through clues such as a city wall brick, an old photo, and a fighting party in the exhibition hall, parent-child and adult groups participating in the orienteering competition can explore the cultural relics in the museum. It is related to cultural relics and buildings, thereby deciphering the key context of the historical development of Shanghai city. Huangpu District's first "most Shanghai" cultural relics theme tour - "Enter the Origin of Shanghai City" walking activity, connects several cultural relics buildings close to the origin of Shanghai city, leading citizens and tourists to reminisce about the "No. 1 in Asia" in the first half of the 20th century. The past glory of "High-rise Building", looking for the ghost of "The First Cinema in the Far East", visiting the location of the first Chinese insurance company, and the filming location of popular period dramas. Mayor Chen Yi's office in the Public Settlement Bureau of Shanghai Municipal Cultural Relics Protection Units and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce will also be open by appointment in the afternoon, and a dedicated person will be arranged to explain. The Shanghai Science Hall, a national key cultural relics protection unit, and the Shanghai Merchant Marine Hall, a national key cultural relics protection unit, are open free of charge by appointment.

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