A splendid chapter of context|China’s excellent traditional culture is the cultural root of the Chinese nation

Release time:Jun 08, 2024 13:27 PM

Editor's note: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has published a series of important speeches and important articles. They are distinctive in style, profound in thought, and profound in connotation. They use history to reflect reality and look into the future, shining with the truth of Marxism. The charming language in these important speeches and articles is a true portrayal of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s governing philosophy and a vivid reflection of his personality charm. The "Daily Learning" column launches the "Reading of Idioms" series, which takes the form of "Reading of News and Comics Texts" to help you understand the charm of General Secretary Xi Jinping's language from different dimensions.

Learn every day that "Chinese excellent traditional culture is the cultural root of the Chinese nation" "Chinese excellent traditional culture is the crystallization and essence of the wisdom of Chinese civilization, the root and soul of the Chinese nation, and the foundation for us to stand firm in the surge of world culture. "... General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly used "roots" and "foundations" to refer to China's excellent traditional culture on different occasions.

"Root" is a botanical term that has the function of absorbing, storing, transporting nutrients and fixing itself. Strong root veins encourage plants to continue to thrive. The General Secretary compared China's excellent traditional culture to the cultural roots of the Chinese nation, which not only emphasized the importance of inheriting and carrying forward China's excellent traditional culture, but also highlighted the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization such as continuity, unity and innovation.

The Chinese civilization is the only civilization in the world that has lasted continuously and developed in the form of a country to this day. At the 2023 symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping placed “continuity” at the top of the list of characteristics of Chinese civilization. “If we don’t understand China from its long historical continuity, it will be impossible to understand ancient China, modern China, and future China.” This conclusion profoundly explains “Why China?” .

China's excellent traditional culture is like the root system of a plant, deeply rooted in the fertile soil of China, and has continuously absorbed nutrients throughout its long history. This solid foundation has built a common value system that is used daily and unconsciously such as the Chinese nation's outlook on the universe, the world, society, and morality, as well as the spiritual background of five thousand years of splendid civilization, making China's excellent traditional culture famous in the world. In the cultural excitement, the fire is passed on from generation to generation and continues to flourish.

The twenty-four solar terms are the ancient people's seasonal summary of the agricultural season, which still has reference significance for promoting the harmonious coexistence between man and nature; the Taoist "goodness is like water" and the Confucian "benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and trust" have been accumulated for thousands of years as the core values ​​of socialism The important source of "Zhu Xi's Family Instructions" and "Disciples' Rules" has been passed down to future generations, teaching us how to be a human being and how to live in the world. A series of allusions cultivate our feelings of maintaining peace and responsibility for the rise and fall of our family and country; food, clothing, ancient buildings, time-honored brands, etc., carry the historical accumulation of the production and life of the Chinese nation, and are infiltrated into all aspects of the current production and life practice...

After more than five thousand years of continuous development, China's excellent traditional culture has formed a well-developed root system. The main root extends deep into the soil, and fibrous roots spread from the main root and are closely connected with the main root, showing outstanding unity.

"A history of China is a history of the blending of various ethnic groups into a pluralistic and unified Chinese nation." The Chinese nation has an endogenous drive to pursue unity and unity. People of all ethnic groups have jointly opened up a vast territory and written a splendid and excellent tradition of China. Culture builds the solid foundation of the Chinese nation’s community.

In modern times, the land of China has been invaded by foreign enemies. The country has been humiliated, the people have suffered, and civilization has been tarnished. However, the Chinese people have always "been humbled and dare not forget about the country." They share the same hatred of the enemy and continue to fight for it. One of the important reasons is that the five thousand years of cultural accumulation of the Chinese nation have promoted the formation of a national spirit with patriotism as the core, giving people of all ethnic groups strong support to jointly resist foreign aggression.

If the "cultural roots" are lost, it is impossible for the towering tree of the Chinese nation to remain tall and full of vitality despite the wind and rain. As General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "Abandoning tradition and discarding roots is equivalent to cutting off one's own spiritual lifeline." If you lose your "roots" and cut off your "pulse", you will lose your "soul".

To protect the "cultural roots" of the Chinese nation and inherit the excellent traditional culture, "inheritance" is a key part. There is a saying in "Book of Changes Wai Zhuan" that "talents are born by using them, and thoughts are drawn and inexhaustible." Only with the "inheritance" of historical continuity can we have a more vital "inheritance", and only then can cultural innovation have a foundation.

In the information age, people's production and lifestyle are undergoing drastic changes, and the collision and exchange of various cultural ideas and values ​​are increasing. It is necessary to open up the classical and modern, integrate traditional culture into modern production and life, transform it into daily and unconscious cultural use, and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture.

The "Prosperous Collection of Classics - 'Chinese Painting Series' Achievements Exhibition" brings together paintings that have traveled through thousands of years and national treasures scattered around the world through high-definition proofing images.

A splendid chapter of context|China’s excellent traditional culture is the cultural root of the Chinese nation

Wonderful Chinese-style programs such as "Tang Palace Night Banquet" and "Only Green" are popular "out of the circle". They combine modern technology with traditional dance art to "live" cultural relics in museums and give traditional culture innovative expressions.

National fashion products such as horse-face skirts and mugwort door hangings combine national style background with fashion creativity, successfully allowing young people to "plant grass". According to statistics, the market size of China's Guochao economy will reach 2,051.74 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 9.44%.

Today, the "cultural roots" are getting deeper and stronger, and a tree is blooming in the fertile soil of the new era.

Proofreading丨Liu Zhen, Li Shanshan, Yan Tiantian, Song Chunyan, Mao Changzhi

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