Fearless of joint venture MG7 entering the popular sedan segment market for the first time, MG | Strength | Market

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:52 PM

Recently, MG has gained a lot both domestically and internationally. Expanding overseas markets, the first convertible electric sports car made its global dynamic debut at the renowned Goodwood Speed Festival in the UK; At the same time, sales in the domestic market are also steadily increasing, and multiple models have been enthusiastically pursued by fans. It is worth mentioning that the MG7, which was just launched at the end of March this year, has become a dark horse in coupes due to its elegant exterior design, advanced driving quality, and superior price performance. It has won the top three sales in the segmented market for several consecutive months, and in June, it won the sales championship of a mid size gasoline vehicle with a sales volume of 4238 units, surpassing 200000 yuan. Industry insiders say that MG7 is expected to shoulder the heavy burden of Chinese domestic brands entering the joint venture imported coupe market.

Picking a big beam, possessing both beauty and strength

The MG7 continues to gain market and consumer recognition, and its dazzling appearance cannot be ignored. In terms of styling, it continues the sexy look of the previous generation of sports cars: the exhilarating Fastback design, the wide opening and closing Leopard Jumping Shoulder Line showcases avant-garde aesthetics, the supercar style frameless doors, the true double-sided four out tail row, and the adaptive three section electric tail wing that can be folded and released freely. These details all demonstrate the pure genes of sports cars. But these alone are not enough to make users pay, and the reason for the consecutive months of skyrocketing sales is due to the powerful internal strength of the MG7.

The powerful exclusive platform architecture must be said to be another ace of MG7. Born from SAIC Group's latest research and development of the Everest electromechanical integration architecture, it has the advantages of full power, high operation and control, high safety, large bandwidth, and super comfort, providing drivers and passengers with a driving experience beyond their peers, achieving a new height in the era of SAIC internal combustion engines.

The MG7 new car has a total of 6 versions, including 1.5T and 2.0T. The 1.5T engine is the third-generation high-power engine of SAIC Blue Core, which has been selected as one of the "Top 10 Chinese Hearts" engines. It is equipped with VGT variable cross-section turbocharging technology, which can switch between large and small turbines through changes in the internal blades of the turbine. At low speeds, the exhaust flow is controlled through the nozzle ring to increase intake pressure and improve the inherent response delay of traditional turbochargers. It reaches peak torque at 1500 rpm, allowing power to come and go freely and respond sharply. While ensuring power, it has excellent economic performance, with NEDC fuel consumption of 5.6L and WLTC fuel consumption of 5.6L. Consumes 6.25L. This level of fuel consumption is friendly enough for young consumers, even for household use.

Fearless of joint venture MG7 entering the popular sedan segment market for the first time, MG | Strength | Market

It can be said that the MG7 has changed the contradiction between luxury and sports passion that previous luxury coupe models struggled to balance, and incompatibility between indulgence and comfort space. It integrates elegant luxury and sports passion, making it a luxury coupe that can meet the higher pursuit of young consumers today.

Breakthrough of price to product ratio in segmented markets

Of course, in addition to its eye-catching appearance and high-performance performance comparable to sports cars, the MG7's magic weapon for capturing many female users is its elegant yet intelligent essence. The high-definition dual screen has a more integrated feel, while ensuring L2 level assisted driving, the MG7 also adds a 360 ° surround and transparent chassis, and sports bucket seats are not absent. In terms of improving quality, the MG7 to the US Elegant Edition is also equipped with a 9-speaker BOSE Premium sound system, paired with 256 color ambient lighting and panoramic sunroof, giving it a sense of ceremony. Many female car owners admit that they have been ordered by this group of fans.

From a price perspective, although the MG7 is positioned as a luxury coupe, its starting price of 119800 yuan appears quite sincere. Both in terms of body size and configuration, the MG7 is a leader in the 150000 yuan market price ratio. Looking at this price range, the MG7 is one level larger in terms of body size and configuration, making it difficult for competitors to compete with it. For general car models, common models generally require top or second tier configurations to have special features, and some even require additional decoration fees to buy the desired car model. But the entry-level configuration of MG7 has reached the luxury level. With this high price to product ratio, MG7 has surpassed a group of joint venture brands in sales and secured a position in the top three of the 200000 yuan segmented market.

The current market competition of 200000 yuan is very fierce. In this market, there are both joint venture brands that are constantly lowering prices, as well as pure electric sedans such as Xiaopeng P7 and BYD Han. The information to break through in such fierce competition comes from the superior configuration of MG7 and its intelligence far beyond its peers. In terms of technological configuration, it is equipped with the Zebra Venus intelligent system, which integrates numerous operations into the system, and also has massive entertainment resources such as Bilibili, NetEase Cloud Music, and Himalaya. The MG PILOT 2.0 advanced intelligent assisted driving and MG NGP advanced intelligent assisted driving are also present. High end players can also choose the only augmented reality AR-HUD head up system in their class, allowing the entire intelligent driving to achieve true human-machine co driving.

Fearless of joint venture MG7 entering the popular sedan segment market for the first time, MG | Strength | Market


The current automotive market is no longer a single attribute transportation vehicle from 10 years ago, and consumer groups are increasingly pursuing a sense of quality. They are pursuing a stronger and faster driving experience, while also pursuing new technologies and intelligence. Faced with the increasingly competitive and challenging automotive market, the MG7 relies on SAIC's manufacturing strength, cost control capabilities, and understanding of customer needs. With an ultra-high price to price ratio and brand value, it is expected to create a new height for Chinese luxury coupes, and face more intense competition and greater challenges in the automotive market in the future.

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