Collaboration between Yu and Jin: How to Achieve Bilateral Empowerment through the "Treaty of Mountains and Seas" in Two Directions

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 05:46 AM

Carrying out cooperation between the East and the West is a major decision made by the Party Central Committee with a focus on the overall situation. It is an important measure to promote regional coordinated development, narrow development gaps, and achieve common prosperity.

Shaoxing Shangyu and Jinkouhe District of Leshan City, Sichuan Province are approximately 2100 kilometers apart. In June 2021, Shangyu District of Shaoxing and Jinkouhe District of Leshan City, Sichuan Province signed a new round of pairing agreement for east-west cooperation, bringing the spatial and temporal distance between the two districts closer.

So how can Shangyu do a good job in Yu Jin collaboration with high standards and quality? Take a look at this answer sheet.

Building golden business cards such as industrial cooperation, digital transformation, consumer assistance, cultural exchange, and aid to the iron army between the two regions. Two years have passed, and Shangyu and Jinkouhe have been mutually empowered and developed in a coordinated manner.

On August 28th, Lu Xiaguang, Deputy Mayor of Shaoxing City and Secretary of Shangyu District Committee, led a delegation of the district's party and government to Jinkouhe District, Leshan City to coordinate the cooperation between the east and west. At the joint meeting, Shangyu District also donated the Zhejiang Sichuan Joint Construction Industrial Park Development Fund and the "Shao Le Together" rural revitalization party building joint construction project funds to Jinkouhe District. Shangyu will continue to do a good job in the cooperation between Yu and Jin with high standards and quality, and jointly write a new chapter in the modernization construction of the two districts on the new journey.

How do industries collaborate?

"Nurturing, building, and attracting sales" has linked up the industrial chain

How can Shangyu first become a "model student" in the collaboration between East and West? Guided by the "88 Strategy", Shangyu dares to do good and strive for excellence, comprehensively building a vibrant and welcoming "City of Youth". It has won the first batch of "Zhejiang Manufacturing Tiangong Ding", won the "Zhejiang Science and Technology Innovation Ding" for the second consecutive year, and won the title of "Top Ten Attracting Strong Counties in the Province". In the first half of the year, the gross domestic product of the entire region increased by 7.8%, ranking third in the city; From January to July, industrial added value above designated size increased by 9.2%, and fixed assets investment increased by 15%.

Shangyu is developing rapidly, and we never forget to take off together with Jinkou River, which has a brotherly friendship. Industrial cooperation is the first "golden business card" of the new round of Yujin East West cooperation. For over two years, "Yu Jin" and "Yu Jin" have insisted on making good use of the advantageous resources of both sides and achieving interactive win-win through deep cooperation.

Shangyu District has integrated a new round of east-west cooperation funds of 28.5 million yuan, partnering with Jinkouhe District to continue the construction of the third phase of the Zhejiang Sichuan east-west cooperation Jinkouhe Ecological Food Park and the improvement of the park's basic supporting facilities. Through the matchmaking of Shangyu District's aid to Sichuan cadres, it has successfully attracted 12 deep processing enterprises to settle in, driving an average income increase of 2000 yuan per household for more than 3800 households, solving problems such as insufficient deep processing of agricultural products, single value-added development, and weak market competitiveness in the region, and improving the "essence" of agricultural specialty products.

On August 17th, after hastily finishing his dinner, Luo Chenggang walked outside without stopping and "made an agreement with the company leader to negotiate the landing work of expanding the planting of 3000 acres of high-altitude blueberries."

From Shaoxing City to Luo Chenggang, a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy District Mayor of Jinkouhe District, and the leader of the Zhejiang Sichuan East West Cooperation Working Group stationed in Shangyu Front of Jinkouhe District, Leshan City, for more than two years, Luo Chenggang has been busy working for "blueberries".

Under his guidance, Jinkouhe District plans to expand the cultivation of 12000 acres of high-altitude blueberries by 2024, turning "small blueberries" into a major industry in Jinkouhe District.

"There is a slide, there are many blueberry 'elves', and you can also eat blueberry cookies, that's great." In Xinhe Village, Gong'an Township, Jinkouhe District, Jianggou's "Blue Charm" high-altitude blueberry demonstration planting and sightseeing picking park attracts many children. 10-year-old Zhang Yiyi grabbed the "tail" of summer vacation and had a great time playing in Jinkouhe.

In 2021, the Jianggou "Blue Charm" high-altitude blueberry demonstration planting and sightseeing picking park, which invested 5 million yuan in east-west cooperation funds, began construction in Xinhe Village, Gong'an Township, Jinkouhe District.

Xiao Qiulin, Deputy Director of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Jinkouhe District, Leshan City, said that the Blueberry Park was built in 2022, covering an area of 110 acres with 121 greenhouses inside. "Our picking garden is not only a planting base, but also an example of integrated development of agriculture and tourism. We have equipped it with restaurants and children's playground facilities, which is also the inspiration brought by the East West cooperation. In other words, agriculture is not just about planting, but also about combining the added value of agriculture with rural tourism to expand farmers' multi-channel income."

Blueberry cultivation has expanded. What if blueberry sales become a problem?

In the first three months of arriving in Jinkouhe, Luo Chenggang visited villages and agricultural product bases of all sizes and found that "although the agricultural industry development foundation in Jinkouhe District is good, there are problems such as low added value of agricultural products and weak industrial cohesion."

"It is crucial to carry out industrial cooperation according to local conditions." Luo Chenggang introduced that with the support of various forces in Shaoxing and Leshan, Jinkouhe District has established a "education, construction, and sales" full chain industrial cooperation model tailored to local conditions. In the entire industry chain, the working group is mainly responsible for project construction, financial support, and market sales assistance. The enterprises introduced through bridging are responsible for large-scale planting, product deep processing, and guaranteed purchase of tail fruits.

"Now, the 'trouble' in Jinkouhe District is that the planting scale of high-altitude blueberries needs to keep up. 'Pointing to each deep processing product of blueberries, Luo Chenggang smiled and said,' Last year, we introduced enterprises to settle in the standard factory of Jinkouhe District Industrial Park Phase II in the eastern and western parts of Zhejiang and Sichuan, aimed at the blueberry industry, and planned to build a production line with an annual output of 1000 tons of dried fruits and an annual output of 8 tons of anthocyanin deep processing project. '"

Under the mechanism of cooperation between the East and the West, Shangyu District and Jinkouhe District jointly build and share a modern agricultural park, supporting the growth of the "Five Bases" represented by 10000 acres of Chuan Niu Xi, 10000 acres of Huang Bai, 10000 acres of blueberries, 10000 acres of high-altitude vegetables, and 10000 square meters of Wutianma under the forest, creating an industrial pattern of "two medicines", "one cup of tea", "one bottle of wine", and "one fruit". As of now, Jinkouhe District has built one provincial three-star level modern agricultural park, three municipal level modern agricultural parks, and four county-level modern agricultural parks, leading the revitalization of rural industries in the Xiaoliangshan area.

Promote the transformation of "capital transfusion" into "industrial hematopoiesis", "one-way assistance" into "interactive cooperation", and explore the full chain industrial cooperation model of "education, construction, and sales" in the "Yujin" region. Luo Chenggang said that since the launch of a new round of cooperation between the East and the West in June 2021, we have arranged a total of 117 million yuan in cooperation funds, implemented 34 cooperation projects between the East and the West, successfully explored and practiced the "education, construction, and sales" full chain industrial cooperation model, and comprehensively assisted Jinkouhe in consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting with rural revitalization.

Collaboration between Yu and Jin: How to Achieve Bilateral Empowerment through the "Treaty of Mountains and Seas" in Two Directions

How to assist with consumption?

Innovate the "Five Specializations and Five Advancements" model

"As a foodie, my favorite dishes are the cured meat and sausages from Jinkouhe. Perhaps due to the high mountain grazing, although the meat is fat, it is not greasy, and the fat is a bit transparent, making it very chewy." Ms. Zhao from Shangyu often buys local specialties from Jinkouhe at the Rural Revitalization Shangyu Restaurant online.

Opening the website, you can see that more than 700 orders of sausages and other specialties from Jinkouhe have been sold, and the specialty of Jinkouhe, high-altitude mushroom, has reached over 4000 orders.

There are over 1200 households in Yongsheng Township, with an altitude of over 1500 meters. Almost every household on the mountain raises pigs, ranging from two or three heads per household to five or six heads per household.

On August 29th, the working group in front of Shangyu arrived at Washan Village, Yongsheng Township, more than 2000 meters away. The weather was chilly, and the villagers who went out to work had already put on cotton jackets. Now, it was the harvest season for cabbage in the Dawashan Mountain Agricultural Tourism Area of Yongsheng Township, Jinkouhe District. In the planting base, the green cabbage trees were big and full, growing happily. Villager Tong Hengcheng said that these cabbage trees had a good taste and were quite popular, and the remaining part outside was used to feed pigs.

According to Tong Hengcheng, most of the piglets in the households of the villagers in Washan Village were raised in open range before weighing 50 pounds. They mainly consumed corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, and vegetables produced in the mountains, along with grains. They were only raised in captivity during the fattening stage. This ecological breeding of fattening pigs has good meat quality and taste. "Our pigs need to be raised for a year, and most of the pork is used to make smoked cured meat for sale. I heard from the village officials that some people in Shangyu like to eat soy sauce meat, so I made some soy sauce meat and changed the smoking process to sun drying."

It is understood that in January 2022, the Yongsheng preserved meat production technique was included in the fourth batch of county-level intangible cultural heritage representative projects. In June 2022, it was included in the sixth batch of representative projects of municipal intangible cultural heritage.

Luo Chenggang said that, like the cured meat in Washan Village, although the quality of agricultural products in Jinkouhe is good, the aroma of the wine is also afraid of deep alleys. Since 2021, Shangyu has actively explored new models of consumer collaboration, actively coordinated supply and demand between the two regions, and assisted in the packaging design and brand building and promotion of 5 major categories and 61 individual products of agricultural specialty products in Jinkouhe. It has promoted the "Five Specialties and Five Entries" model of Wutianma, blueberries, tea, edible mushrooms, eagle tea, Sichuan pepper, rattan pepper, cured meat, sausages, and high-altitude vegetables, crossing mountains and rivers, and landing in Zhejiang Province through the "Five Specialties and Five Entries" model of "shopping mall special area, online special hall, supermarket special counter, cafeteria special supply, agricultural product special field" and "entering shopping mall, online, supermarket, office, and market". Supermarkets, government cafeterias, and dining tables in shopping malls, supermarkets, and other places like Shaoxing have become hot and popular items for "West to East Delivery".

It is reported that Shangyu has also innovatively implemented a new tripartite cooperation model of "government+cooperatives+e-commerce". Leveraging the collaboration between the eastern and western parts of Shaole and the "Yuejia Youwei" public brand, various forms of groups have been formed to participate in the "Zhejiang East New Commercial City · Shangyu Golden Autumn Shopping Festival", Shangyu Style Street Night Market, and other special agricultural product promotion activities. A "Jinkou Gold Product" specialty sales store has been opened on the "Political Procurement Cloud" online platform in Shangyu District, achieving a total of 112 million yuan in the sales of agricultural and sideline products in Jinkou River and other regions of the province in the eastern targeted assistance area.

Not only are the agricultural products from Jinkouhe popular in Zhejiang and other regions, but also the specialty products from Shangyu are sold to Jinkouhe. In February of this year, at Jinyun Square in Jinkouhe District, the first agricultural specialty product promotion and the launch ceremony of the 2023 Spring Shopping Festival for "The Most Beautiful Jinkouhe" - "East West Cooperation · Deep Mountain and Sea Love" - was held here. Shangyu specialty products such as Yiting Yangmei Shao, Lianghu Shuimo New Year Cake, and Gaibei Zhacai were popular among Jinkouhe residents.

How can digitization empower?

"Digital+" enables multiple industries to provide high-quality services for the people

The Jinkou River, with its breathtaking scenery of "Cloud Dawa Mountain and the Most Beautiful Grand Canyon", can be called a "fairyland on earth". However, it is also an area prone to geological disasters, with a large number of locations, wide distribution areas, and difficult prevention and control. Especially during the flood season in July and August, unexpected situations such as road collapses often occur. How can effective early warning be given?

A digital technology from Shangyu has increased the coverage of digital prevention and control in Jinkouhe, adding 7 sets of monitoring equipment to the hidden danger points in the entire area, effectively preventing and controlling disaster hazards, and achieving full coverage and efficient management of disaster prevention and control through "pre warning".

Zhejiang is a leading area for digital reform. In the new round of cooperation between the East and West, Shangyu has learned from the experience of digital reform, leveraged its technological advantages such as digitization and intelligence, and effectively improved the level of digital application in Jinkouhe.

"It's much more convenient than the previous digital systems." On August 17th, Zhang Yu, a pharmacy staff member, couldn't help but sigh while using the newly approved 2.0 version of the medical digital information system for work at the People's Hospital of Jinkouhe District, Leshan City.

Jinkouhe District People's Hospital is the only comprehensive Grade II Grade A hospital in Jinkouhe District that integrates medical treatment, teaching, prevention and health care. For many years, it has been guarding the lives and health of the people in Xiaoliangshan Yi District. "The previous system had few functions, complex operations, and often made mistakes. Fortunately, the Shangyu Front Work Group helped to 'iterate and upgrade'," said Liao Minghua, Secretary of the Party Branch of Jinkouhe District People's Hospital gratefully.

Since the beginning of this year, the Shangyu Front Work Group has focused on the digital needs of local medical and health public services, investing more than 3.5 million yuan in collaborative funds to help the People's Hospital of Jinkouhe District build a new digital service platform, and continuously sending various talents to Shangyu for communication, exposure, and learning of new medical digital information systems. At present, this new medical digital information system has passed acceptance and is officially put into operation.

It is reported that this new system includes medical management information, clinical electronic medical records, laboratory management, imaging management, intelligent supervision of rational drug use, clinical pathway management, infection management, surgical anesthesia management, and other sections, covering various departments such as medical, nursing, pharmacy, and medical technology inspection. It greatly improves the integration and management capabilities of internal data in the hospital, achieves precise diagnosis and treatment, and optimizes the patient's medical process.

"You can view the medical examination report on your mobile phone, without waiting for a doctor to check with a diagnostic report. Instead, doctors can share it directly on the computer, greatly facilitating our medical treatment." Local residents in Jinkouhe are very satisfied with the convenient medical services brought by digitalization.

"The online operation of the digital information system has integrated the medical information data of Jinkouhe District People's Hospital, greatly improved and enhanced the medical management and services of the hospital, which is another important progress in the digital transformation of Jinkouhe's health cause, and effectively improved the sense of gain of the masses." Liao Minghua said that through the all-round help of Shangyu, innovative and efficient practical measures have been brought to the digital construction of Jinkouhe District People's Hospital, providing strong data support for the next step of medical service effect display.

Digital applications not only enhance governance capabilities but also enhance productivity levels.

Collaboration between Yu and Jin: How to Achieve Bilateral Empowerment through the "Treaty of Mountains and Seas" in Two Directions

At the Blueberry Plantation in Xinhe Village, Gong'an Yi Township, Jinkouhe, Shangyu's assistance has applied digital technology to the cultivation of blueberries. According to Luo Qiang, the person in charge of the Blueberry Plantation in Xinhe Village, the blueberry plantation adopts advanced root control planting technology. After installing the blueberry planting and root control device, remote irrigation, fertilization, and other functions can be achieved through a mobile app or computer, opening up the path of modern "smart" agriculture in Jinkouhe District.

"Root control planting can increase root control, reduce transplanting procedures, effectively promote plant growth, improve plant survival rate, especially for transplanting large seedlings, which has a higher and more obvious survival rate, and stronger advantages," said Luo Qiang.

How can the iron army aid demonstrate its responsibility?

"Chuan" is a thousand miles away from the mountains and seas, working hard in practice

"How is Dr. Huang doing? When will he be able to come back?" At the entrance of the consultation room of Jinkouhe District People's Hospital, there is also Dr. Huang Jing's work license from Shaoxing Shangyu People's Hospital, and patients occasionally come to inquire about Dr. Huang's news.

Recently, the National Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Standardization Construction Office announced the list of hospitals that have passed the National Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Standardization Construction Project. The Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Department of Jinkouhe District People's Hospital in Leshan City successfully passed the preliminary evaluation and was awarded the title of "Excellent Unit of National PCCM Standardization Construction" Level 2 Hospital.

This day happened to be a whole year since Huang Jing, a respiratory doctor from the Zhejiang Shangyu Aid Sichuan Medical Team, arrived in Jinkouhe. This was also another project she participated in and guided after being selected and sent to the People's Hospital of Jinkouhe District.

Huang Jing graduated from Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a seven-year program in Chinese and Western medicine, and holds a master's degree. I have been working in the Respiratory Department of Shangyu People's Hospital in Shaoxing City for more than ten years, and from 2021 to 2022, I will continue my studies in the Respiratory Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University. Proficient in the diagnosis and treatment of common respiratory diseases such as bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary nodules, lung cancer, etc. Proficient in operating bronchoscopy, non-invasive ventilation, sleep monitoring techniques, etc.

It is understood that Jinkouhe is located in the hinterland of the Xiaoliang Mountains, with mountainous areas accounting for 99%. Respiratory diseases are a dominant disease in the internal medicine department of Jinkouhe District People's Hospital. It is necessary to improve the diagnosis, treatment and management capabilities of the regional respiratory discipline and provide diagnosis and treatment services that are suitable for the hospital's functional positioning.

At the beginning of Jinkouhe, Huang Jing, together with the head of internal medicine of Jinkouhe District People's Hospital, guided the department staff to carry out many new projects, such as sleep monitoring, biopsy under tracheoscope, sputum induction technology, and guided each patient in the treatment of COVID-19 infection according to the actual situation of the hospital and the department.

Financial aid and medical assistance are not just about "blood transfusion" in a simple sense, but also about "hematopoiesis", "taking it with you" and not forgetting to "keep it.". In order to improve the business level of the department and fully leverage the "group style" medical precision assistance model, while doing a good job in daily diagnosis and treatment, Huang Jing also took the lead in organizing and implementing the "Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" medical continuing education project, and held multiple lectures and continuing education training courses. He regularly carried out joint medical visits to rural areas, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease day free clinics, patient education activities, and guided the improvement of lung function tests, bronchoscopy and other technologies.

Chuanyue has a thousand miles of mountains and seas, and we must take responsibility in practical situations. Huang Jing borrowed the Shangyu Aid Fund group assistance platform and used her own strength to achieve fruitful results in medical cooperation between the East and the West.

Recently, due to health reasons, Huang Jing has had to temporarily stop working and return to Shangyu for treatment. During her recovery period, what she most cares about is the health of the people in Jinkouhe District.

Collaboration between the East and the West, spanning thousands of miles, working together for mutual assistance and common development. Dr. Huang Jing is not the only talented cadre in Jinkouhe's aid to Sichuan. From June 2021 to present, 2 cadres and 42 specialized technical talents from Shangyu have gone to Jinkouhe for temporary employment. Over the past two years, all cadres and talents have crossed mountains and seas, traveling up and down the Jinkou River to promote complementary industries, personnel interaction, technological learning, and conceptual exchange between the two regions. This has trained a dedicated, hardworking, responsible, and innovative iron army.

White clothes and black skirts, sharp short hair, a warm smile like a spring breeze, and gentle guidance and questioning were the first impressions given by Teacher Guixian. As a primary school Chinese teacher, she traveled from Shangyu District in Shaoxing City to Jinkouhe District in Leshan City to become a Chinese teacher at the First Primary School in Yonghe Town.

In reality, there are issues such as language differences, lifestyle habits, emotional adaptation, etc. When I first arrived at Jinkouhe, this experienced teacher deeply felt that "time spent on books makes me hate less" and "full of frustration.".

In order to adapt to the children of Jinkouhe, she uses her spare time to "talk about things" with them, and finds suitable educational methods for Jinkouhe children. She buys gifts from her own pocket for the children, rewards them for every progress, and makes the children feel the care of the teacher.

"When I first arrived, I wasn't used to it. I didn't know the language and the environment was unfamiliar, and I faced many differences." Zhong Jian, a cadre from Shangyu District, Shaoxing City, came to Jinkouhe District, Leshan City according to organizational arrangements and temporarily served as the deputy director of the district government office. He said, "But those who have the heart are not afraid. I told myself to work hard to overcome 'unfamiliarity with the environment' and quickly enter the role." In order to better carry out work, he led the Shangyu Front Work Group to make full use of weekends, holidays, and other times to conduct visits and research. ". In the fields, mountains, rivers, and valleys, Zhong Jian actively approached various towns and villages in Jinkou River and carefully recorded the characteristics of each town and village in his notebook. After a detailed understanding of the basic situation, Zhong Jian and the members of the working group focused on industrial cooperation, based on the resource endowment and ecological advantages of Jinkouhe, and leveraged the resources of east-west cooperation to carry out comprehensive and three-dimensional assistance cooperation from the aspects of aid policies, aid funds, aid forces, and aid intelligence.

Since the new round of cooperation between the eastern and western parts of Zhejiang and Sichuan, Shangyu has fully leveraged the talent advantages of seconded cadres, broken through the original regional work restrictions, gathered intelligent forces, integrated various resources, and promoted precise assistance through project-based, systematic, and specialized methods. With dedication and effort, Shangyu has created a new model of talent group assistance for Shangyu's aid fund cadres.

Luo Chenggang said that as the leader of the Shangyu Front Work Group, in the past three years, I will deeply rooted myself in the land of Jinkouhe with everyone. With the full support of the Shangyu rear area, I will work together with the people of Jinkouhe to strengthen confidence, unite with one heart, work hard, and move forward courageously. We will inject Zhejiang's strength into promoting national unity and the comprehensive development of the economy and society in Jinkouhe area, uphold the spirit of courage and sword of cadres, and demonstrate the style of Shaoxing cadres. In the new era and new journey of cooperation in the eastern and western regions of Yujin, we must not only focus on promoting the new development pattern of Jinkou River and promoting social and economic development with high quality, but also bend down, go deep into the masses, go deep into the grassroots, and focus on solving the key livelihood issues that the people urgently need. Let the voice of the Party spread to the hearts of the people, and let the achievements of national development benefit every household in Jinkou River.

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【 Quick News 】 SAIC Releases Half Year Report with Double Growth in Revenue and Net Profit

SAIC Group released its 2023 semi annual report today. In the first half of this year, the company achieved wholesale sales of 2.072 million vehicles and terminal retail sales of 2.237 million vehicles, continuing to maintain its leading position in the domestic industry, and monthly sales continued to grow month on month. Sales in the second quarter increased by 32.5% compared to the first quarter, outperforming the overall market growth rate. In the first half of the year, SAIC's overseas sales reached 533000 vehicles, continuing to lead the industry; The sales of new energy vehicles reached 372000 units, ranking second among Chinese car companies and maintaining a "month on month continuous increase" since January. During the reporting period, the company achieved a combined total operating revenue of 326.55 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.34%, and a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company of 7.09 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.54%, by optimizing its structure, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

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