Actively supporting the construction of people's cities, improving the system of work-related injury insurance, enterprises | work-related injury | system

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:03 AM

The human resources and social security department of this city launched a centralized publicity campaign on work injury insurance throughout the city in July. The theme of this campaign is "Work injury insurance, accompanying you", which is one of the government open activities of the human resources and social security department of this city. On July 18th, the day of the concentrated promotion of work-related injury insurance in Shanghai, staff from various levels of human resources and social security departments in the city walked out of the office and further popularized policies and regulations such as the Social Insurance Law, the Work Injury Insurance Regulations, and the Shanghai Work Injury Insurance Implementation Measures through distributing promotional materials, on-site consultations, training lectures, and online interactions. They enhanced the awareness of employers and workers to understand, abide by, and use the law, and made every effort to promote the entry of work-related injury insurance policies into parks, enterprises, government agencies, and communities.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasizes the need to improve a multi-level social security system that covers the entire population, coordinates urban and rural areas, is fair and unified, safe and standardized, and sustainable. In recent years, the work injury insurance in this city has broken through the traditional institutional framework, increased reform and innovation efforts, and taken multiple measures to improve the system of "prevention, rehabilitation, and compensation". The coverage of work injury insurance has continued to expand, the level of benefits has steadily improved, and the incidence of work injury accidents has continued to decline. As of the end of 2022, the number of people covered by work-related injury insurance in this city was 10.7247 million. In 2022, a total of 42700 work-related injury recognition conclusions were made, a year-on-year decrease of 11.83%; 31400 labor capacity appraisal conclusions were made due to work-related injuries, a year-on-year decrease of 17.82%; The number of people enjoying benefits was 53200, a year-on-year decrease of 14.47%; The per capita enjoyment level was 69500 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.31%.

1. innovation, promote reform, and vigorously promote the expansion of work injury insurance to increase efficiency.

The pilot work of occupational injury protection was carried out steadily. According to the unified deployment of the state, the Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security and other ten departments jointly issued a notice on the pilot work of occupational injury protection for employees in new forms of employment in this city. Some platform enterprises in the travel, takeaway, instant distribution and same-city freight industry will be included in the pilot scope, and the platform enterprises will pay occupational injury protection fees for employees in new forms of employment, and through single billing and monthly payment, realize that every single and every person must be insured, and fully protect all kinds of accident injuries suffered by employees on the platform during the execution of order tasks. Since the start of the pilot work on July 1, 2022, a total of 738300 employees in the city's new employment forms have been included in the scope of protection, and nearly 3000 occupational injury confirmation conclusions have been made, which effectively protects the legality of the city's new employment forms. Rights and interests have promoted the healthy and orderly development of the platform economy.

Priority should be given to grassroots express delivery outlets to participate in the orderly promotion of work injury insurance. In May 2022, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, in conjunction with the Municipal Postal Administration, formulated and issued the "Notice on Prioritizing the Participation of Grassroots Express Delivery Branches in Work Injury Insurance Work in the City", which specifies that starting from July 1, 2022, grassroots express delivery branches with flexible employment and high mobility in the city can prioritize the participation in work injury insurance according to regulations, and make detailed provisions on payment base, payment rate, benefits, and handling services. Over the past year, the social insurance agencies and postal management departments in this city have continuously optimized their services and strengthened the main responsibility of enterprises. A total of 50700 grassroots express delivery outlets in the city have participated in social insurance, with nearly 10000 people participating in work-related injury insurance for single insurance types. This has effectively protected the work-related injury insurance rights and interests of express delivery workers and promoted the sustained and healthy development of the express delivery industry.

The participation of engineering construction projects in work-related injury insurance remains high and stable. In November 2020, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and ten other departments formulated and issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Participating in Work Injury Insurance for Engineering Construction Projects in the City. The implementation scope of participating in work injury insurance according to projects will be expanded to various engineering construction projects such as railways, highways, water transportation, water conservancy, energy, airports, and municipal infrastructure. Since the implementation of the policy, the human resources and social security departments in this city have continuously optimized their handling services, strengthened information sharing with industry regulatory departments, and carried out joint supervision. In 2022, the work-related injury insurance coverage rate of newly started construction projects in the city exceeded 99%, effectively safeguarding the work-related injury insurance rights and interests of employees in various types of construction projects.


Actively supporting the construction of people's cities, improving the system of work-related injury insurance, enterprises | work-related injury | system

2. lower rates, improve treatment, focus on protecting market players, employment and people's livelihood.

The rate of work-related injury insurance continues to decrease in stages. In order to further reduce the labor costs of enterprises and enhance their development vitality, this city has continuously implemented a phased reduction in the rate of work-related injury insurance. From January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024, the benchmark rate of work-related injury insurance for employers in Class 1 to Class 8 industries in this city will continue to be reduced by 20% on the basis of the national industry benchmark rate. In 2022, the cumulative reduction in the payment burden of employers will be about 1 billion yuan.

The standard of work-related injury insurance benefits has steadily increased. Since the promulgation and implementation of the Shanghai Work Injury Insurance Implementation Measures, the city has adjusted the disability allowance, living care expenses, and dependents' compensation standards for work-related injuries and work-related deaths every year to ensure the basic living conditions of their dependents. In 2022 and 2023, the disability allowance for Level 1 work-related injuries has increased by 984 yuan/month, Level 2 injuries have increased by 906 yuan/month, Level 3 injuries have increased by 856 yuan/month, and Level 4 injuries have increased by 788 yuan/month; The living care expenses of work-related injuries who are completely unable to take care of themselves have increased by 923 yuan/month, the majority of work-related injuries who cannot take care of themselves have increased by 738 yuan/month, and the majority of work-related injuries who cannot take care of themselves have increased by 553 yuan/month; The pension for dependents of work-related deaths has increased by a total of 206 yuan per person per month.

3. build a system, focus on prevention, build a solid barrier to the safety of life and property.

The system of work-related injury prevention system has been continuously improved. In December 2022, the Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security and other five departments revised and issued the measures for the use and Management of Industrial injury Prevention fees in Shanghai, further standardizing the use and management of industrial injury prevention fees, and promoting the professionalization and professionalization of industrial injury prevention. we will continue to improve the trinity system of "prevention, rehabilitation and compensation" of industrial injury insurance in this city. In addition, in order to comprehensively enhance the awareness and ability of industrial injury prevention of employees in the field of hazardous chemicals and promote the safe development of hazardous chemical enterprises, the Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, together with the Municipal Emergency Bureau, formulated the implementation Plan of the training Project for improving the ability of Industrial injury Prevention of Hazardous Chemical Enterprises in Shanghai. A three-year full-coverage, high-quality training has been carried out for key targets such as the person in charge of production safety, full-time safety management personnel, and team leaders of hazardous chemical enterprises throughout the city. The training of 405 key personnel has been completed in 2022.

The coverage of work-related injury prevention is constantly expanding. Since the 14th Five Year Plan period, the key areas for occupational injury prevention in this city have been continuously extended. In 2023, they will be expanded to include the construction industry, manufacturing industry, hazardous chemical enterprises, metallurgy, as well as express delivery, takeout, and instant delivery industries. This has fully covered the key industry enterprises in the five-year action plan for occupational injury prevention in this city; The implementation scope of work-related injury prevention projects continues to expand, and a total of 40 work-related injury prevention projects in this city have been selected; As of the end of 2022, more than 300000 frontline employees in key industries such as hazardous chemicals, construction, and machinery manufacturing have been provided with work injury prevention training. Work injury insurance policies, safety production knowledge, and occupational disease prevention knowledge have been widely popularized among employees, reducing the occurrence of work injury accidents from the source and highlighting the positive role of work injury prevention.

The coverage of work-related injury prevention is constantly expanding. Since the 14th Five Year Plan period, the key areas for occupational injury prevention in this city have been continuously extended. In 2023, they will be expanded to include the construction industry, manufacturing industry, hazardous chemical enterprises, metallurgy, as well as express delivery, takeout, and instant delivery industries. This has fully covered the key industry enterprises in the five-year action plan for occupational injury prevention in this city; The implementation scope of work-related injury prevention projects continues to expand, and a total of 40 work-related injury prevention projects in this city have been selected; As of the end of 2022, more than 300000 frontline employees in key industries such as hazardous chemicals, construction, and machinery manufacturing have been provided with work injury prevention training. Work injury insurance policies, safety production knowledge, and occupational disease prevention knowledge have been widely popularized among employees, reducing the occurrence of work injury accidents from the source and highlighting the positive role of work injury prevention.

Actively supporting the construction of people's cities, improving the system of work-related injury insurance, enterprises | work-related injury | system
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【 Quick News 】 SAIC Releases Half Year Report with Double Growth in Revenue and Net Profit

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