Why is this type of economy so popular? , is expected to form a trillion-level market scale, and was written into the government work report for the first time

Release time:Apr 25, 2024 09:26 AM

Low-altitude economy refers to a comprehensive economic form driven by various low-altitude flight activities of various manned and unmanned aircraft and radiating to drive the integrated development of related fields. In 2021, the low-altitude economy was included in the "National Comprehensive Three-dimensional Transportation Network Planning Outline" for the first time. At the end of 2023, the Central Economic Work Conference officially listed the low-altitude economy as a national strategic emerging industry. In March 2024, the low-altitude economy was included in the government work report for the first time, once again highlighting its important position in the country's economic development.

In the context of a new round of technological revolution and in-depth industrial transformation, low-altitude economy, as an emerging integrated industry, has completely changed the traditional general aviation industry through major technological breakthroughs and innovative applications. The low-altitude economy converts the natural resources in low-altitude airspace within 1,000 meters vertical distance from the ground into economic resources, which is expected to form a trillion-level market scale and accumulate new momentum for economic and social development.

It is necessary, urgent and feasible for our country to develop low-altitude economy. First of all, the necessity of developing low-altitude economy is reflected in the fact that low-altitude economy will help my country achieve overtaking in the aviation field. Low-altitude economy is a strategic emerging industry direction for global competition. It integrates major high-end technologies such as three-electronics, flight control, and artificial intelligence. It integrates elements of autonomous driving, electric power, and low-altitude aviation. It has high barriers and application advantages. It is a traditional Changes in the general aviation industry. Compared with aircraft, low-altitude aircraft can take off and land vertically anytime and anywhere, getting rid of the infrastructure costs and terrain restrictions of paved airport runways. Compared with helicopters, low-altitude aircraft are powered by electricity rather than fuel. They are less noisy, environmentally friendly, and more suitable for urban low-altitude airspace travel. Countries are actively deploying low-altitude economic fields, especially in the development of drones and aviation logistics, and have made great progress. Our country should seize the technological turning point and the opportunity to develop low-altitude economy, strengthen technological innovation and industrial upgrading, and achieve overtaking in the field of low-altitude manufacturing.

Secondly, the urgency of developing low-altitude economy is reflected in the fact that low-altitude economy is in line with my country's future strategic direction and the development direction of new productive forces. Our country's economy has shifted from a stage of high-speed growth to a stage of high-quality development. It needs to get rid of the traditional economic growth mode and productivity development path and vigorously cultivate new-quality productivity. The low-altitude economy has a long industrial chain, good growth potential, large market space, and is green and environmentally friendly. It is the representative of new productivity. The development of the low-altitude economy is a strategic choice to cultivate new competitive advantages, create new growth engines, and enhance new development momentum. The low-altitude economy involves many aspects of aircraft design, research and development, manufacturing, and operation. It is a high-tech, high-value-added industry that conforms to the high-tech, high-efficiency, and high-quality characteristics of new productivity. Through the iteration of technology and the expansion of application scenarios, it can promote the research and development and innovation of new technologies and new products, and accelerate the formation of new productivity. The low-altitude economy is supported by low-altitude aircraft and is widely reflected in the primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Its complete industrial chain and radiating driving role can promote the development of aviation logistics, aviation tourism, aviation rescue and other related industries, and release the industrial cluster effect and synergistic effects, accelerating the formation of new productive forces. The low-altitude economy has broad development potential and market prospects, and considerable economic and social benefits, which will help it become a new economic growth point and achieve economic structure optimization and high-quality development.

Thirdly, the feasibility of developing low-altitude economy is reflected in the fact that our country has the advantages and foundation of the entire manufacturing industry chain. Lithium batteries are an important component of low-altitude aircraft. my country has strong advantages in the new energy battery industry chain, and its lithium battery production capacity ranks first in the world, providing solid support and guarantee for the development of low-altitude economy.

Activating low-altitude economic industries is an important measure to serve the construction of a new development pattern. It is necessary to use low-altitude aircraft as a carrier, be intelligent and green-oriented, integrate emerging economic formats and application demonstration scenarios, promote the low-altitude economy to connect all areas of residents' production and life, and promote new productivity to "fly".

First, solidly promote infrastructure construction and the formulation of flight rules. Incorporate low-altitude economic infrastructure into urban construction planning, promote the construction of information infrastructure represented by satellite Internet, high-precision maps, weather monitoring, and dispatching platforms, including vertical take-off and landing points, drone automatic guard hangars, public testing grounds, The construction of ground supporting facilities represented by charging piles, etc., and the construction of all-space infrastructure represented by low-altitude intelligent networking, communication and navigation, and unmanned systems provide strong technical support and data support for low-altitude economic and efficient operations. Formulate laws and regulations for the low-altitude economy industry, clarify access terms, support policies, route planning, airspace pilots, safety supervision, coordination mechanisms, legal responsibilities, etc., strengthen policy guidance and norms, and provide clear legal support and norms for the low-altitude economy Assure. Carry out the preparation of low-altitude economic standards and specifications, and unite scientific research institutions, industry associations, enterprises, social think tanks and other parties to jointly compile industry standards, national standards and international standards in the fields of low-altitude manufacturing, low-altitude operations, service guarantee and other fields to promote the development of low-altitude economy. Interoperability and mutual recognition at domestic and international levels.

Second, focus on full-area scene demonstrations and expand applications in multiple fields. The first is “low-altitude economic logistics”. Actively develop emerging logistics methods such as urban drone distribution and drone transportation, and strengthen the application of unmanned aircraft in logistics and distribution services such as express delivery and instant delivery. The second is "low-altitude economic transportation". Expand new urban commuting modes such as intercity flights, cross-border flights, air commuting, air ferries, and connecting connections. Cultivate an intelligent and green urban air transportation ecosystem and encourage low-altitude passenger operations to develop in the direction of clean energy. The third is "low economic consumption". Develop low-altitude tourism activities, carry out commercial services such as aerial photography, aerial tours, flight training, low-altitude flight performances, low-altitude exhibitions, etc., promote the construction of low-altitude cultural parks, low-altitude consumption towns, low-altitude flight camps, etc., and promote the upgrading of residents' consumption quality. Innovate low-altitude sports projects, carry out aviation model sports, parachuting, gliding, low-altitude racing competitions and other projects, and promote the in-depth integration of low-altitude cultural and sports tourism. The fourth is “low-altitude economic urban management”. Promote the application of low-altitude flight in land and resources exploration, engineering surveying and mapping, agriculture, forestry and plant protection, environmental monitoring, police activities, traffic guidance, meteorological monitoring and other aspects. In the fields of farmland surveying and mapping, power inspection, and crop monitoring, we will build a low-altitude production operation network that meets the needs of industrial and agricultural operations. The fifth is "low-altitude economic rescue." Strengthen the application of low-altitude flight in emergency response, medical rescue, fire rescue and other fields, accelerate the construction of a low-altitude flight rapid emergency rescue system, and explore the establishment of information sharing and linkage rescue mechanisms among various departments.

Third, innovate financial and insurance services for low-level economies and guide more financial resources to invest in low-level economic fields. First, highlight the guiding role of industrial investment funds. Establish venture capital funds and venture capital funds to invest in early stage, small and technology enterprises, and provide equity financing and "stock loan and debt guarantee" linkage financing channels for low-tech economic enterprises. Reasonably set up a fund profit-sharing mechanism to increase the participation of equity investment institutions and social capital. The second is to increase credit support for low-flying economic enterprises. Establish a "white list" for credit financing support and carry out "one chain, one policy" customized financial services to fully match the financial needs of low-altitude economic enterprises. Explore financial products such as low-cost credit, medium- and long-term technology research and development loans, and technological transformation loans for low-level economic industries, and broaden financing channels. Guide medium and long-term credit funds to flow into low-level economic infrastructure investment and reduce financing costs. The third is to promote financial leasing to empower the development of low-level economic industries. Innovate and develop supply chain finance, build a corporate credit evaluation system, and build a low-level economic and financial ecosystem. Encourage financial leasing companies, commercial factoring companies and other low-income economic enterprises to promote the integration of industry and finance. Develop equipment leasing, project leasing, intellectual property leasing, and trademark rights leasing products, and adopt diversified methods for credit enhancement and insurance subsidy. The fourth is to improve the risk management model of low-altitude economic industries. Explore low-altitude commercial insurance products for low-altitude economic industries such as logistics, manned transportation, and urban management, and expand the coverage of drone insurance. Improve the construction of the guarantee system for low-level economic industries, give full play to the risk compensation function of policy financing guarantee and re-guarantee mechanisms, and strengthen bank-insurance collaboration.

Why is this type of economy so popular? , is expected to form a trillion-level market scale, and was written into the government work report for the first time
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